

Bungalow 13 where the rebellious and the loud had been housed due to a lack of space in his originally chosen dorm. Of the most prominent rebels in the school, The most infamous of the offenders in terms of rebellion and loudness, Conri F. Rollins, or "Conway" as everyone called him, unfortunately for Porter, they are forced to become bunkmates and he finds out the hard way what moonlight does to a high profile college wrestling jock.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 9: A Rather Interesting Lunch

The Cafeteria, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

 From the moment Porter Fulton entered the heavy double doors made of surprisingly durable steel, the almost oceanic dark blue eyes of none other than his hulking werewolf roommate Conway Rollins had fallen upon him. Porter sighed as he recalled how Conway had looked when stripped naked and standing with his rather impressive cock sticking out before each step as he had moved about their living quarters and the way his heavier muscle-bound body seemed to twitch and thrust into his when he'd been pinned between it and the blue mats back in gym class.

Porter tried his best to ignore the stirring in the front of his jeans as he attempted to shake off the vivid memories from before, but it appeared that he had not been the only one subjected to them as the flushed look that filed across Conway's handsome face had been a dead giveaway as to what he'd been thinking as Porter made his way inside the cafeteria. It was a rather large and spacious place with an assortment of choices for seating.

Conway had been in something of a strange mood as he growled and alerted the wolves that had been gathered around him in admiration to move out of the seat closest to him so that Porter could have it. The poor younger werewolf had trembled understanding the cues of the more powerful young man and turned his attention toward securing another seat before rejoining the table of wolves that had apparently always sat together.

"Over here Roomie," said Conway in a cheerful voice as Porter had heard since meeting him in their living quarters despite his recent flash of aggression toward the younger wolfish admirer.

Porter's feet began to move toward the hulking werewolf before he'd even given any thought to it, seemingly compelled by the charm of the older brute as he sat beside him in the newly vacant seat that the other admirer had just left. Conway had seemed to relax, a good deal of his most recent aggression dissipating once Porter sat down.

"Get him whatever he wants," instructed Conway as he turned his attention to one of the younger students sitting beside him. "What is it that you want Port?"

Porter had been a bit caught off guard at Conway using his childhood nickname and they had only known each other for less than a day.

"A burger and fries if it's not too much trouble," he replied as politely and casually as he could manage not wishing to upset Conway much like the other students hadn't.

He felt strange when in Conway's presence, aside from his obvious attraction to the handsome hulking brute, there was a kind of understanding about him that the younger lad had not recognized before.

"You heard him, get him whatever he wants," growled Conway briefly before turning his attention back to the three piled-on medium rare stakes that lined his own plate.

Porter watched in a mix of horror and fascination as the hulking brute had taken his time and ripped into one of them with his surprisingly sharp and vicious-looking teeth then drank down a large jug of water after the fact. Had he not recalled being a werewolf himself, he might have still been unnerved by this but his trip to the infirmary had done wonders for his sense of self in this strange place.

If he had been a werewolf his entire life, it would have made sense that he had never fit in when back in his hometown, and perhaps maybe, just maybe he'd be more welcome in a place that had been home to those of his own true kind. It was an odd thing to note that he'd been no longer human in terms of his apparent genetic status of course he had not inquired as to how that came to be, was he infected or born with the genetic composition to be as he was?

So many questions and not enough answers.

The growling of his stomach had taken precedence over his pondering mind once again and the moment his food had been placed before him, he'd begun eating ripping through his selected entre as easily as the larger brute who had been his roommate had.

Conway seemed to be amused when looking over at Porter, watching as he continued to enjoy his meal and polished off his steaks in record time. Porter had felt a bit self-conscious for forgoing his manners, something he had not easily done in the past. No one at the table seemed to mind. An involuntary flaring of his nostrils had more or less given him all the indication as to why that had been. Nearly everyone at the table had been werewolves as well, a few of the numerous faces he had recognized from gym class.

Conway continued to watch him as if fascinated in some way before drinking the remainder of his water. Porter's opinion of the hulking werewolf brute had been that he'd been awfully strange when they first met but nice by all accounts. He'd certainly treated him better than anyone Porter had ever known before.

As he ate, Porter got a glimpse of the other tables, sure enough, he'd taken notice of Witches, Warlocks, Wizards, and Fae who had come to partake in meal time, as well as other changelings, a few vampires sucking on blood packs, and much to his pleasant surprise, there had been humans among them. None of them seemed to be terrified about having to share a school with supernatural beings which had been odd considering Porter's own reaction when he had gotten the memo, and he'd been a werewolf the entire time.

Lunch had passed by without being relatively spectacular, but at least Porter had a full belly on which to continue the remainder of his classes on. Conway Rollins had seemed to take an interest in him but had done so in silence for a time before exiting the cafeteria along with a good bulk of the other werewolves.

Porter's keen ears had heard the murmurs about him being the captain of The Wrestling team, which had mostly been comprised of werewolves who had exited the cafeteria right along with him. The curious lad turned his attention back to finishing up the remainder of his meal as well unsure of what new level of apparent strangeness his following class would bring.