
Moonlight Flower

A "woman" was being searched by her only first blood relative Clarence, whose all-men clan was cursed into something beautiful, strong creatures - wolves! They needed her to preserve their clan, given only 13 full moons to find her without a clue in the human realm. Will his blood connection lead him to her? But as he lived in the modern and bustling human world where you need money to get by daily, he found someone he didn't think about at all - another woman who caught his attention. What about his long lost sister? A dark truth unfolds behind them looking for her, and a decision he must choose.

HikariKimG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 9 - Are You Happy?

Lance sat on the stone bench of the FountainPark. He wore black pants and two shirts. Inside was white long sleeve shirt, covered with sky blue t-shirt. A brown sunglass was hanged on his left chest pocket. He looked at his watch and read 9:30.

As always, there was a smile on his lips. He looked around. By far, he saw a little boy crying. At first, he didn't mind him. He thought that he was just playing with other kids. But when he turned around again, he saw that the boy was crying continuously. He approached him. The boy has curly black hair, black eyes and dark complexion. He seemed like a 6-year-old kid. He wiped the tears welling from his eyes. He looked up at him.

Lance asked him. "What happened, big boy?"

"I lost my mama and papa. I can't find them anywhere," he answered, sobbing.

"Where was the last spot you parted with them?"

The kid continued sobbing while wiping his tears away. "I was very overwhelmed by the clown pedaling a cycle. I followed him. That's why I forgot them. When I came back there, I didn't see them..."

Lance put his hand on the boy's head. "Where was that?"

"At the entrance of the Park..."

He stood up. "Let's find them," he said, giving him a warm smile.

He nodded then held his hand.

They went to one of the entrance of the big park to see a map as to where are the information booth or the lost and found area. Unfortunately, even if they go there, it will still be opened at 11:00 AM, but he just decided to go there. He glanced at his watch and it read 9:45. "I guess I still have time." he told himself. He took out his phone and tried to call her but it was not reachable. He tried for many times but got the same. "Did she plan of not going at all!?" He just send her a message. "Please reply."

"Do you have some important thing to attend?" the boy asked worriedly.

Yes, he looked a little nervous and worried. He just smiled at him. "Well, I have. But I won't leave you unless we find your parents."

The boy nodded cheerily and they rushed to the information booth which as 2 kilometers from their meeting place.

It was already past 10:00 AM they reached the information booth and good thing the boy's parents were already there. They thanked Lance a lot.

Lance rushed back to the Fountain Park. He looked and looped around.

"She must have come here 15 minutes ago! I made her wait for so long. Baka!" he told himself, a bit angry. He took his phone and saw a message came. It was from Claire. It read, "It's 10:15 already. You're late. Whatever your reason is. I'm leaving now. There won't be any next time. Bye."

"What?!" He felt his energy left him from running around, or more so from his ruined date.

He exiled and tried to calm down. "Prioritizing a kid to find his lost parents over a date was a nice thing to do..." he told himself, annoyed. "And this is my reward. Great!"

He went to the public library. He took a love story book, titled 'Dangerous Love'. He read it. He wanted to finish the whole novel even though it will take him hours. This was the only way he could release his anger out. He finished chapter 7. Subconsciously, he looked up at the person in front him. That female was reading a big cook book, thus covering her face.

He looked at the wall clock. "12:05. Lunchtime." He closed the book. "I'm fine now. All I need is food." He stood up and placed the book back in its shelf. He looked back at the previous female. He saw her back side. She has a shiny black hair, untied.

He turned alive. "Hey... isn't that..."

The female stood up and fixed the books she took. He saw her side view. "CLAIRE!" he called out, a little loud.

She turned to the one who called him. At the same time, the librarian rang the bell. He apologized quietly then turned back to her.

The girl was really Claire. She looked away as if she didn't see anyone. She went out.

Lance followed her. "Claire, wait!" he kept calling her.

She stopped but didn't turn to him.

"I'm sorry I made you wait," he said. "It's rude of me."

There was no reply from her.

"I arrived on the Park at 9:30 but something happened. I helped a little boy find his parents. It took us an hour to find them."

"Why didn't you just leave the boy behind?" Claire said.

He was a bit surprised upon hearing her words. He shook his head and said, "I just cannot do that. I promised to help him. But, I'm really sorry. Forgive me."

Few seconds later, she finally turned to him. She looked at his downcast, sincere and teary eyes. "Let's eat now, shall we?" She started off.

He smiled in relief. He felt a chain the thorn in his chest finally removed.

They ate in an Italian restaurant. Lance asked her what would she like to do, but she said she's fine with anything. And so he decided their day.

They went to the amusement park. They rode every ride. They entered the House of Ghosts, watched some magic performances, played videogames and many more. Lance first was actually worried if she would show him her boorish side but was relief when she was loosening up a bit.

And so they continued. For their snack, they ate fruit crepes while staring at the sunset on the sea's horizon.

"Sunset looks beautiful when it sets by the bay, doesn't it?" Lance said in breath.

"Yeah... Just look at its reflection in the sea's surface. It has so many colors."

After few minutes, Lance excused himself. "Wait here for a while," he told her, winking. She just nodded. He waved his hands then proceeded to go.

>>>>>>> <<<<<<<

Claire looked at her watch. "It's been 10 minutes since he left. Where did he go, anyway?" she said, a little annoyed.

After few seconds, someone was tapping her shoulder with a finger. She turned her back. It was Lance, grinning.

"What took you so long?" she asked, frowning.

"Sorry, sorry!" he said, with his right hand at the back of his head. He then showed her a little brown teddy bear, with a blue and white scarf around its neck.

She fixedly looked at it. "It's so cute..."

"For you," he said, giving it.

She took it and smiled. "Thanks."

He just nodded. "In return, we should take a picture together."

She just nodded.

They were standing in front the self-picture machine. After the flash, many pictures came out. In the picture, both of them were grinning and winking. The bear was over Lance's right shoulder. Claire slipped it over.

It's already dark outside. The moon and stars covered the night sky.

"I have to go now," Claire told him.

He nodded. Before he could reply, a group of children, running, passed by them.

"Let's see the firework display, guys!" said the boy.

Lance and Claire looked at each other then laughed quietly.

There were many people at the bay. Everyone was waiting for the 5-minute firework display. The two sat on the grass.

As they waiting, Claire softly called him and looked at him. She looked sincerely at him and asked, "Are you happy now?"

"Eh?" He couldn't get why she asked that or why did she even asked him in the first place if he was happy since for the whole day together, she never asked him if he's even ok, nor showed any concern on him. But she looked like she's waiting for an honest answer. He nodded, "Well, yes."

She smiled a little. "Good."

They they heard the people starting to cheer and make a countdown. "4, 3, 2, 1!"

Booms were heard and everyone looked up then yelled. Fireworks spread out and colored the night sky. It showed many colors and formation. Everybody enjoyed it. They were all smiling and in awe of the wonderful display.

After the 5-minute display, Lance stared at Claire. There was a happy smile lit on her face. He felt his heart getting warm. "How about you?" he asked.

She heard him and looked at him.

"Are you happy? Now?" he continued.

Her smile slowly faded by his question. She pressed her lips together and just looked up. She didn't answer him.

"You know, you're really unfair," he said direct to the point, but he was angry. He was actually chuckling.

She looked back at him with grin. "Yes, I am."

He let out a short laugh.

"You know," he said, smiling at her. "You're beautiful. You are more beautiful when you smile."

She heard him and she knew his words were sincere. She just nodded.

>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<

By the bus stop, they thanked each other. 

"I enjoyed this day," Claire told him. She carried the cute teddy bear in her arms. "I had fun."

Lance laughed. "Told you so!"

"The bus is here," she said. "Good night."

"Good night!" He waved back. "Take care."