
Vol. 5 - Chapter 41


Once the group was settled in again, there wasn't much of a difference between how they operated today and how they were before the Pearl mission. The only noticeable thing was that now, Kasumi was spending much more time at the Savior house, instead of staying alone at a random inn. 

In truth, she didn't really know why she did that. Maybe she'd just gotten used to having some actual life around the place she slept in.

Regardless, she was laid down at what had pretty much become her bed, on the second floor of the Savior house. She could faintly hear Keiko and the others speaking outside, all the way from downstairs. 

With the re-taking of Pearl out of the way, there was now a question circling over Kasumi's head. It was a question that hadn't come up too much since she met up with the group again at Amber. 

That question was: 

Now what?