
Vol. 6 - Chapter 21


Demons descended from the sky. Transforming her Love into a swordstaff, she quickly took a fighting stance as the soldiers around her scrambled to get their own weapons out. Lust demons fell on top of them, quickly working to grab some of the soldiers and lift them up into the sky. 

Some of them were carried away, never to be seen again. Others were let go when a few archers and mages shot down some of the demons that carried them. One of them was a bit too high and that led to the soldier landing on the ground head-first, earning a sickening crack before the soldier's body went limp. 

After that, demons began to pour in from distant trees. 

Kaori slashed a Lust demon with her swordstaff before she turned towards the ones who were rapidly approaching. 

They'll be here too soon,  she thought. The soldiers are going to be too distracted.

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