

It is said morning baked cake is fresh and beautiful, but when it's allow the grey moon visit it, it become sour and ugly. It is a beginning with sweet melody in the air, a happy night, for some she guess. But not for her. A never ending moonlight play but a sad feeling on the little baby's face. In her little height, she sat at the edge of the window staring at the world, her brown hair spread aback like a yashy dustbin. Her face snatched by dark spot, her face, a fatto with a small mouth and a small nose. Her eyes were as red as the red chilly as she stares at the world that was so unfair to her, well she guess maybe the saying is right 'the beautiful faces are made in the morning well the leftover clay are used to make the ugly face in the dark night' unfortunately, she's among the last comment then she woke up with the unrepentant spot on her face, all over. The little girl was just 6 and had one person in her life, which happen to be her amigo, her dad.

She sat so calm at the window staring at the busy taxi in the night and the query of the traffick light. Her eyes were on them but her thought was miles away from them. People hates me.., but why? She mused.

She blinked her weary eyes away looking at the beautiful pink room her dad decorated 3yrs ago for her with a lot of effort. It was a grey night but her kitty room blown the darkness away, the little chandelier and the little lantern fairly pink and on as it brighten the room.

Feeling exhausted, her leg was about to reach for the floor as her ears claim the soft tone voice which made her brow lift slightly.

"What's my baby doing at the window this night" a soft loving voice echoed in her little room.

Juliet reached the the floor as she ran to him then wrap herself on the tall, handsome man waist who was in his early thirties. He now levelled his height to hers and hug her properly patting her hair "daddy" Juliet said.

"What's with my daura now," he withdraw from the hug then held his daughter's little hand "wassup". Then he began to play with his thick brown brow and a wide thing influence his lips, a smile.

Trying to avoid the mood swing, Juliet smile broadly as she shy away then pitch her dad so hard that made him shout silently. Pushing her lower lips out then she crossed her arm into her little chest with the angry face she put on "where were you all along, I was waiting for you" she ran to her library stalk and pointed at something "look here, i made you a coffee and now it's cold already" in a jiffy, Juliet plug on a long face.

Orlando stood tall rolling his eyes then untie his whit collar at his neck then throw it away to Juliet's bed. Walking so sluggishly, he button his shirt then squat at Juliet's height. He took the cup, began to observe the coffee inside the pottery cup then sipped it as he base his gaze on his daughter's face. " I never knew my darling dollcan make such a wonderful coffee better than Fernando Tea and Spice" he admit and took a sip again " they need you there the most" Orlando tease her.

"But dad, it suppose to be served hot"

"Buh my darling doll coffee is best served when it's cool" Orlando chuckled as he saw his daughter planning to give up on the topice. She hit her forehead with her palm to her dad's silly thought.

While he chuckled amiably, he dropped the cup at the desk beside her Library stalk gentlly and held her cheeks, after some eye contact he kissed her forehead "your coffee is the best". All Juliet could do was to give a warm smile. Even when the world was cruel to her, the only thing that made her to keep believing in God was because he gave her a loving father. Orlando began to look around the room then lastly based his gaze on the before the land it on Juliet "where's Aunt Migel" he asked with a confused face.

Juliet roll her eyes then went flat on the bed "c'mon dad," she sat straight again then her mouth formed a taunt, angry line "or are you planning on marrying again" she wanted to teased him buh what she taught was a joke to her make her dad brow furrow a little as his fake smile couldn't cover his truth from me. It seems he didn't like the joke. After the death of Juliet's mother, Orlando never had a test for any woman. Juliet wave that moment away as she wince "you are becoming too forgetfull these days. Wasn't she the you gave permission to go see her son at the nearest city, I mean another side of the country"

Surprisingly, Orlando mouth formed a down bend shape the hop to the bed and took Juliet along as their both stare at the pinky chandelier. "I've totally forgotten about that my angel" he sighed loudly then plug out his phone out of his pocket.

He seems stressed out to Juliet. His eyes were pale and dizzy also exhausted.

Orlando scrolled through some list he ordered this week then click on the recent order he made "look at this my angel".

Juilet turn to the other side as she place her head on her father's broad chest then peep at the phone. Sighting at the order alone, she snatched the phone from her father's hand as her eyes widen delightful, "OMG! dad, " Juliet jumped up from the bed so happy and excited "that's the dress I once asked you to get for me last week at the Mall"

With a nod, Orlando answered happily.

Just in a moment, the sad emotion tampered with Juliet's face then comes the mix of emotions which lead her little butts to settle down on the bed. Orlando lean on his butts too as he fold the sleeve of his hand.

"What's wrong" what seems to be serious, the young man beside Juliet chew something seriously inside his couple little mouth.

hi, am Clara lawal. am a new writer and this is my first novel. hope you all enjoy my first novel. this book named moonlight is a novel that starts from Juliet's childhood so don't be discouraged by the beginning. Trust me the book is very interesting, hope you all enjoy it bye. Here is my contact number if you wanna see one in one with me 09134124858.

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