
The beginning

21 March 1920,

Spring had finally arrived to a small village in south china, the sky was clear again, and the hot sun was spreading its rays , illuminating the narrow alleys, while the leafs of the newly blossemed cherry trees were dancing to the warm breeze.

Cherrys, those fruits were the pride of the villagers, who lived for and by those cherrys.

That year, the villagers did not get the chance to see their beloved cherrys. Those bloody red cherrys added a magnificent artistic touch to the village's scenery, bloody corps were everywhere, the men were savagely killed in what seemed like a battle, some of them were vigorously stabbed with swords, while others had their face clawed deeply. The women and children had already left the village days ago, but the enemy wasn't far from them.

Indeed, China was living its darkest days. Anna, the chief of the werewolf's herd was leading a wave of darkness and blood,and Anna had only one thing in mind, she wanted to revenge her ancestors who were once executed for a crime which they did not commit ;her father and his followers were the only ones to survive. And on her way to achieving that, she was killing, devastating and burning every single village she would pass.

When acknowledged by her actions, the emperor sent his army accompanied by the most powerfull magician to stop her.

It must have been the worst battle in history, massacred were the combatants from the both teams. On the hill could be seen their ripped dead bodies, laying in peace, like if they were not killing the hell out of each other minutes ago, they were thousands to cover the whole knole .The smell of blood could be smelt from miles away.

Silence, everything was silent, but not for too long, Anna and the magician were still standing,but nor did the poor magician want to kill her nor was Anna a monster, they both fell captured by each other's charm, but none of them admitted it,suddenly, Anna threw her sword away, retransformed herself to her original appearance, her angelic human appearance, turned her back to the magician, and said in a calm but harsh voice:

-I don't care who you are, I hope we never meet again, and if we do, it is going to be the last time. I swear.

The magician did not ran away or show any sign of fear whatsoever, instead he giggled causing Anna to stop walking, her back still facing him,he said these words that were never forgotten by Anna:

-you can't, you can't kill me, you were never made to kill, and even if this is what you think , that's not true, you are a treasure, and if I was able to see that from the very first time i led my eyes on you, you should know that everyone else sees it, I'm not here to stop you, if you want to , go ahead! Take your revenge! But only kill those who mistreated you, don't you lay a finger on our poor villagers, they were obliged and you know that, they're just victims like you, victims of their mistakes"He stopped."but who am I to tell you this?Unless falling in love with you can change anything.." he whispered the last part but Anna could hear him perfectly,her red puffy eyes widened ,her jaw dropped, she turned, opened her mouth to yell at him but the words couldn't come out, the magician then said in a loud voice like if he wanted the world to hear him :

-"Anna, I am giving you the immortality, you shall pay off your debt to all those you misjudjed . "

-"I will never stop till I get justice for my people, for my dad who was murdered, for anyone who had to live in fear because of a stupid prophicy "

-"Oh trust me, you will have the eternity to change your mind, by the way I'm Eric, nice to meet you Anna"

Anna stood their shocked in disbelief for what seemed like hours, then she broke down crying, she cried her eyes out, because she was determined to never cry again.

During that time, Eric was just standing there watching her, he didn't speak, he just watched.

A century later,

The world hasn't changed much, maybe a little bit more poluted and advanced, but that is it, it is still imperfect, and evil is still out there.

Eric grew loving Anna even more, never leaving her sight, even on her darkest nights,even when she pushes him away.He wishes to be hers and hers only. His looks were to die for, with his dark caramel curls, his emerald eyes and his joyful dimples, women are head over heals for him, somehow, he only has eyes for his beloved Anna. She on the other hand, was still hunted by her past mistakes,suffering unbearable nightmares, and easily drifting into her darkness to lose her self. In an attempt to move on from her past life,she found inner peace in promising herself to protect innocent lives at all cost,even if her life were to be the price.

Little does she know, that the ones who once killed her ancestors are still after her ,making it almost impossible for her to keep her promise.

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