
the Hot Handsome kid

Continuation of chapter 2.....

Juliet couldn't withstand the atmosphere anymore then took her bag and ran out of the class. She wondered around helplessly been fragile crying as well as sobbing untill she storm into a boy.

She fumbled to the ground as the kid stood gallant with some security guard behind him with also three friends of his, Marco, Lucas, and Diana. Juliet manages to stood up on her merit as her wry eyes meet the kid's lovely green eyes. His hair was nicely made and his looks, it's was another paragraph. His little lips were pink and his long nose, "OMG" she mused. The boy is killing.

"Are you blind or something" the kid voice echo slowly with a frown face as his brow lift slightly.

"Am sorry" she said bowing down her head.

Immediately and violently, the kid got furious and become a spoil brat, he collected an orange juice from Marco's hand and pour it on her head down to her feet, she got wet.

Furiously, Juliet looked up forming an anger in her "Gosh!, How dare you po ...'

"Next time, watch your step you ugly thing" he interrupted her and and walk away as his friends fall over.

She was left speechless as the other student whom turn out to be the spectators of the event giggled in a corner which made Juliet felt most embarrassed in her life.

Juliet looked nasty through all her classes and her day in school, so naive that every student who sited her immediately started laughing at her.

It was a closure time....

Many students began to run after the bell was player to the main entrance door, students locating their dad and mummy's car and the unfortunate ones still return to the school bus after school. In the mist of all the student running to their parents car, Juliet walk slowly like a cold girl freeze in an ice shivering out of the juice drink a kid poured on her. She is the type that run after her father even though she is fatto, she ran after her father and hugged him after closure time, but this time Orlando sighted his daughter looking so messed up and saddest tampered on her face. Some students were busy giggling at a corner while some point a finger at her laughing loudly. With all this incident, he siezed chewing his bubble gum and ran to his daughter. While he reached his daughter, he put one knee down making his level fit hers. It was obvious all over his face that was confused and surprise about the nasty thing poured on his little angels body. Gradually, he move his hand to her face "who did this to my angel"

Shivering, stammering, frightening and more, Juliet began to cry "Dad, it ..... was..... wa...." And boost into tears again.

What is left for Orlando to do unless to hugged his precious daughter just to calm her down. He picked her up, cleaning her tears taking her straight to the car.

He drove the car slowly making the cool breeze waving so calm at Juliet's face. Sitting at the front sit of the car, hand cross into her little chest, facing the world through the window of the car, she wipe her little tears away as the horrible memory keep flashing to her brain. It was obvious to Orlando that a girl of six is mature at her sense and going through twenties can go through.

Orlando keep glancing at both his daughter and the road feeling bad, furiously, he stopped the car. He gaze at his daughter who didn't mind but gaze at the dirty world through the window. Gosh, who could have done this to my daughter, he wondered. Could it be because she's ugly or what, then they decided to torture my daughter.

He stepped out of the car then when to the other side of the road, many trailers selling foods, junk food, ice cream trucks, cookies, balloons and so many more. Vanilla ice cream was and still Juliet's favorite, cookies on it like a strawberries on an ice cream, he bought one for him and her. The car wasn't ten feet from the ice cream truck, he got them and turn aback to the car, two ice cream on his both hands and chewing gum make him look so funny and escaping the cars on the road make him look hilarious. But Juliet did mind at all, neither did she smile.

He open the car with his leg which draw Juliet's attention, but still kept mute.

"Here you go" Orlando stretched out her ice cream to her. "Your favorite ice cream flavor with cookies on it."

Juliet only glance at the yummy ice cream with a long face then take off her gaze the window again.

"Hey c'mon" Orlando said begging.

" I don't want it, you keep it" she said crossing her hand tight into her hair.

All what Orlando could do was to sighed deeply "Alright," his eyes, widen the more, he lick his lower lips and push the upper "ah guess, I'll have to finish it then all by myself" Orlando has no other option but to gum the bubble gum on his wheel then began to lick his Ice cream.

Gosh, what kinda father do I have, Juliet wondered while she stares at him. Here I am angry and he wanna double take ice cream. But the ice cream looks tasty, she admit the began to swallow her saliva.

While she kept her gaze on her father's face, Orlando met her gaze "what" he squeezed his face while licking the ice cream.

"Give me back my Ice cream" Juliet snatched it away from her dad.

Orlando chuckled softly then shook his head. Am your only medicine my angel, Orlando admit silently.

"Alright, let's get you cleaned up" he jack up the accelerator and drove off.

Not some minutes ago, Orlando reached home as his daughter was far alseep. He carried her on his arm up to her room and place her on the bed, then return to the living room.

It's a holiday for him at work, wo he decided to watch TV all day and night. He jumped from one channel to another but no interesting show or films for him to gift his gaze to. Orlando fling the remote TV to the other couch the roll his eyes out of frustration.

Narrowly, he galnce caught a paper under the table in front of his. He picked up the paper and open it slowly the scan the paper with her wide eyes. He became speechless and his eyes, shake vigorously. His hands become heavy as the paper fly away from his hands.

So this is what is going on in her school, Orlando chided. How could a girl of six be going through such hardships and matured situation like this.

Angrily, he took the paper and squeezed it then threw it to the television.

"Well, I know exactly the way to handle this situation." With a hard breathe, Orlando murmured. He stood up and pick the paper then fold it into his pocket and finally head to his room.

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