
Moonlight betrayal

Darthyss · Teen
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14 Chs

chapter 12, forgives

As I was driving, I couldn't help but think about Andrew.

My heart hurts whenever I think of him. He hurt me so much, yet I still loved him.

Finally, I reached the school.

There were balloons everywhere and a big sign saying 'Dance'

I walked into the school and into the gym.

The music was blasting from the speakers

Everyone was there dancing and talking

There was a table full of snacks.

And Confetti everywhere on the ground

I smiled at the view of everything. Everyone was having a blast,

Suddenly my smile faded when I saw Andrew. He was wearing a suit. He looked like he was looking for someone

It hurt realizing he already moved on.

Suddenly he looked in my direction, so I looked away.

I couldn't stand seeing him.

Few minutes later all the school couples went onto the dance floor to dance.

While I was here watching them,

It was fun to see everyone dance together but suddenly something caught my eye.

My heart dropped.

I saw Andrew and Mia together,

They looked like they were having fun

My heart ached, tears starting forming into my eyes

Suddenly Andrew turned and our eyes met.

'Olivia-' Before he could continue I ran out of the school while tears were streaming down.

'How could he?' I whispered to myself and sat on a bench outside.

How could he leave and go for my ex best friend. The girl who hurt me the most without knowing is now with the guy I loved

I stared at the sky, to get things off my mind. It was a beautiful view . yet I was still hurt

"Beautiful view right?' a voice said beside me,

I turned to see who it was. It was Andrew

I quickly stood up and was about to leave before Andrew grabbed my hand.

I looked at him,

'What do you want' I said looking away

'I want you Olivia.' He said and pulled me closer.

'What about you and Mia?' I said, closing my eyes trying to calm down.

'Mia came over to me, and started talking to me randomly. She told the whole school the secret. It wasn't me, Olivia. Please believe me.' He said

'What about the things you said when Dan was over Andrew. It really hurt me.' I whispered

'I'm sorry Olivia, I didn't mean to hurt you. When Dan started talking about how I kept looking at you, I said those things because I didn't want you to find out that' He suddenly became quiet

'What did you not want me to find out Andrew?' I looked at him still hurt.

He stayed silent.

'What did you not want me to find out' I yelled

'I didn't want you to find out that I liked you Olivia, Cause I knew you didn't like me back. Dan knew and he almost told you that day. So I had to say something. As soon as I said it I realized what I did and I still hadn't forgiven myself. I like you Olivia and I didn't mean to hurt you.' Andrew said, looking at me.

'I know you don't like me back but-' Before he could continue I interrupted him

'Who said I didn't like you Andrew?' I asked.

He looked shocked, I continued.

'Andrew I like you. But it hurt when you said those things,' I said looking away.

Suddenly I was embraced into a hug

'I'm sorry olivia. I promise I will look after you' He said

I smiled

'I forgive you Andrew.'

He smiled at me.

'But I have one question,' he said, looking serious.

I nodded,

'Olivia. Will you be my girlfriend?' He asked, looking at me anxiously.

My jaw dropped. Tears formed into my eye

'Yes Andrew, I will' I said and he embraced me in a hug.

Suddenly I felt a spark.

We kissed.