

Bungalow 13 where the rebellious and the loud had been housed due to a lack of space in his originally chosen dorm. Of the most prominent rebels in the school, The most infamous of the offenders in terms of rebellion and loudness, Conri F. Rollins, or "Conway" as everyone called him, unfortunately for Porter, they are forced to become bunkmates and he finds out the hard way what moonlight does to a high profile college wrestling jock.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 4: Awkwardness Thy Name Is Porter 

Outside The Main Building, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

First impressions had been the damnedest thing as Porter Fulton found himself moving about the vast campus of his new school still as clueless as he'd been during his first arrival. He had been walking quite a bit before running into an apparent student aid making her rounds along the campus happily assisting lost students and new students alike. She'd been quite the artistic type given that she seemed to favor her dark tie-dye shirt and blue streaks that lined her dark locks. She had green eyes when seen up close and looked to be about Porter's age despite her vast experience with the college.

"Hey, you look lost, can I offer you any assistance?" she asked with a cheery smile despite her appearance.

"I am lost and relatively new here," admitted Porter pleased that someone had been of the mind to help him. "I've just come from bungalow 13 and got a bit turned around when looking for my first class."

The blue-haired girl seemed to be quite shocked when he mentioned coming from bungalow 13 as if it had been some odd thing despite being right there on campus with the rest of the school lodging.

"You're really from bungalow 13?" she said looking him over as if he'd been a novelty item. "And you openly admit it?"

"Uh yes?" replied Porter who was even more confused than before he met her. "Is that some sort of problem?"

The blue-haired girl simply smiled and shook her head.

"No, it's no problem at all, unless you like the smell of piss and the decor of a wild animal," she replied. "I'm sure you had a howling good time your first night in."

Porter arched a brow at this getting that it might have been some sort of inside joke due to her experience, but he was much too annoyed to try and sort it out.

"Never mind." said the blue-haired girl shaking her head. "Geez you're a tough one to make laugh, anyway what class are you scheduled to attend for the first period?"

Porter sighed as he fiddled with the paper that gave him instructions for his first class's location.

"It says something about going to the gym I don't remember signing up for anything of the sort, my interest is purely in academic aspects like English Literature or foreign language study, maybe even a bit of science," he said looking over the paper as he showed it to the blue-haired girl.

"Sorry to say, but the gym is standard first-period class when you're coming from bungalow 13." said the blue-haired girl with a look of pity filed across her pale face. "At least you'll know someone in your first class, your bunkmate is probably already there."

Porter felt his heat sink into the pit of his stomach. He had never been much for sports and even less interested in watching them growing up and now he had been forced in a sense to attend gym class due to his living arrangements which had not even been by choice.

"Well at least there's that," he said with a sigh.

"Your class is across the old field and south of where the bungalows are located." said the blue-haired girl taking a bit of pity on him. "Cheer up it probably won't be as bad as you think."

"That's easy for you to say, you don't have first-period gym," replied Porter resolving himself to make the trek to his first class, even with it being gym he still wanted to attempt to make a good impression, just in case it carried over to the other classes on his public record.

Porter Fulton adjusted his glasses and moved toward the place where the blue-haired girl pointed out south of the bungalows he'd just left and toward the massive structure, he'd neglected to see beforehand.

"Don't forget your uniform!" shouted the blue-haired girl before waving her hand and suddenly making a t-shirt and a pair of blue basketball shorts appear on his body in place of his kakis and long sleeves white button down out of thin air.

"What the hell?" he asked with an arched brow trying to make sense of what had just happened to him and how she'd waved her hand and changed his attire.

By the time he looked back to question what had occurred, she'd been long gone as if she'd vanished into thin air.

"Okay, I must have been more tired from the trip than I thought," said Porter turning his attention toward his long walk in the hot sun toward the massive gym in the distance a ways from the bungalows.


The Gym, Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts, Wakefield, U.S.A...

The moment Porter opened the door to the gym he found himself hit with the wafting scent of urine, sweat, and dirt as he did his best to keep from gagging as the brief recollection of his previous experience in venturing to his living quarters had been similar. Sadly, the gym had not improved aside from the space and equipment which appeared to have been state of the art, and the good air conditioning, something of a welcome change from the blazing heat of the sun that he'd endured beforehand.

He had taken notice of the numerous rows of large muscled bound young men all gruff in appearance, glistening from sweat and all locked into their rather intense workouts. The sound of clinking weights, growls, and groans filled the gym as everyone including the apparent coach turned their collective attention to the new arrival.

"FRESH MEAT!" snarled one of the larger young men ripped with muscle.

"Definitely!" agreed another.

"I SMELL WEAKNESS!" growled one of the darker-complected masculine brutes as he glared at Porter with eyes blazing with a kind of red glow.

Two other large and muscle-bound brutes rushed over and grabbed him on both sides of his arms and attempted to cart him into the back where the showers and locker room had been located.

The coach, who seemed to have been an average older man given to lean muscle strolled over toward the confused and rather intimidated Porter Fulton. He had been taller than Porter as well, but shorter than a few of the muscle-bound brutes that he'd been instructing with their various workouts. Porter noted his grey beard and hair beneath his school hat as he glared at Porter from over his dark brown clipboard.

"Just who in the hell let a morsel like you in here?" growled the coach with narrowed eyes as he looked over the rather pathetic thin pale lad in blue basketball shorts and a white men's tank top.

"Uh I was assigned this class," replied Porter taking only a momentary means of offense to being looked down upon by the old coach. "I was told it was due to me being assigned bungalow 13 when I first registered, but when I first registered I was told I would be placed in a different living quarters."

The old coach continued to glare at Porter before his nostrils flared and he suddenly relaxed and motioned with a nod for Porter to join the ranks of the other muscle-bound brutes assigned to the class.

Porter thought it strange that the coach had a sudden change of heart and moved back toward the other students his mind already on what he planned to drill into their collective minds about physical fitness as if he'd never been interrupted.

Feeling out of place as he tried to find somewhere to workout amid the disapproving eyes of the other more capable and impressive-looking students, He'd just about given up on being able to fit in or at the very least get through the class when a rather familiar large hulking brute came strolling up to him with long brown locks and oceanic blue eyes that gave him pause. He had recognized the rather odd scent of the rugged-looking young man who seemed to be even bigger than the other students that were in attendance.

"Conway?" said Porter recalling the name of his roommate as the brute turned toward him and smirked before taking a moment to slick back his sweat-soaked brown locks.

"Bout time you showed up," said Conway with a rather cocky grin. "Figured you'd sleep in with the way your morning was going."

"You know this morsel, Conway?" asked one of the other muscle-bound brutes glaring at Porter as if in disbelief.

"This whelp is my new Roomie," admitted Conway much to Porter's shock.

"Explains his scent being all over him." said another brute before losing interest in the conversation.

The coach had walked over toward them with a rather odd expression filed across his aged face.

"Rollins you're due for a shift." he bellowed as he looked down at his brown clipboard. "Get it out of your system now before you find yourself in a world of hurt if you hold off until late you know those damn bloodsuckers will have a field day if you haven't properly trained and end up shifting in the main courtyard."

Conway smirked at Porter who had no clue what the coach meant by him being due for a "shift." Before Porter knew it, Conway stepped away from him and stared at the far wall. It was a rather strange thing to see what appeared to have been him enduring pain at will. His blue eyes changed colors right before Porter's eyes and became an unseemly yellow-golden hue which unnerved the new arrival to no end.

Porter had been shocked by how at ease everyone had been as they stood watching the hulking brute as if in awe. His muscles began to ripple and increase in size, then his bones began to elongate as well as his face and arms. His back arched and his spine stretched right before Porter's horrified face and he found that he couldn't move, he'd been much too afraid to look away while wondering if Conway would be alright after whatever this was that was happening before him.

Conway snarled and growled louder as he doubled over while his spine continued to stretch and his legs shifted while animal paws replaced his flat humanoid feet and claws sprang from the tops of his no longer human-looking toes as the padding of wolf paws had taken over the bottom of them and dark brown fur began to sprout all over his formerly clean shaven and lightly tanned skin.

Porter had been in a state of complete shock as his weary eyes took in the sight of the massive werewolf brute that had once been his very normal-looking roommate. It was no wonder the girl with the blue hair and everyone had been acting so strange about Bungalow 13, it was a place that housed werewolves. There were werewolf students at Timber Creek School Of Fine Arts.

He turned his attention to the other students who seemed to be howling and snarling as they looked over him very pleased to rub in the fact that they two had beast blood flowing through their collective veins. As terrified as he was, Porter found himself once more unable to look away from Conway Rollins, his roommate was not only a werewolf, but the biggest and most menacing werewolf in the entire school.

{"SHIT!?"} Porter thought terrified in that instant.

He was going to school with werewolves and who knew what else, he'd been so distracted by the possibility of getting out of his hometown and the tuition being cheap that he hadn't considered why that had been, at least until that moment.