
Moonlight betrayal

Darthyss · Teen
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14 Chs

Chapter 9 , fight

-This chapter Contains fighting-

I walked into class and took a seat, the seat beside me was empty. Andrew used to sit there, My heart hurts every time I remember him

Our teacher was currently teaching us when we heard the door open. It was Andrew. My heart broke when I saw that he had an emotionless expression, he didn't even dare to look at me, I wanted to cry.

I looked down at my notebooks and I heard his footsteps walking close to me, but I was shocked when he passed my seat and sat at the back.

My heart shattered, he sat beside Mia.

And worse. The whole class was talking about the news about my mom and they kept on making comments about me

I wanted to cry. But I couldn't let Andrew know I missed him. I would look like a weirdo for that.

At lunch I ran out of the school. It was raining but I didn't care. I stood in the rain thinking about what I did.

Suddenly I felt the rain stop, but the rain was still pouring around me. I turned around to see Liam holding an umbrella over us.

'Liam?' I asked,

He looked at me

'Are you okay?' Liam asked me,

'Yeah, I was just thinking' I said

'Of Andrew right?' He asked

I nodded.

'Olivia..' he said but stopped talking when I spoke

'I wished I never met Andrew, we hated each other at first but when we started talking I fell in love. I was blind to see that he doesn't like me Liam, and now I can't stop thinking of him' I blurted,

Suddenly Liam hugged me. It felt warm.

He let go.

'Olivia, you are an amazing person. I don't see why Andrew wouldn't like you, actually. I can tell he likes you' Liam said

'You don't have to change anything for anyone. He just needs to open his eyes.' He finished.

'Thank you Liam, you don't know how much I needed that' I said,

'No problem' he said and smiled.

Suddenly the bell rang and we had to go to our classes

After class I was going to my locker when I saw a crowd forming. I walked over to the crowd and saw 2 people fighting.

My jaw dropped when I saw who it was.

It was Liam and Andrew.

'Liam' I yelled out.

As they're fighting Liam turns to me, he opens his jaw and suddenly falls when Andrew punches him.

I ran through the crowd and to Liam.

'Liam wake up' I yelled with tears in my eyes.

I look over to Andrew, His face softens when he sees me.

'Are you happy now? What have you done to him!' I yelled tears streaming down my face.

He started speaking

'Olivia I didn't mean to' I cut Andrew off

'What do you mean you didn't mean to Andrew? Just because all the girls like you doesn't mean you can hurt people! You already hurt many people and one of them is me. You hurt me so many times and I kept quiet so I could keep you.' I yelled falling to my knees. Everyone was whispering to each other and suddenly the principal walked through the crowd and saw Liam.

'Bring him to the nurses office' the principal said

Andrew was about to help him up when I pushed him away.

'I can do that, you already did enough.' I said and helped Liam to the nurses office

I was waiting impatiently outside the nurses office.

Suddenly she walked out.

I quickly stood up

'Is he going to be okay?' I asked

The nurse smiled at me.

'He will be okay, you can see him now' the nurse said, smiling.

I quickly ran into the room where Liam was there

He had bruises all over this face,

'Liam' I whispered, He looked over to me and smiled

'Olivia,' he said relieved