

Bungalow 13 where the rebellious and the loud had been housed due to a lack of space in his originally chosen dorm. Of the most prominent rebels in the school, The most infamous of the offenders in terms of rebellion and loudness, Conri F. Rollins, or "Conway" as everyone called him, unfortunately for Porter, they are forced to become bunkmates and he finds out the hard way what moonlight does to a high profile college wrestling jock.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 43: Companions At Best

The Courtyard, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

 Porter had managed to put what happened between himself and Conway Rollins out of his mind for the time being but he had done so with great difficulty, the massive brute had been so good at twisting and pummeling his weary body that he had been almost sorry that he'd left him when he did. The rather confused lad attempted to make sense of why things had gotten so hectic when it came to his wolfish nature and Conway's designs upon him as a result of its late discovery. It had been to no avail as Embrey made her way toward him a glint behind her eyes as she approached with a wide smile filed across her lovely face. He could smell her magic a mile away as she approached him curious as to what had been keeping him from class for the past few days. 

"Long time no see Wolfie," she said greeting him warmly. 

Up close Porter had been reminded of her blue hair and the stench of magic that made his nose wrinkle in the wake of it. It had been like inhaling dust as it tickled his nostrils, which flared as a result of her arrival. 

"I don't much like being called wolfie, fairy," he growled in annoyance after attempting to shield his nose from the stench of her magic. 

Embrey rolled her eyes. 

"My magic can't possibly be as bad scent-wise as your wet dog stench." she countered with a wave of her wand to illustrate how she needed to bring a pleasant scent to the area due to his unyielding stench. 

Porter rolled his eyes. He couldn't seem to help the way he smelled and even worse, he couldn't hide it from Conway who seemed to send him into heat whenever they'd been anywhere near one another. 

"You and that other wolf seem to like each other a lot," remarked Embrey implying that she'd seen Porter around with Conway. 

Porter suddenly tensed and his face went blank. 

"What other wolf?" he asked frantically. "Is he here?"

Embrey smirked and shook her head wondering just what had been going on in the screwball brains of man dogs. 

"Don't tell me you two aren't getting along," she said with an arched brow. 

Porter sighed as he attempted to calm himself from the false alarm. 

"Not exactly," he replied with a sigh. "Conway's not that bad but I just...I don't want to run into him right now alright."

"Well if he's not that bad why don't you want to run into him?" asked Embrey fiddling with her wand. "Trouble in paradise already?"

Porter rolled his eyes. There was no way he was going to explain to a fairy the inner workings of wolfish customs, not that he knew them himself. 

"Just forget it." remarked Porter, "I don't want to talk about it."

Embrey simply shrugged and turned her attention to watching the vampires move about amid the shadows of the collecting gray clouds that shielded them from the sun. 

"Patrols out," she said pointing to them and gratefully changing the subject. 

Porter turned his attention to the rather charming and polite vampires that had helped him find his class once. 

"I can see that," he replied having little to nothing else to add to her words. 

They sat in companionable silence for several minutes before Embrey suddenly smiled at him, causing Porter to become unnerved. 

"So...you and the big werewolf Alpha huh?" she said reverting right back to the topic Porter had loathed to speak of. 

"Not this again....drop it," said Porter visibly annoyed. 

"Well we have nothing better to talk about and you look like you could do with getting whatever happened off your chest." urged Embrey with a smile. "Besides the last time I saw you two together it got a bit hot and heavy am I right?"

Porter's cheeks turned red and he tried his best not to recall just how hot and heavy things had gotten between himself and his Alpha brute roommate. He had been so caught off guard by the stifling heat during that time that he had barely recalled it being his first time having sex with anyone, let alone a werewolf brute like Conway. 

He sighed as he tried to put the images out of his mind lest his wayward body get any unwanted ideas but before he could, Conway had come running up the path, he'd worked up quite a sweat and seemed to be focused in on Porter since his attempt at avoiding him earlier that morning. The Irish brute had been dressed in basketball shorts and shirtless as if he needed any other excuse to show off his impressive muscled chest being slick with sweat. Porter tried to ignore him but Embrey could tell that he'd been slightly hot and bothered by the sight of his werewolf lover. She smiled and casually made herself scarce poofing into a puff of blue smoke and fluttered away just as Conway approached Porter. 

"Hey Pisspot, missed you this mornin'," he said with a casual smirk. 

Porter rolled his eyes. 

"What do you want from me I had to get to class," he said attempting to sound nonchalant as he got to his feet.

Conway quickly closed the distance between the two of them pinning Porter against the nearby half wall he'd been leaning against before the larger brute's arrival. He had turned to see that Embrey had been long gone, even the puff of blue smoke left behind in her wake had faded out and he'd been stuck with Conway Rollins in a less-than-ideal fashion it seemed. 

"Looks like you're all out of options to run away," said Conway his eyes shifting with a low golden yellow glow as he took in the sight of Porter before him, the memories of their frantic primal coupling fresh in his mind as he pressed his larger body between Porter's legs as the younger werewolf's backside had rested against the half wall elevating his body as his breath hitched from the close contact and the rapid beating of his own heart. 

"C-Conway...." began Porter only to be silenced by a deep and passionate kiss from Conway as he pressed his larger muscle-ripped form against the thinner nervous Gamma wolf. 

Porter found it difficult to resist his body melting against Conway's during the heated exchange. 

"Like it or not, you belong to me now, and sooner or later I'm gonna be balls deep in that tight pussy of yours so you'd better get used to it," said Conway in something of a deep growl before pulling back and taking off leaving Porter at a loss as to how he was gonna get through the rest of the day while feening for Conway's thick cock as his heat seemed to return with the brief encounter. 

The younger werewolf let out a soft involuntary whimper as he watched Conway finish off his run and disappear around the side of the school leaving him and his reignited heat in the dust.