

In Greek mythology, there was a great war that occurred between the Titans, the old generation of Greek gods, and the Olympian gods, led by Zeus. The war lasted for a total of ten years, ending in the defeat of the old pantheon, which was based on Mount Othrys, and the establishment of the new one, based on Mount Olympus.

This event is also known as the War of the Titans, Battle of the Titans, Battle of the Gods, or just the Titan War. The war was fought to decide which generation of gods would have domain over the Universe; it ended in victory for the Olympians.

When the Titans were in power, Uranus was the ruler of the universe. However, he caused the wrath of his wife, Gaea, after incarcerating some of her children, the Cyclopes and the Hecatonchires, in the depths of the earth, Tartarus. Gaea decided to take revenge, and created a giant sickle; she then told her children to castrate their father in order to overthrow him. Only Cronus agreed, and after he formed a plot with his mother, he managed to overpower his father and castrate him.

From Uranus' blood that fell on the earth, three sets of children were born; the Gigantes, the Erinyes, and the Meliae; while from the blood that fell into the sea, the goddess Aphrodite was born.

Cronus took the throne from his father, but not before Uranus made a prophecy that his son would also be overthrown by his own sons. Afraid that he would lose the reign, Cronus turned into the same tyrant god that his father was; he put his brothers back into Tartarus, and also ate his own children, in an effort to prevent the prophecy from becoming true.

However, his wife Rhea tricked him and saved her youngest child, Zeus, from his father's paranoia. She hid Zeus in a cave in Crete, where he was raised by a goat, Amalthea.

When Zeus grew up, he became his father's cupbearer, without revealing his true identity. Helped by Metis, the Titan goddess who later became Zeus' first wife, he gave Cronus a mixture of wine and mustard, causing him to vomit one by one the children he had swallowed.

When all of his brothers and sisters were freed, Zeus gathered them and convinced them to start a rebellion against their father.

Thus started the Titanomachy.

Zeus released the Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes from Tartarus and asked their help against their brother. They all agreed; the Hecatonchires started hurling rocks against the Titans, while the Cyclopes created the famous thunderbolts for their leader, Zeus. Themis and Prometheus were the only Titans that fought on the side of Zeus.

Zeus summoned her right hand Juno to led the war against Cronus and other titans. Juno was fierce and ruthless warrior of the moon, she possessed unearthly beauty with dazzling white skin, her eyes were the glimmering color of emerald sparkling in the light of the morning sun.

She wears a metallic breastplate and backplate in order to protect her upper body, a black leather skirt and winged knee boots made by goddess of heaven and stars, a magical red cape and of course her powerful dual swords she inherent from the goddess of war, Athena.

Despite of being ferocious noble warrior Juno was tamed by an innocent and extremely beautiful angel from heaven.

When the war ended with the Olympians on the winning side, all Titans except Themis and Prometheus were jailed in Tartarus, and were guarded by the Hecatonchires. Zeus, along with his brothers Poseidon and Hades, divided the universe by drawing straws; Zeus won and became the king of the sky, as well as the ruler of mortals and gods; Poseidon became the ruler of the seas; while Hades, who drew the shortest straw, became the ruler of the Underworld.

The stars were lonely tonight, they didn't shone like they used to be. Cassiel didn't move and patiently waited for Juno to come, she was holding a red cape made by her fellow angels using dust of universe. She will give it to Juno as a present.

Selene, the Titan Goddess of the moon saw the lonely Angel patiently waited in the moon crete, her wings were wrapped around her, shielding herself against the meteor and star's stones.

"Oh. My poor lovely angel of Heaven," The goddess of moon said in most comforting way as she drove her chariot drawn by a pair of winged steeds. "I pity your heart."

The Angel looked confused and slowly stood up. "My mind is torn by your words great Goddess of the Moon, speak out the truth."

Selene's beautiful face was emotionless, her lunar crescent was set upon her head like a shining cloak and glows with the light of her golden crown. "My heart breaks in delivering you this god awful news Cassiel."

The Angel spread her beautiful long wings and flew towards the Goddess of the moon's golden charriot. Cassiel was glowing when the sun rays strikes her skin. "My great goddess of the moon, can you please unfold the misery and spare my heart and soul in agony."

The Goddess grabbed a handful magic dust and sprinkled it around and formed into a cloud like, soon Cassiel was watching what had happened at the war. The great warrior Juno fought hard against the Titans but she was stabbed straight through her heart.

Juno helplessly stared into the cloudy sky, the heavens was crying and tears were sprinkled to wash the blood of grief and sorrow.

"Oh God of all God." Juno choked. "My heart is begging you to bring me back to life." tears escaped her heavy eyes. "In time where no war, blood to shed and killings. Let me have the love that I have deserve." more bloods spilled out from her wounded heart and cold lips. "I admitted my defeat with honor, my name will always be remember and written together with those patriotic and unfearful warriors." Juno said in her last breath.

Cassiel was too miserable to utter any words, too broken to cry. The pain is too imperious and too piery to hold, it feels like her heart will blow up like a explosive solar flare.

When the magic dust disappeared, Selene handed Cassiel a stone. "I will give you the red emerald, it will glow once you find Juno in another life."

Though Cassiel was hesitating, she accepted the red emerald. "But I don't know where to start, where to find Juno." the angel told the goddess downhearted. "The universe is colossal to travel, I am begging you the Goddess of the moon please give me some heart and sympathy, guide my heart to where it should go."

The Goddess of moon sighed and pointed her finger to a far distance, where a planet is shining like a glorious blue. "The great warrior Juno is like a child of mine, Cassiel. The lost of her is a great despair in my heart." the beautiful Goddess stared hard and long at the Angel." I will unselfishly confer my grace to you and manna from heaven. Spread your wings and fly like a furious Phoenix."

Cassiel's glorious wings unbend. A blossom of hope steer deep inside her heart and soul. "How long should I have to wait until Juno reencarnate again?"

The Goddess of the moon's chariot slowly moved as the winged horses gave a soft whined before they galloped at an astonishing pace and flew away.

"Time is devine and a journey, it can't be measured by years or ages. Wait and see, trust your heart and it will lead you the way." the soft voice whispered into my ear.