
Moonlight Mile

What happens when a Fabled Assassin took a vacation? Monsters exist, and Siegfried Silverstein is one of the top agents of a clandestine organization that keeps the peace between humans and monsters in secret. Now, in his vacation, the Head Director assigned him to take care of monsters that are currently living under his roof. With the help of their Coordinator, Mr. Heinz, Siegfried is balancing his life as both a top assassin and trying to experience a "normal" life, with the added difficulty of caring said monsters.

Melkti · Action
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter I: A New Beginning

April 2nd, 2016, 6:04 AM. The sound of grunts, the sound of efforted rhythmic pants, the gentle wind swaying the branches of Sakura trees and blossoms being swept by the breeze and slowly falling into the still river as the blossom created ripples. On the rippled images a hooded man's image passed through swiftly and is running at a steady pace, each time he breathed in and out it created a small mist on his mouth due to the cold morning atmosphere. His running path involved the neighborhood, and in his vision, he saw humans and non-humans who were doing their morning routines. He eventually stopped at a nearby convenience store, he took off his hood revealing a man with platinum-blonde hair whose length reached past his shoulders and glistened with the morning sun. He took a deep breath and sighed out, letting out a large mist before disappearing, and glanced at the convenience store and remembered that he had to buy something.

He entered the store, and the cashier at the door greeted him, "Good morning, welcome to our store please, take your time." But the man simply ignored her polite greetings and proceeded to the aisle where the magazines and newspapers are located, there he saw a Female Felynnes or Cat-girls Gravure Models wearing scanty clothing and posing erotically, but he paid no mind to that instead he had eyes on the prize on the daily newspaper. He grabbed it out of its container, found a seat beside the store window, and began reading. In the newspaper, he found various articles such as crime, health, sports, celebrity life, and other things. "Seven Yakuza Members of the Infamous Dojima-kai were found dead." Read by the Newspaper, "Rising Monster Idol Group Sweet n' Spicy is capturing not only the hearts of the Japanese and also garnering adoration around the world." And "Relations between the deep-sea Atlantean Kingdoms, Cities Above the Earth and other 'Hidden Nations' are steadily improving." He grunted after reading and, saw the freshly baked loaf of white bread, subsequently bought it, and went outside, he checked his phone for the time it was 6:45 AM. And nodded in approval, and ran back home.

He arrived at his house, it was a two-story beige-colored house, with deep brown metal padded gate and neatly trimmed bushes. He was at the door, took the keys out, and went in, as the dim corridor was only lit by the morning light, he took a look at the mirror, and saw his eye bagged face and paid no mind to, as he took off his jacket and was about to wash his face. Soon after cleansing his face he wore a dark grey long-sleeved shirt and decided to make some breakfast first both for himself and his "housemate". He put on his apron, rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen, turned on the coffeemaker, placed the grounded beans inside and went to the toaster and placed the bread, fired up the stove, cracked a couple of eggs, and made some omelets with them and while he was frying, he went to the fridge and grabbed a couple of tomatoes, cabbages, and lettuce, celery, half a radish, and extra virgin olive oil and tossed them to the counter. While he was done frying them. He switched it up and fried some bacon as well, as the thinly-chopped porkers were frying in the pan, he slices the tomatoes expertly and evenly, ripped the cabbages and lettuce, and proficiently chopped the half radish, he placed them in a salad spinner and seasoned with a little bit of salt pepper and sprinkled plenty of olive oil and mashed the button repeatedly until it was done. He picked up the freshly cooked bacon and placed them on a plate with table napkins to absorb the excess oil. Prepared the table and breakfast was served. He removed his apron and went to the other bedroom door to knock. "Breakfast ready." Softly said by Siegfried. He tilted his head in question as the occupant of that room didn't respond, "Hmm..." He turned the doorknob and was slightly surprised that it was unlocked, slowly he creaked it open and saw only a dim but slightly visible room, and it was visible enough to see a disastrous mess at his housemate's bedroom. On the bed, there was a large lump that was covered by the thick pink blanket, gently he rocked the mass on the bed awake, "Please wake up, breakfast is ready." He said in a gentle albeit emotionless voice. And the voice on the hidden blanket groaned, "Nya... Five more minutes." It was a girl's voice, it spoke in English, not knowing what to do, he let her be and went to the dining table. As he was about to take a seat, he looked in the direction of her housemate's bedroom and saw a beautiful, voluptuous pink-haired, half-naked maiden with cat ears on her head, and her tail laid drooped down at her back. He nodded in approval, "Breakfast's ready, come eat." his eyes drifted to her plentiful chest, and saw that she was topless, but didn't react, "Your clothes..."

"Nya... I'm still so sleepy, nya..." Yawned by Lily, then an idea popped into his head, and went to the freezer and grabbed a thick fresh slice of Bluefin tuna meat, and showed it to Lily. "Cats prefer this, right?" and that woke up Lily, "Nya! Tuna!" She pounced on Siegfried like a tiger and both of them lying on the kitchen floor snatching the slab of tuna from his hand with her mouth she suffocated Siegfried with her 'flesh pillows'. But Siegfried didn't say anything and just let it happen, and while Lily was on top of him happily eating the slab of tuna, he thought to himself, (It seems, that the Knight's Bestiary was correct. This is valuable information.)

And as Lily was consuming the raw cold tuna, she realized that she was on top of his Host, "Oh nya! I'm sorry, I didn't mean on jumping you like that." tuna in her mouth, she got off of him and stood up. But Siegfried's expression remained the same, cold, and emotionless, "It's fine, Ms. Whiskers. If you're still hungry you can eat the meal I made you."

And so Lily got a loose-fitting shirt and ate together in silence, Lily was kinda getting bothered by this silence and felt like she should speak, "N-Nya! This breakfast you made tastes amazing, Mr. Host!" he nodded, "Thank you, Ms. Whiskers. If you'd like I can make you another serving." And she smiled at his gesture of generosity, "Nya, really? I'd love to but this is plentiful already." He nodded, "I see..." and continued to eat in silence.

After eating breakfast Siegfried took the dirty plates and placed them on the kitchen sink, and remembered something, "Ah, that reminds me..." and called for Lily's attention, "Ms. Whiskers? I have been ordered to show you around town." And Lily with a satisfied expression said, "Nya? We're going out?" he nodded, "Yes. 'Going out as Mr. Heinz explicitly told me to show you around town." And he continued, "After washing the dishes, I will prepare a bath for you."

"Nya? Okay. Contrary to popular belief, we Felynnes like to bathe in water, nya." shared by Lily. "That so?" (That went more smoothly than expected. Why did they set me up for this?) silently thought by Siegfried. As he was doing the dishes his cell phone rang, he looked at it, and his facial expression remained, emotionless, "Oh, it's the Director..." and he calmly answered the call. He dried his hands and went to the second floor of the house to speak more privately with his superior. "Hello? Head Director Kitsune?" Said by Siegfried. "Ah, if it isn't my wonderful, wonderful Grey Knight? How are you, my dear asset?" Replied by Director Hana. "Guten Morgen, Head Director. I'm doing quite well." Replied by Siegfried. "Oh my, oh my, I heard that you signed up for the Host Family Program for the other species to know of the culture. Is that true?" Asked by Director Hana. "Well yes, but at the same time, no." He paused for a second to try to think up something but came up with nothing. "It's rather difficult to explain, Director." Replied with a monotone and robotic disposition. "I see... If you don't mind..." Said by the Director. "Don't mind what, Director?" Asked by Siegfried. "I know you're on vacation with pay and all, but I've received reports that there are "Illegal Activities" that break the law on the Interspecies Exchange Bill well within our line of work." Continued by the Director. "Is that so? You're asking me if I could handle it then?" Replied by Siegfried. "Exactly, Siegfried Silverstein or should I say 'The Reaper'? So, can I entrust this to you?" Asked by the Director. "I can't say no, now can I?" said by Siegfried. She giggled, "Of course, you'll be paid. It is still work, after all." Assured by the Director to Siegfried. after a brief moment of hesitation, he sighed in relent. "Very well." Acknowledged by Siegfried. "Hmhmhm, I knew I can count on you. We will send you the mission details in your personal communicator, around at night is that good?" Asked by the Director. "Yes, Director Hana, that'll be good." Said by Siegfried. "Well then, be well, Siegfried." wished by the Director. "You too, Head Director, goodbye." Replied by Siegfried. Then Lily crept up near the corner of the stairwell and stared suspiciously, "Nya... why are you talking to yourself?" Asked by Lily. "I wasn't talking to myself. I was on the phone." Robotically replied back to Lily. And went down to finish washing the dishes.

As they were discussing, in the Central Headquarters of The Knights of Night located at a top-secret military base somewhere in the European Continent, sat the top floor of the massive reinforced building was sitting a woman with straight black hair and the finest Black Arachnidian Silk dress matched with dazzling black genuine leather dress shoes. Her jet-black nine-tails waved amusingly and sighed and thought of the conversation she had with Siegfried. Her assistant asked, "Is something the matter, my Lady?" she shook her head, "Oh, it's nothing Alicia." She continued, "If you so desire, I shall brew you your evening tea." She answered, "That would be lovely, Alicia, thank you." (Siegfried Silverstein, 18 years old, with more than 8 years of service; a child soldier... Now if memory serves and his detailed report describes: he has a slim yet muscular figure, has pale-skin and a tall physique, his distinct features include his platinum blond hair, sharp steel-grey eyes, and a scar across his left eye, he wears the Org's synthetic skin to hide his scar and to blend within the public. Extremely skilled and dangerous; an unnatural prodigy in the field of assassinations and killing. He culminated an urban legend within the Knights of Night and its international branches, a shadowy figure that strikes without warning, and disappears without a trace... Many operatives have sworn that they saw, "Him" at my behest the Directors of other branches have denied of his existence.

Which is why, I wrote and prepared that Host Family Program for him to work with, behind his back, I'm quite sure that he knows that I'm the one who put him through this ordeal. After all, all his life was nothing but pure misery, he never had any friends; and worked as a slave to the Organization, humph, save for one at least... and his mentor... The Council is against the idea of setting him free and thinks this is a risky and downright unwise decision to let a Class-10 Omega-level threat roam the streets freely. Of course, we closely monitor him. And if he ever goes rogue, we'll have no choice but to detonate the device that was implanted into his body, or if the bomb fails well... we have other measures.) "Now then, how will this turn out for my little agent?" giggled to herself.

Back at the house, the two were preparing to go outside. In other words, they're going out on a "date" as requested by their Coordinator Agent, Mr. Heinz Weber. Siegfried entered the bathroom, it was a rather large-scale bathroom with a huge tub, reminiscent of that of Japanese outdoor baths. The house itself was modified to house and accommodate the Nekomata species, her needs were identical to that of household cats, albeit a cat with a human-like body and face with an added touch of cat ears and tails and very, very sharp claws. Siegfried has drawn a bath for Lily. As he was testing the waters for Lily, his left eye suddenly spiked in pain. "Ah!" He responded to the pain, (That came out of nowhere...) Lily came into the bathroom, wearing her towel in a tube, "Is it ready, nya?" he stood up and nodded, and was preparing to leave the bathroom, and Lily saw him caressing his left eye, (Nya... He's so serious. Maybe I'll tease him for a bit... ♡) and called for his attention, "Mr. Host!" he stopped and replied, "Yes?" and when he turned, Lily with a teasing expression opened her towel causing Siegfried to immediately avert his looks from her, "Ta-da! Just kidding, I'm still wearing my underwear!" and he looked back at her with the same neutral face as ever, albeit it radiated a hint of annoyance, and she began laughing, "Why so serious, nya!? Come on, you already saw my boobs so what's the difference?" and he explained it to her, short and quick, "I saw them because you showed them by accident, this time it was on purpose." And said, "Nya... You're no fun." The moment he left she dove into the bathtub.

Siegfried was on his way to his bedroom to use his personal bathroom. The way Siegfried speaks was almost robotic as if feelings and emotions were alien to him. He entered his room, took off his clothes, and turned the showerhead. As the sound of falling water filled the bathroom, his face is being sprinkled with the constant flow of water, his eyes were closed and he was reminded of the things he'd done in the past. And he opened them again slowly. "The things I've done, were they justified?"

As Siegfried was done bathing, he stopped at the bathroom mirror and looked at himself, he removed the synthetic skins, and lo and behold, scars littered his body to remind the dark and gruesome encounters he had while being an active Knight. He'd been stabbed, poisoned, scratched, shot at, and slashed. But now that he's on "vacation", he has little to zero experience in dating or other social events, although he had previous experience from a past life. So, as a top-tier assassin, he had to improvise and adapt. (Show her around, huh? I've only been here since February, but luckily, I've got a good grasp on the area.) Thought to himself. He got closer to the mirror and removed and replaced a thin sheet of synthetic skin and reapplied the new one. Like a magnet, it attaches to his scar, and suddenly its as if the scar never existed in the first place. Lily doesn't know that his Host is an off-duty Knight on vacation nor does she know that her Host has a long scar across his eye, she is unaware of the man living with her. Though, if anything were to happen to her. The Protection Agency will immediately be sent to apprehend Siegfried. He went outside of the bathroom, changed into his civilian clothing, and went to the living room to fetch Lily. As he was walking forward, he was muttering something to himself and it creeped out Lily. "Nya... You're a weirdo, Mister Host, talking to yourself like that." Spurred by Lily. "How long have you been watching?" Asked by Siegfried. "Long enough, nya." Hummed by Lily. "Come on, let's go already. Have you already changed, Lily?" Monotoned yet politely he asked her. "Hehe, sure did, nya! See!" What she revealed to Siegfried was sufficient and appropriate clothing. As Siegfried saw her choice of clothing, he nodded, and Lily excitedly said, "Nya! Let's go, nya!" Affirmed by Lily. "It's early Spring, so it's a little chilly out." Siegfried's clothing consists of black jeans with his upper portion, he wore a simple white t-shirt, as for his shoes he wore black-and-white sneakers and also wore a black hoodie at the back of the hoodie, a crescent moon design was on it. As for Lily's choice of clothing, she wore an oversized pink and white striped top with cat paws designs on it, as for the bottom portion, she wore denim hotpants with long black socks that reached to her thighs and her shoes were white sneakers with cat paw prints all over the base of the shoe. As for her jacket, she wore a black sleeveless jacket with a cat design on the hoodie on it. "So, how do I look, nya?" Asked by Lily. He nodded. "Acceptable. Let's go. Time is of the essence."

They arrived at Akihabara, a center of Anime and Video Games alike. They went on to different places, and he showed Akihabara, they went to a Cat Café which is recommended by Mr. Heinz, the Coordinator Agent of Siegfried's Host Family. When they entered the café for Lily it was heaven, furry and fuzzy heaven.

Before their "date" Siegfried asked Mr. Heinz about the go-to sites around town and his recommended places. It worked because he showed her around and they're both enjoying the process. Although, he won't admit Siegfried's having fun... in his own way. They went to the movie theater and saw a movie the latest blockbuster movie from the west, when Lily saw the poster, she bugged Siegfried so much so, that he had no choice but to give in and watched together, and though he had his nitpicks of the realism of the film, he enjoyed it. They had lunch at a family restaurant that allowed non-humans and monsters. After their lunch, they walked around and passed by an arcade center and bugged Siegfried so much to take her there. "Nya! Hey, Mister Host, let's go over there! I wanna see what's going on over there!" Begged by Lily. "Please! Please, please! Pretty please?" begged some more. He finally relented by saying, "Ok." As they went to the arcade, Siegfried couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched by others. This somewhat bothered Siegfried as he is used to being ignored by others. "Nya, nya, Mister Host what's that?" She pointed to an arcade classic, Whack-a-mole. "Ah, you wish to play?" asked by Siegfried. "Nya, can I? I want to learn everything about this world, nya!" Passionately declared by Lily. "Very well." As he said that he gestured for her to come with her, "Come with me." "Where to, nya?" questioned by Lily. They went to the arcade's prize and load counter and Siegfried handled the transactions. The whole process lasted a few minutes and he finally came back with a card then Lily asked, "Mister Host is it done yet?" He replied, "Yes, it's done. Where do you wanna go first?" robotically asked by Siegfried. "Nya! Finally! Uh, I wanna go there! Where you can hit those things that pop up!" giggled by Lily. "Here, let me teach you how it works." He showed Lily how to use the Card and how it lets her play with those machines and how the paper that it spits out can be exchanged for prizes. "Here you go. Enjoy. He handed the Card to Lily. "Nya, but." As Siegfried gave her the card she fidgeted restlessly while having a shy smile. "But, what?" Asked by Siegfried. "Can you stay with me, please, nya?" she was blushing as she said it. "Very well." And as he said that she grabbed his hands and went to the arcade game she wanted to play first,

"Come on, let's go play nya!" As she said while blushing heavily and her tail is spiking. "Lily dragged Siegfried to various arcade games and different stands. They played different and variable games such as Whack-a-mole, the crane game, and other games that are available to play. They played arcade games that caught Lily's attention. "Hey, Mister Host?" He answered, "Yeah, what is it?" she replied, "What's over there?!" there she saw an Arcade game, by the looks of it, it seems that its newly placed, a VR Shooter Game, "Ooh, nya, I read about this it's called Virtual Reality, nya! I wanna try it!" they went up there and inspected the arcade stand. "Ooh, it seems that it's top of the line nya!" he retorted, "Anything to make the customers come back." There a lady arcade attendant asked them in Japanese, "Are you here to try out our latest arcade game?" Lily enthusiastically responded in fluent Japanese saying, "Yes, yes, yes! Ooh, it's shiny and new!" Siegfried asked, "What kind of technology does this stand use?" the attendant politely enlightened them, "Here at Kuma-san's we are proud to announce the state-of-the-art Virtual Reality Technology to enhance the user's experience. This shooter game is the first of many arcade games to show up." Siegfried grunted, "Virtual Reality...? Fascinating." He said with a straight face, "You don't seem too interested, by the looks of it." Remarked by Lily, "A-Anyways, would you two like to be one of the first to try it out?" Lily had an excited look on her face, like a child that was being given candy, "Would I nya!? Heck yes, I want to try it out." The attendant gestured for her to come a little closer to the TV, she assisted Lily by giving her the Joysticks of the VR and helping her put on a VR Headset, and turning the device on. "I see... Since it's a shooter game, of course, the controllers would be pistols." The lady attendant remarked, "There are many types of joysticks for VR devices, we simply chose this type for it's a shooter game." Lily commented, "Nya... I see so that's how it is." The attendant clasped her hands and said, "Now then, I'll boot up the game, please enjoy, and thank you for choosing to play at Kuma-san's Arcade Center."

Then in Lily's perspective, she appears to be in what seemed to be an abandoned and rusty warehouse. In her headset, she heard groans and grunts, footsteps, and clanking metal. "Oh, this should be interesting." Siegfried observed carefully at the TV screen at what she was about to do, "Whoa, this looks so cool! All I need to do is point the gun at them and shoot, right?" the lady attendant answered, "Why yes." Lily grinned excitedly, "Hehe, well, in that case...! Nya, take this!" a mindless zombie walked towards her, she pointed the pistol in that direction and shot it right in the head and the zombie dropped dead and despawned quickly. The longer she plays the more difficult the wave becomes to manage. Wave after wave, weapon after weapon, bullet after bullet then before long she was beginning to be overwhelmed. "Whoa, nya! This. Is. Getting. More. Difficult...!" Eventually, the zombies overwhelmed her in-game character.

A GAME OVER screen flashed through the monitor. Lily was panting heavily and out of breath. "Not bad. You lasted about 15 mins. Or 3 waves to be precise." She had a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes, "My gosh, nya. That was so much fun! What's my high score?" Lily looked at the screen to check what's her best, "Huh, 55,000 pts. Alrighty then, your turn. If you beat my score then I got a reward waiting just for you ♡." At the last tone, she sounded so seductive, but Siegfried just looked at her with severe judgment in his eyes. "I've no need for your reward. Now then, let's have some "fun"." The game began. He chose the dual pistol weapon, and the first zombie strode toward him. He just calmly aimed his right pistol and fired, shooting it dead center in its forehead. He shoots it with such discipline that you'd think he was trained with this weapon, however as the game progresses it naturally gets harder and harder to manage. But each time he shoots, he aims for the head for a damage multiplier, killing them with utter ease. His kill count keeps going up, 10, 15, 20, 35, 57, 69, 88, 100! "Wow..." said both a stunned Lily and the attendant, after the third wave, Siegfried unlocked a new weapon.

"An Uzi? Acceptable." Now, that he unlocked a rapid-fire weapon he just sprays bullets at the zombies if they get too close to him and switches back to the pistol if there's too much distance. Then eventually, the screen went black. And warning signs flashed into the monitor.



"Oh?" he readied up, "Bring it on..." Then an in-game cutscene happened, a hulking mass of undead flesh burst through the metal walls and hurled Siegfried's character. Then the fight began. To Siegfried however, he wasn't impressed. His body automatically moved by instinct, and he shot every bullet, slowly, and patiently he chipped away at the Boss Zombie's health, and eventually, the screen said: "Congratulations!!! You've cleared the game! Thank you for playing the BETA Version." He took off his headset and said, "And that's that." Lily's jaws fell to the floor. And the attendant was clapping her hands cheerfully, "Congratulations for clearing the game, sir! As a special reward for clearing the game here at Uncle Grizzly's, we'd like to give you this."

She went to the side of the stand and opened a compartment box with a glass side, pulled out a small box gave it to Siegfried. He opened it and it was a gold and silver pin that was engraved with the words "Undead Slayer". "Hm. Pretty nifty. Thank you." Then the ticket port of the arcade stand began spewing out tickets from both of their games. "That's a lot of tickets, nya." She remarked with a dumbfounded look on her face. "Now, let's pick out a prize you want." Siegfried later got a four-foot-long cute white kitty plushie and gave it to Lily, "Here it's for you." She looked at it and said, "Are you sure it's for me? W-Well I mean you did most of the work nya." He remarked, "I'm only here to take responsibility of caring for you, and showing you the world. Think of it as a souvenir Ms. Whiskers." she blushed, "T-Thank you nya, I don't know what to say..."

He shook his head, "Think nothing of it. Now come, there are other forms of entertainment. Oh, and also..." He went closer to Lily and attached the pin from earlier. "It's yours." That sealed the deal, Lily's face was turning red so much you'd think she has a fever. Lily began tugging Siegfried's hoodie. "Hm? What is it?" Replied back by Siegfried. "Nya. Can we go over there...?" said in a very innocent and calm tone as her tail began to spike wildly once more. "Oh, and uh, um, thanks... Mister Host." Embarrassingly said by Lily.

He simply nodded, and replied, "Is that all? We can go to other places too, you know." Said by Siegfried. "Nya, what's this 'Karaoke'...? I want to go there..." quietly said by Lily. Siegfried complied and took her there. "Fortunately, this place also serves as a karaoke bar, so we'll rent a room for you to sing." Said by Siegfried. As he said that, Lily jumped for joy that they were going to a 'Karaoke bar'. They rented a karaoke room and boy did Lily enjoy singing at the top of her lungs.

He then ordered two tall cans of soda and some snacks and munchies for Lily to feast on. He put on his wireless headset and blasted some tunes to block out Lily's singing. While he was chilling on the couch, he obtained a message on his personal communicator. It said:

"Prepare for tonight, as the full moon rises. As the Wolves encircle the helpless prey. The prey prayed that an angel would come and save them. Like a lamb to the slaughter, you will prevent the wolves howling laughter. Go forth, Reaper, the Angel of Disaster."

"..." Grunted by Siegfried. (Wolven-kin? It seems, that I'm rescuing the lambs from the wolves.) thought to himself. After singing for a while, Lily eventually got tired of singing and her voice started to hurt. "Nya... I don't think Lily can sing some more." Muttered by Lily. Siegfried was carrying Lily with a one-man carrying method as she was exhausted. As they were exiting the arcade building. A group of three unruly men halted Siegfried and Lily's advance towards the exit. "Hey, hey, hey! Is that a Nekomata!? Holy crap! Guess the rumors said 'bout 'em are true! They are gorgeous with great bodies!" said by an unruly man. "Hey man, do you mind if we 'borrow' her for a bit?" said by his friend. "Hey baby girl, wanna come with? You'll enjoy company, just leave everything to us..." As he said with a lewd tone and perverse gestures. "Ew, no! Leave us alone you creep! I don't wanna, nya!" Yelled by Lily.

In response to this situation, Siegfried calmly said: "I'm afraid, I can't let you do that. It'll be a violation of the Human and Monster Cultural Exchange Act. I suppose you gentlemen are unaware of the law?" "Unaware!? You little shit, we just wanted to have some fun with a cute lady, is there anything wrong with that!?" shouted by the apparent leader of the group. "Tch! Whatever! Let's go boys, we won't waste our time with an ugly-ass cat! I mean look at her! She's a total freak! No one would dare to spend time with a freakshow!" The group of men started laughing loudly as they insulted Lily's heritage as a Nekomata. Lily looked so defeated and ashamed of what she was hearing, all the racial slurs about her being a Nekomata were being thrown out by the group of men.

"Come. Ignore them." calmly said by Siegfried. Lily started crying because of the way she was being treated by those men. "Mister Host... am I... a freak?" quietly said by Lily as she was on the verge of crying, and tried to keep herself composed but tears were beginning well up in her eyes. "No. No, you are not Lily." Assured by Siegfried. "Hey look! They're walking away! What a bunch of losers!" they kept laughing as Siegfried carried Lily to the exit. "Cowards! Running away! What a bunch of scaredy-cats! Your kind doesn't belong here, ya hear!?"

The mature approach would be walking away without a word and not causing any trouble. However, without thinking Siegfried didn't let that final insult slide. He put down Lily at the nearby seats in the lobby and spoke. "Stay here for a bit, I'm going to take out the trash. Hold on to your plushie." She looked at him and tried to stop him, "Wait, Mister Host!" yelled by Lily. He was casually walking towards those group of men and said: "The law states that monsters aren't allowed to harm humans and the other way around, as well." The apparent leader smiled maliciously. "Oh? What are you going to do about ya little kraut faggot? Kick me?" mockingly said by the leader.

He went up to him and gazed at him eye-to-eye, but due to Siegfried's towering height he looked down on the guy with absolute spite and disgust, and the other men encircled Siegfried; surrounding him. The leader struck first, Siegfried recoiled back, his lip was cut by the attack but he wasn't fazed by the punch and wiped the blood off his lip, "Oh you want more? Then I'll give you more!" as he was about land another blow, Siegfried caught his fist with his palm, in response the leader tried to attack him with his other arm but Siegfried deflected it and kicked his leg, causing him to kneel.

Then he released a small amount of his true strength, like a hydraulic press he slowly begins to crush the leader's hand, the leader yelled out in pain, then his thugs tried to save him, "Why, you foreign piece of shit!" he let go of the leader's crushed hand, and blocked the attempted strike, and went to kick his legs and swept him off his feet, at the same time he gripped his head and slammed his face into the wall instantly knocking out the poor bastard. The leader was incapacitated as he was grasping his crushed hand, screaming at the top of his lungs however, the doors were soundproof, and none could hear his cries. Then the third thug was standing there, stunned as his friends were lying down on the carpeted floor. All in a blink of an eye. He did what any logical person would do: Turn tail and run, he gunned for the exit, but unfortunately for him, Siegfried wouldn't let him.

As he was running for the exit, he felt his leg gripped by a hand, and he tripped. "Ah!" genuine terror and fear gripped the man, "No! Please mercy!" Siegfried simply looked down at the man, and gazed at him with such murderous intent that he felt like his soul was about to be taken and soon fainted.

He then returned to the leader, "Please! Let us go! We're sorry! We're so sorry!" Siegfried simply retorted, "Are you?" He nodded vigorously, "Hmph. Scum like you deserve to be in the trash." And stepped on his crushed hand. He yelled further, and kept yelling and eventually fainting from the shock and pain.

"What...? happened...?" Said with a mix of surprise and shock at the events that transpired. "Mister Host... what happened?" As she said with a teary eye. Siegfried calmly walked down the hallway of the lobby and returned to where Lily was sitting. He looked at Lily's teary-eyed face and said: "Can you walk?" and stretched out his hand, Lily with reddened eyes nodded and took his hand, after a brief silence Siegfried couldn't look at Lily's face directly and avoided her gaze, "I do not condone violence, Lily." and added, "I simply spoke the only language they know: violence."

Siegfried with his cold expression glanced at Lily for a moment then said, "I didn't do for you. I did it for myself. Now wipe your tears..." So she did, then unexpectedly he took Lily's hands and walked towards the exit together, "Uh, nya.... Mr. Host?" sniffled by Lily, "It's Siegfried." She tilted her head in question, "Call me by my given name."

She smiled widely, "Nya! Yes, Siegfried!" she started hugging him tightly and warmly with a wide cheerful smile and happiness for the actions her Host did for her. Siegfried was slightly taken aback and patted her head. And thought to himself, (I just couldn't let them insult her like that. She did nothing wrong. Was it the right thing to do?) she looked up and looked at his face and she flashed him with a wide genuine smile on her face, "Then you're free to call me, Lily, Siegfried!" He nodded, "As you wish, Lily." "Now, let's go home." And she nodded, "Sure!"

Current information bestowed for the public, provided by the Knights of Nights.

Subject: The differentiation of Werebeasts/Kemonomimi.

"Werebeasts and Kemonomimi; both are similar yet highly different from one another. The word 'Kemonomimi' derives from Japan, and it roughly translates to 'Animal Ears'. Kemonomimi refers to human-like monsters with animalistic features. They mostly have a human-like face/skull, a human-like torso, and arms, with the features of animals, like the ears, teeth, and feet. And the enhanced senses of what animal they resemble. We are unsure as to how to explain the origins of their existence as they themselves are unsure. As for werebeasts, they are self-explanatory; they have features and structures of animals that have evolved into bipeds."

-End of Information.

Welp, this is it, a first step. If anyone actually reads this, thank you, very, very much. I've worked on this since the start of Quarantine as a hobby, was doubting whether or not I should publish this or not and yet here we are.

Again, once more thank you for reading this and I hope you guys liked it. Peace out.

Melkticreators' thoughts