
Moonlight Flower

A "woman" was being searched by her only first blood relative Clarence, whose all-men clan was cursed into something beautiful, strong creatures - wolves! They needed her to preserve their clan, given only 13 full moons to find her without a clue in the human realm. Will his blood connection lead him to her? But as he lived in the modern and bustling human world where you need money to get by daily, he found someone he didn't think about at all - another woman who caught his attention. What about his long lost sister? A dark truth unfolds behind them looking for her, and a decision he must choose.

HikariKimG · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 14 - Moonlight Flower

"Yes, Jane?" Claire asked right after she entered the medical laboratory. "What do you want me to do?"

Jane removed her hair cap and face mask. She walked toward the table with a basket on top of it. She put various medicines inside it. "Amie has a fever," she said. "Can you please do it?"

She nodded and took the basket.

"You just need to drop the medicines to the basket in front the house of a family whose name is written here," Jane explained giving her a piece of paper.

Claire took it and glanced shortly. She then put it inside and proceeded to leave that afternoon.

"Teresa Flonee," Claire read both the house residence and the paper. "Epimedium Sagittatum, Liniosma Ovota, Panat Ginseng and Avena Sativa." She put these medicines in the provided basket outside the door. "All done," she said, checking the name. 20 families that were listed were all checked.

Few minutes after she had been there, the door of Flonee's house opened. A little girl with two ponytails came out and smiled excitedly upon seeing the newly-arrived medicines inside the basket. She took it in then hurriedly went out.

"Nii-chan! Nii-chan!" the little girl called out, rushing down to the lake side.

Claire heard that the girl was speaking Japanese. She shortly looked back but didn't stop.

"NII-CHAN!" the girl kept calling. "The medicines are here now! You're sleeping here again! Lance-niichan!!

Claire suddenly stopped walking but didn't look back. She was surprised when she heard the girl call out a familiar name.

"Grandma and mama's medicines has just arrived!" said the cheery girl as she arrived at her older brother's place on the lakeside.

A male's voice finally spoken. "Really?" he said excitedly. "Thank goodness!"

Claire finally looked back as soon as she heard him. "That voice..." She looked at where the two was. Then, near the lake, a man's back was seen. He has black hair and in red shirt.

"Why do you like sleeping here, Lance-niichan?"

"It's refreshing here!" answered Lance.

"Really?" she asked in curiosity. "Then... I'll sleep here right now!"

"Oh sure! It's still three so you can..." He stopped when he realized that she had fallen asleep already. He also lay down again, with his hands at the back of his head.

Claire was just few steps away from them. "Why is he here?" she said to herself.

After a while, Lance sat up, stretched his arms and legs then looked at his watch. He stared at the shiny, sky-liked lake for many seconds. He looked to his left as something caught his attention. He heard light footsteps getting near. There wasn't any special reaction when he saw who came, unlike back then that his excited and happy face was seen obviously when he met her.

"Hi," she greeted, smiling lightly.

Lance was quiet first, not saying anything back. Then, he smiled at her. "Hi." The smile he showed was very unusual. It seemed like it's the first time he ever showed this. 

"I was surprised to see you here," she told him, in her unusual friendly approach.

"Well, me too."

"But your expression is not like that," she complimented, giving it as a joke.

He laughed shortly. 

She suddenly felt that his laugh, thought short, was genuine.

"You didn't have the surprised expression, too!" Lance said.

"But I'm really surprised."

"I'm surprised too. Really."

Then they both broke into a short laugh together.

Then she peeked through him to see the little girl sleeping beside him. "I heard her calling Lance-niichan. I was really surprised that it was really you."

He smiled shyly then looked at the girl. "She's Linka. Aunt's daughter. My cousin, as you call it."

"Teresa Flonee is the name of your Aunt?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

"Flonee's residence was the last one I dropped the medicines. I saw Linka coming out from there."

"So it's you who delivered the medicines this time. Ms. Amie seemed to be busy, huh..."

"She has a fever since this morning. You seem to know her. How long have you been here anyway?"

"Hmm... almost a month, I guess. How about you?"

"Almost 3 months."

"Three months.... You must have come here last January," he said. "Oh, yeah, I haven't asked. Why are you in this country? Having a vacation or visiting someone?"

"I think I should be one asking you."

"Well, to help out Aunt until school vacation is over."

She was surprised. "You're still studying?"

"Yes. I'll be graduating from university next year."

"What course?"


"Oh, I see."

"So, what brought you here?"

"This is where I stayed most of my years before going there." She meant the city and the hot spring house she used to work to. "I used to stay at the palace."

"Wow! So, you're close to Ms. Jane?" he asked.

She nodded. "Uhm."

"I heard she also teaches self-defense. Or it's more like she's training and leading a military camp inside the palace?"

"That's right."

"Well..." he seemed hesitant to ask. "What do you do in the palace?"

"Let's just say I'm one of her student."

"Oh..." he said in amazement. "You're lucky to be one of her students!"

"Hm? Why?"

"I know you know this but I'm still gonna say it. Ms. Jane is also a very responsible and generous governor. She's doing everything to help needy people like giving free medicines and operations. Thanks to her, my Aunt has gotten better now. She operated her last month in the lungs for free. Ms. Jane goes for other people who needed it. They would say the same thing. And still now, she's giving medicines for free that will be sold expensively in the market. Wow."

"I see... she's like a heroine, huh?"

He laughed a bit. "Is she a good mentor?" he asked excitedly. "I guess so!"

"Well..." she said this only word very long.



He pouted. "What's that?"

"Lance-niichan..." Linka softly called, starting to sit up. She rubbed her eyes to fully wake up. "We can still go to the falls, right?"

He looked at his watch. "Yeah, we can."

She jumped in joy. "Yey!" she suddenly stopped when she saw Claire. She put her hands together in front and bowed. "Hello, neechan. My name is Linka. What's yours?"

"I'm Claire," she answered, smiling.

Linka stood straight and waved her hand cheerfully. "Nice to meet you!"

She waved back. "Nice meeting you, too, Linka."

The little girl walked near her and stood in front her. She looked at her eyes with awe. "Your eyes, neechan..." she said.

"What's with my eyes?"

"It's just my first time to see blue eyes this close.... And they're beautiful just like you."



"Uhm..." Claire said, trying to change the topic. "Your hair's a little messy..."

The girl panicked. She touched her two ponytails and rushed to see her image on the river. "Oh... it is really messy.... How embarrassing..."

"Come on here. I'll fix it."

And so she came and sat near her.

Lance looked at the two girls. "This is the reason why I don't hang out with many girls," he said at the back of his head. "I'm totally left out!"

"Ok, it's done!" she said as she finished tying her hair. "You're really cute, Linka."

She blushed when she said she was cute. She bowed slowly. "Thank you, neechan."


Linka joyfully jumped into the river. "Yeah! Wow! The water's cold!" she said out loud, playing in the water. Both Lance and Claire watched the little girl.

"Are you not swimming?" he offered, with his hands on pockets.

She shook her head. "No. The palace is far from here. I can't walk wet, you know."

He chuckled a little. "Oh, yeah, right."

Right after that, a boy, who's at the same age of Linka, jumped in the river. She was happy to see him. They both played in the water.

"Who's that boy?" Claire asked Lance. The two of them were now sitting on different rocks by the falls.

"He's Leon. They're neighborhood friends," he answered, watching the two. "They look so cute, don't they?"

"Yeah, they are."

"Childhood friends... growing up together.... That's really good."

"What's with that sentimental tone?" she teased.

"Nothing really."

"Do you have a childhood friend?" she asked all of a sudden.

He turned to her. "Yeah." was all he said regarding the topic. "How about you?"

She looked back at the kids. "Me? I don't remember my childhood well..."


There was long silence between them after that.

"Anyway," he called, breaking the silence. He looked at her as if wanting to say something. She, on the other hand, just turned her head slightly toward him.

She answered, "Yes?"

He scratched his left cheek with his finger. He continued, "Back there... I was really surprised that it's you who first approached me," He then grinned shyly. "It was the first time you did that... I guess..."

When he said that, she finally looked fully at him but looked back again at the children. "That's because... Uhm... she started. I was just so busy back then so I couldn't approach you.... And now, I had free time to do so."

"Ah, really?" He then laughed shortly. "Honestly," he said. "Knowing you even a bit, that's not the answer I was expecting to hear."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

He jumped down and stood up straightly. He smiled and looked into her eyes. "I was expecting that your answer will be WHY SHOULD I EVEN BOTHER ANSWERING THAT QUESTION OF YOURS? SO WHAT IF I APPROACHED YOU FIRST? WHO ARE YOU, ANYWAY? That's what I thought... since you acted so coldly to me."

Claire, at first, wasn't able to answer him. By her facial expression, it seemed like his words struck her. She slowly bend her head and looked down. "You think too badly of me..." she said, very lowly.

He looked away. "Sorry..."

Surprisingly, she laughed quietly. She shook her head, crossed her legs and looked at him straightly. "Even so..." she firmly said. She had again her sharp and cold stare in him. "What are you trying to imply?" she asked straightly.

He was not surprised to see her like that again. "What I am saying is that you're not giving off that cold presence anymore."

She didn't have any reaction about what he said.

"And personally..." he continued. "I like you being the Claire a while ago."

Her sharp stare perished away. She looked at his sincere eyes.

"This person.... He's saying things seriously to me, and he says it straightly," she thought. "But I really don't care about this. So, what's my point?"

She looked away before she might be drowned with more confusion. She stood up and walked down from the rock. "I'm going home," she said, walking passed him.

"WAIT!" Lance called, gripping her right wrist. "I'm sorry. I ruined your mood. I shouldn't have said such on the first place."

"No, don't be," she said, smilingly a little. She then looked at him. "You're just being honest. It's okay."

He was unable to say anything. There was a different silent atmosphere between them. They didn't realize that the two children where looking giggly at them.

Linka turned red and with her hands on both cheeks. "How romantic!"

"They're face to face and Lance-niichan's holding Claire-neechan's hand," Leon excitedly said.

"Suteki, in Japanese..." she's trying to feel their atmosphere.

"How long are they planning to stay that way?" Leon said, a little irritated. "Just kiss already!"

"Leon-kun! You're watching a lot of TV dramas!"

Lance broke the eerie silence by slowly letting go of her wrist. "Then, let me walk you home."

She quickly refused. "No, thanks. Bye." She proceeded to walk. But before she can go far, Linka and Leon followed her.

"Claire-neechan, wait!" they called out, rushing to her.

She stopped and looked back at them. "Yes?"

They showed her some flowers. Each of them were holding different kinds of small flowers.

"This is for you," Linka said, giving a body of sunflower. "My mama said that sunflower can give you happiness."

Claire smiled and took it. "Thank you, Linka."

"And this is from me," the boy said. "In behalf of Lance-niichan. This is a MOONLIGHT FLOWER."

Lance can clearly see and hear them. Even so, he didn't move forward even if they're just few steps away.

The flower Leon showed was very unusual. It has a very thin, almost transparent, small white petals yet exuberant in growth, but the outer petals were a little withered.

He continued, "I happened to hear Lance-niichan say something about this flower many weeks ago. This moonlight flower was what he wanted to give the one who brought light to him and would love him back. Actually, I really didn't understand that even a bit! Hehehe!"

"Yeah, I also heard those words from niichan!" Linka agreed. "You know, mama also know something about this flower. It only glows bright during full moon even if you pluck them. And there are just few of them here. You're lucky to find one, Leon!"

The kids laughed. All of a sudden, Claire said something. "Sorry..." she said very lowly. "I can't accept that..."

"Eh? Why?" the kids wondered why. Lance's facial expression seemed to be the same as well.

"This moonlight flower is scarce, right? You should just give it to Lance-niichan." Claire said, giving the two a reassuring look.

"This is not for me. Since I'm not the one who gave him light or the one who would... " she then looked away.

Lance clearly heard her. He just closed his fists then finally walked toward them. "Accept it!" he smiley said, high spiritedly. "These Linka and Leon misunderstood me!" He then ruffled their hairs. "Those words were just a script from a play I once casted into. I just recited them the moment I first saw that flower."

"Oh, really?!" the kids asked out loud in a disappointed tone.

"Yes, yes." He smiled. "You shouldn't be making a big deal out of what other's say!"

"Yes..." the two answered.


Claire entered the same receiving room and opened the other door that connects to the backyard. She sat down by the doorway and leaned her head on the side of the sliding door and looked up at the sky. "It's sunset already. Where could bro. be? I haven't talked to him since this morning."

Her thoughts was suddenly interrupted when she heard a familiar voice talking to her. "Oh, Claire? You just came back?"

She stood up upon hearing her. She nodded at her.

"What took you so long?" Jane asked her. "Distributing medicine for 20 families would only take an hour or two."

"Uhm." Claire didn't say anything more.

The older woman sat down and looked at her. "I'm not scolding you. Actually, I'd like it more you'd spend your free time with the people on this region than just stay here inside the palace."

"I just took my time outside," she's finally spoken.

"Did you have a good time?"


"Is that a yes or a no?"

"I think, yes."

Jane smiled when she heard she had a good time outside. "Great! Enjoy while you're still, uhm, young, not doing anything tiring. "By the way, can you do me a favor?" Jane said. Just then, Canary came in and prepared a tea for them in the table. Claire moved towards to table and sat on the floor and thanked her, and she left.

Claire sipped her cup of tea before answering Jane's question. "What is it?"

"Yesterday morning, a young man came to me and asked to teach him arnis or any form of self-defense, whatever is available. I hesitated first because he's not from here originally. He said he wants to train because he has lots to protect."

"But you should share your talent, Jane," she teased her.

"That's what I also think," she said, looking up and daydreaming. "Actually, he's so cute..."

"Eh?" She looked disgusted. "Do you now have a soft spot for cute boys? You better remember you have a husband and a child."

The older woman just laughed out loud. "Do you judge me right away?"

"It's not like that," Claire cleared. "Your expression is just like some teenage girl looking at her crush."

Jane didn't seem to be offended. It seemed this kind of talk is usual between them. "Anyway, I plan to take him in. And I like his name, it fits him. A strong, knight-like, handsome, young man..."

Claire seemed to understand who that young man when she describe his name as a "knight". "Oh no... Don't tell me..." she said at the back of her head.

"LANCE," Jane finally said, looking playfully on her eyes.

"As expected!"

"So, what do you say?" Jane looked teasing at Claire. "Be his sensei?"

She put her cup down. "No."


"Just send him to the camp training with the newbies."

"The training is hard."

"I train harder. It can cost him his life."

"Oh? You care for this guy, don't you?"

Claire gave her a darting look. "I'm already training some girls. I can't let him be in their circle."

Jane raised her hands like a surrender. "OK. You're right. I won't force you." 


Under the bright starry night sky, Claire was alone swinging under a strong tree in the forest of the west side of palace border. Musica came just a few minutes after her.

"Yo!" he greeted her with a smile. He then handed out a can of orange juice to her. She looked at it before taking it.

Musica opened his can of light beer and slowly drank. "You okay?"

She kept swinging slowly. "Of course."

"Come back with us, ok? We were so worried about you. Especially your brother."

Claire didn't feel like answering and so silence came in the middle of them. "Hey..." she called, breaking the silence. "Have you not seen bro. yet? It's late now and I haven't seen him the whole day."

He shook his head. "The last time I saw him was this morning too. I don't know where he went off to!"

She sighed and looked up. "The moon's shining so bright this night..."

He also looked up. His eyes grew big when he saw it. "Full moon! So that's why!" he told himself.

"Hey, look!" Claire softly said in a bit excited tone, showing him a familiar white flower.

"What's that flower?" he asked. "Is it a rose? No, it looks different."

"This is moonlight flower. You know, when I was given this just this afternoon, it doesn't look so beautiful like how it looks now. It really bloomed more tonight even if there's no water because it's full moon."

Suddenly, footsteps were heard from behind them. It's like someone was stepping on bushes. They stood up to see it. Finally, it came out from the darkness. Musica sighed deeply as he tapped his chest. He felt relieved when he saw the one who showed up.

Claire, on the other hand, was surprised to see "that." "That's a..." she said, a little wavering in tone.

Musica smiled and gestured at that. "That's him!" he said to her.

"Who's him?" she asked, wondering a lot. "That's a wolf, right?"

"What? You don't know?! That's your... AHHHH!!" he exclaimed as the big white wolf jumped on him that made him hit his back hard on the ground. The wolf was stomping him down. "What's going on, Clarence?!" he said mentally, as if trying to connect his thought through his puzzled eyes. "She doesn't know that you can turn into a wolf?!"

Claire was the most puzzled. She didn't know how a wolf entered the palace or the truth behind this, that it was her brother who is forced to turn into a wolf every full moon. Though puzzled, she just remained calm. She noticed that it was not hurting Musica at all. 

"I..." She became somewhat annoyed. "I hate dogs!" She quickly ran away. 


Nii-chan: means older brother

Nee-chan: means older sister

Suteki: means pleasant, lovely, great, wonderful