

Bungalow 13 where the rebellious and the loud had been housed due to a lack of space in his originally chosen dorm. Of the most prominent rebels in the school, The most infamous of the offenders in terms of rebellion and loudness, Conri F. Rollins, or "Conway" as everyone called him, unfortunately for Porter, they are forced to become bunkmates and he finds out the hard way what moonlight does to a high profile college wrestling jock.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 6: Something Of A Medical Abnormality

The Infirmary, The Medical Wing, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

  Porter Fulton's eyes sprang open and he found himself in an unfamiliar environment that appeared to have been the medical wing of the school. He had noted the cool temperatures and the change in scenery before opening his eyes but had been confused as to why he'd been there. A nurse had walked up to him waving something akin to a wand along his rather cold and half-naked body as if she'd been scanning him for something. Startled by the strange humming that came from the odd wooden stick and the none-too-casual glow of golden dust from what Porter could make of it, He had attempted to sit up only for her to wave her free hand over his body and sort of lock him in place.

He attempted to struggle for a bit only for her to turn her rather stern gaze upon him and open her mouth.

"Mr. Fulton please be still, I am trying to get a proper reading on your vitals if you please." said the apparent nurse in a gruff tone due to agitation from his random bout of struggling. "Now let me finish my examination so that we can both get on with our day."

Porter stopped attempting to move still confused as to how she'd been holding him in place and what she'd been doing with the odd stick, that wand, he had seen it with clear eyes now that he'd been fully awake it had been truly a wand, a rather chestnut colored one at that.

{So there are witches in this place after all.} he had thought coming around to what had made him so terrified in the first place.

He had witnessed his roommate turn into a full-on werewolf in gym class and deduced that he'd been at a school that housed supernatural beings, which had apparently included vampires, witches, and fairies. The school nurse attending him had been a witch but he had not wanted to chance to get on her bad side.

"Well Mr. Fulton, it appears you have merely suffered a recent shock to your system otherwise you are developing quite normally for a Gamma Werewolf." said the witch nurse whose foreign accent made Porter wonder if he had heard her correctly.

"E-Excuse me....did you say that...that I am a Gamma Werewolf?" asked Porter baffled by the very idea. He had not been anything of the sort, he had it on very good authority that he'd have shifted into an unseemly beast had he been one at the full moon which he'd seen quite a lot of since puberty of course.

"That is correct Mr. Fulton, you are a properly developed Gamma Werewolf, despite being a rarity among your species of furry brutes." replied the witch nurse.

"T-That can't be right," said Porter confused as he began to protest the rather prosperous idea that he'd been anything like his bunkmate and fellow students from gym class. "I-I would know if I was a werewolf or not."

"You were housed in bungalow 13 were you not?" asked the witch nurse with an arched brow.

"I...I was but when I registered I was given different accommodations, you know where they keep normal humans." declared Porter still protesting her findings.

"Afraid not, the readings we got from you upon arrival had indicated that you were to be housed among your kind, You, Mr. Fulton, are a werewolf, just a very rare kind might I add, and would not be so driven by the blood of the beast that dwells within' you as many of your ilk, dare I say it might have been why you seemed to have passed for human for all these years." explained the witch nurse as best she could. "At least you are an apparently civilized beast, much as I can say for your bunkmates."

Porter had been floored by her words not at all understanding how he'd been a werewolf when he'd been just Porter Fulton his entire existence. Thinking back to how he'd been largely treated back in his hometown, he'd been wondering if they had known that he'd been different from his brothers the entire time and just never said a word about it.

Tears began to swell in the corners of Porter's eyes as he tried his best to keep his composure, he had not been so out of it that he would cry in front of a total stranger, let alone a magically inclined total stranger at that.

"H-How did I get here?" asked Porter instantly changing the subject to stave off his tears following the realization that he had indeed been different.

"Your roommate, Mr. Rollins brought you to see me when he found you passed out on the ground."

"M-My roommate?" asked Porter confused as to why Conway would care so much about him.

They had only just met after all.

Or was it due to him knowing they had been of a similar kind?

Porter sighed as he thought back to how terrified he'd been in the gym finding out Conway had been a werewolf only for him to awaken in the infirmary and find he'd been the same. He felt like a grade-A jerk running off like that although Conway had not made it easy with his hulking size and wolfish nature.

For a moment a flash of Conway's larger naked brute of a body pinning him against the blue mats in the gym had come to mind and Porter found himself recalling the larger werewolf's intoxicating scent and the force of his body pressing against his own as the bigger werewolf towered above him pinning him down, his hardness between them as his tendency to dry hump him had gotten the better of both of them.

"Fuck." hissed Porter snapping out of his memory in time for the witch nurse, who he'd noted as being named Madam Stevens, to spell on a fresh set of clothes for him before arranging his release once her examination of him had been complete.

His jeans covered the bulging of his cock quite nicely as he attempted to ignore his arousal at the very memory of Conway Rollins and his massive body pinning him in the gym.

One perk about being born a werewolf, Porter had to look forward to was having a physique chiseled out of near on stone when he transformed assuming that was how all the other werewolves that attended the school had been. With any luck and favor from the moon up above, he had hoped to be as ripped and intimidating as Conway Rollins, at least then people wouldn't see him as an easy target to bully and harass.

At least that's what he hoped would come of his newfound genetic disposition. Newly released and feeling a bit better about himself than before when it came to being in a school filled with supernatural beings, he'd opted to get to his next class once Madam Stevens had given him a pass and a clean bill of health.