
MOON KISSED (The Rebirth of the moon goddess)

The moon goddess is seen as the mother of all supernatural beings that had ever walked on earth. Over the year she has graced her children with peace and beauty. Many years passed and there was no visit from her , her children became desperate and hungered for power destroying the earth and everything in their part. In the mist of chaos spring is forced to face a world she knew ever existed , thrown into hiding after the death of the only family she knew she seek refuge in the territory of the most feared of all supernatural beings, the master at the food chain.

Rejoice_seth · Fantasy
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9 Chs

You picked the wrong time to fall asleep

 Buston club is know as one of the most notorious place one could ever be to have real fun, there were no rules or age limit , it is mostly know among teens as the sin house . Even the police will never come to your rescue is anything were to go wrong. 

And Elizabeth so graciously picked it out of all clubs.

"We shouldn't be here" spring yells over the high blast songs as when push their way through the sweaty crowds on the dance floor.

" It's okay , once you have a drink you will loosen up" Elizabeth answers as they walked up to the the bar stand. 

"What can I offer you girls" the transgendered bartender asked.

"Can I have one of you finest, for myself " she answered again poining to herself first and then to spring"and a beginners for my friend over here "

"My mum will kill me if she found out I was here" spring said, looking around the dance floor , there were people at every corner either dancing clearly under the influence of alcohol or having a hot heated make out session just like the couple beside her, you could see the lady was almost passing out. 

Picking up one of the glass before her "good thing she doesn't know" Elizabeth said as she hands the glass to spring , before gulping hers in one go.

Spring stares at the drink in her hands , she has never taken alcohol ,not like she didn't want to but it was part of the restrictment her mother and grandmother gave her , two out of which she had broken already.

Without much thinking she gulped hers and grimaced as the liquid sent a burning sensation down her throat."how do people drink this " she thought out loud.

"Another round " Elizabeth signaled to to the bartender"how are you feeling "she said to spring, wobbling from side to side. The alcohol was starting to take effect, the goofy smile on her lips showed for her tipsiness.

"Fine.... I mean great so great " spring said just before the bartender returned with their drinks. Not wasting any time they emptied the glasses again. 

Screaming out of excitement "let's dance" Elizabeth grabs spring pulling her to the dances fall.

If there is one thing that makes everything feel right it was alcohol and that was how spring felt as she danced helplessly not minding if she was doing it right.

As she danced she watched as Elizabeth moved too , unlike spring who was unaware of the attention she was attracted, Elizabeth was enjoying hers.

"Excuse me miss" a man in his 30's ,dressed in black suit wispher into spring's ear. Suddenly feeling the hot air in her ear she turned. 

"Hi" she said almost stammering.

"I will like to talk to you "he said "somewhere private"he further said smiling with mischievously.

Shaken by the unfamiliar feeling , she felt under the look of the man. She turns around to look for her friend.

"Oh I bet , you are looking for your friend"he said this time having a devilish smile" my brother is definitely taken care of her trust me" he said as he nods towards Elizabeth who was been pulled off the floor by another man whom she couldn't see his face. 

Panicking for her safety and that of her friend she wobbled towards the direction her friend has just been taken. Leaving the strange man behind as he disappears among the dancing crowd.

She walked towards the dark corridor with a beating heart that one could hear from a distance. 

"Elizabeth" she shouts but got no reply . Increaseing her fear, she hesten her steps , totally Free now from the effect of the alcohol. As she walks down the corridors she passed by a half naked couple making out they seemed like the couple from earlier , just before she saw another group of people laying on the floor probably passed out from too much drug intake.

She cursed at herself for allowing herself to be in this position. And wonder what those people could already be doing to her friend.

"I knew you would come" the man at the dance floor said as she opened the door leading to the parking lot.

She was fright to see Elizabeth sitting almost lifeless on the ground.

"Elizabeth"she calls out only to get a cold look that gradually turned apologitic 

Back at home, after calling spring phone countless only to be sent to her voicemail grandma pim pim had to inform her mother about her disappearance

"This is why I don't want her mixing among those mortal forks , they bring trouble" spring mother said "we have been trying the locator charm and it still is not helping " she said again this time with lot of furstration.

"With a clogging spell of this magnitude, I will need a much bigger spell , more like a aura finding spell" grandma pim pim explained" and a spell that big at this hour , could send a signal to the high coven" she said again .

Hearing that their identity could be compromised and their safety gone , spring mother's furstration turns to anger and she turns to puch the wall causing a loud sound.

"We have to do it Emma, it's the only way or else something bad could happen to her" grand ma pim pim said.

"That if I don't kill her first " Emma said again turning around" to cast an aura spell, she must first have an Aura "Emma said "you said it your self spring has no ability, how can she have an aura"she asked again.

Taking down spring picture that haunged on the wall , grand ma pim pim placed it on the table before them "everything has it own aura child, we just have to activate has" she said.

"Activate, how do you mean " totally confused Emma asked.

Sighing grand ma pim pim said" I am sorry I kept you in the dark "

Emma frowns even more,Not liking the sound of it Emma asked" what do you mean"

"A child born with strands of white hairs , is not a signal to take likely in the witch world , not to mention that a fragment of yours turned too immediately she was born, I knew she was special and I had to do something to protect you both so I used the clogging spell to conceal everything and have been subpressing her aura's since then" grandma pim pim said shocking Emma 

" What are you trying to saying" Emma said shocked by what she had just heard .

"What I am saying is that spring is just as special as you and me or even more" grandma pim pim said as she stretch her hands to comfort a confused and shaking Emma.

"I know this is too much to take in , but we have to try the Aura spell now if we have a chance to save her" she reminds her.

Wiping her tears and sniffing back the unshed ones Emma said"ok, what did you need " 

Smiling at the new look of determination, long gone are the look of fear and furstration "the exact element I used in binding the her Aura, her parents blood" she said to which Emma nods and stretch out her hands allowing her to cut her palm a little to give her access to her blood. She position the cut so the blood will drop directly on spring picture on the table. Following suit she cuts her own palms and allow the blood drop just beside the drop of Emma's blood on the picture. She pick up dry leaves from the table and sprinkles it on the picture before holding Emma's hand where she had just made the cut , exposing the two cuts together.

It has been sixteen years she made a spell of this magnitude but it wasn't new to her, she closed her eyes and began to chant.

Sitting on the floor holding unto Elizabeth who was just beginning to regain consciousness. 

"The instructions was to capture the nightwalker , lord villmot sister, not bring a human" the man who took Elizabeth from the dance floor said. Taking a closer look at him he had a tattoo covering half of his face , something about that tattoo looked familiar 

" That's my problem with you dogs , you don't see" the man in suit said only to cause a growl from the other man .

Disturbing the heated atmosphere that was beginning to rise between both of them , and breaking away from spring hold Elizabeth asked" hey dog , what do you want from us" 

"What did you just call me" he ask furious.

"Isn't that what you are.. dog" Elizabeth said obviously intending to fuel his anger. 

"What do you think you are doing "spring wispher, aware of her friends intentions but considering it to be stupid.

"Trying to get their attention"Elizabeth answers.

"Yes I can see that but why" spring asked

"I am trying to buy us enough time to escape "she explains 

Walking towards them in anger the tattoed man gave an animalistic growl , causing spring spring to look surprised at his direction. Did he just sound like a dog or was she beginning to hear things. 

Unbotherd by spring confused expression Elizabeth stands to her feets , cracks her nect and position herself for a fight " thats right come to mummy"