
Moonlight betrayal

Darthyss · Teen
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14 Chs

Chapter 14, Gone


It's been a few years. Andrew and I finished high school together and now we live in a apartment

He still kept his promise of protecting me.

I was in bed when Andrew came into the room

'Olivia I have a surprise for you!' He exclaimed

'What's the surprise?' I ask him

'Well you gotta get up' he said

'Why i'm tired' I whined

'Please?" he asked

'Fine' I said and got.

'Okay go get ready' he said and ran out of the room

I laughed to myself thinking how lucky I am to have him.

I got ready and went out of the room.

Andrew was there

His jaw dropped when he saw me

'Wow, you look beautiful' he said and hugged me

'Thanks, you look great as well' I smiled

'Well then, let's go out' he suggested.

I laugh

'Sure' I smiled

We were walking in a park, the view was beautiful. The sun was setting, clouds were out yet it was still a beautiful view.

'Isn't the view beautiful' I sighed

'Not as beautiful as you though' he said smiling

'That's why I want to live with you forever' he said

I looked at him confused

He was grabbing something out of his pocket

I looked behind him and I saw a familiar face. It was Liam!

 I was going to say something when I heard a gunshot

Andrew suddenly turned pale and dropped to the ground.

Liam shot him.

'ANDREW' I yelled as he fell onto the ground.

I kneel down and see a pile of blood everywhere. I start panicking

I quickly grab my phone to call the ambulance

'Olivia. It will be too late. I'm sorry I didn't do this before' He said struggling

My heart ached tears formed into my eyes

He takes a box out of his pocket slowly and opens it. There's a ring in it

'Olivia. Will you Marry me. I know I don't have that much time left. But i'll still be watching over you'

I start crying, tears streaming down.

My heart hurts , it feels like I've been stabbed.

'Yes Andrew I will' I said crying as he put the ring on my finger.

We both leaned in for a small kiss. And I move back

Suddenly Andrew starts gasping for air.

'Olivia I don't have that much time, but thank you for being my first and last love' Andrew spoke

'I love you Olivia' and suddenly his blood went cold.

My fiancé. Died in my arms

I screamed in pain, his blood all over me, my hands, my clothes, he's lying in my arms

. I lost the one I loved

I hug him, crying uncontrollably

'Why did you leave me Andrew' I sob hugging him

The one I was going to spend my life with died in my arms.

I look at my hand. Andrew was holding it,

It was the last moment I had with Andrew

I laid on his chest. With his blood all over me, crying in agony.

Someone saw and called the ambulance but I knew it was too late.

The ambulance drove him to the nearest hospital.

I was in the waiting room shaking.

Suddenly the doctors came out.

'Ms Olivia?' he asks.

I look up at him, tears in my eyes

'Were sorry. We lost your fiancé' he said

I crashed onto the ground crying my heart out loud. My head hurts, my heart hurts

'You can see him one last time' the doctor said and went to the receptionist

I walk into the room, barely walking

I see Andrew. His eyes are shut,

I stared at him and went to sit on the hospital bed where he was laying.

'Andrew, why did you leave me?' I cried holding his hand.

'I'll never forget you Andrew' were the last words I said before the nurse told me I had to leave.

I walk out of the room and lean against the wall.

I cover my mouth with my hands and cry.

I shut my eyes and remember the flashbacks of Andrew and I

Suddenly Dan came into the waiting room. As soon as Dan saw me he broke down.

He ran to me and hugged me as we both cried together.

'He's gone Dan, he's gone' I sobbed

Dan cried on my shoulder

'My big brother is gone' he sobbed.