
Moon Dust

Meet Alex she is a cold hearted Street racer from a broken home. She started racing to cope with the pain of her broken home. She didn't expect to become the all time champion of street racing. No one messes with her because the people that do are never seen again. Oh and she's a werewolf. Now meet Raven or that what he goes by. Not many people know his real name but the people that do would die if thay called him by his real name. He is just as cold hearted as Alex maybe more. He has trust issues sence he cot his girlfriend cheating on him with the head warrior. Let's not forget he's the beta of red stone pack. Warning this book contains * Verbal abuse * physical abuse IF YOU ARE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION PLEASE GET HELP THESE THING ARE NOT OK

Red_Raven_2886 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

chapter 2 ~ big race

Alex pov

I'm getting dressed for the big race. I put on a gray shirt then some leather pants with different zippers then I sliped on my black leather jacket I then put on my leather boots.

(Her outfit )

Once I'm done I go downstairs to the front room to find hope watching stuck in the middle from Disney Channel. Just as I'm going to the kitchen the door bell rings. I walk over to the door and open it. Hey Ava. I say as I walk to the front room. Hope Ava is here to wach you while I'm gone okay. I say to hope who seams to noticed Ava. Okie Alex bring me back some gold fishys please we are out. Hope says with her big puppy dog eyes.

Fine but you have to mind Ava and don't think just because I'm gone and Ava covers up your bad behavior I won't find out you had been naughty. I tell hope. She just nods and continue to watch stuck in the middle. Hope really love Disney. Her favorite movie is beauty and the beast. Once I'm done giving Ava hope's schedule for the day. I'm off to the race. I tell them as I walk through the door.

I head to my black pickup truck. I had asked Ava to paint it black with fire on it. Ava just brought it back today and I got to say it looks better then it did when it was light blue. Ava did a good job painting it. It has the painted fire in the front leaking though to the doors. I'd have to pick up something for Ava she has been really helpful lately.

Once I'm done admiring my truck I hop in and start driving to the location were the race will be held. The race is being held in wolf river wich is an hour drive from the cabin. As I reach the highway my favorite song came on Queens don't.

(***Grace**** if you have never herd Queens don't then I highly recommend you do its a pretty good it's up top. If you don't want to then ok but you won't understand the references I'm gonna use in the next paragraph.)

It's funny how the song relates to me. I worked hard to rise to the top of the racing world so you better believe that I earned every Jewel on my crown. I was never given the love of my parents and older brother. I should be living in the some house that they live in and having dinner with them talking about my day. Hope should be making friends in the same fancy school Isaac went to when he was young.

Hope has only known rejection from our family. I wish Ace was here he'd know how to fix all the pain hope's went through knowing that I had not have took her in she'd probably be dead. I wish I could make our family love us for hope but I can't. It just sad really but there is nothing I can do. I know I should be sad my family doesn't love me and I am sad for hope but for me I think that they are missing out on pretty good kids. Just look at me I'm one hell of a street racer like no one's ever beat me in a race and hope is 3 and not even in school and know all her numbers and letters and can divided by 10. Like I said they are missing out.


I'm finally pulling in to wolf river racing grounds. As I pull into my special spot that only the all time champion can park in I hear I can't make you love me by Bonnie Raitt playing. They always play this type of music to get us racers in the mood for the race. I had to garage number eight where my beautiful red and black race car awaits for me. Just as I get to the garage I hear the owner of the racing grounds Victor speaks through the intercom. All racers to the starting line in five minutes again all racers to the starting line in five minutes Victor says.

In a panic I quickly change in to my racing overalls. Then I put up my hair in a messy bun. I get in my car and quickly made my way to the starting line as fast as I can. I can now see the white and black checkered Starting line, as I pull up I see the black and blue car of lilly presscott the one person to ever com close to beating me in a race. She is a human but I think that she would love the life of a vampire.

She races for her fan of speed and adrenaline. She would love being a vampire. Not all vamps are bad my best friend Ava is a hybrid of a vampire and werewolf and her mom is not bad at all and she is the queen of the vampires. If lilly wasn't my competitor I could see as being friends. She is smart and sassy but sweat and kind at the same time. I get out of the car and walked over to her. Hello presscott. I say. She rolled down her window. Why its Alex Roseanne. Ready to lose your title of all time champion to me. Lilly say.

See you've got cocky after the last race but if I lose I would be honored to lose to you. Do you see the other racers. I say. Ya I bet they won't get past the first lap. She says. Ya I know right we are fast and we don't play dirty. I tell her. Just as she is about to say something when Victor speaks over the intercom. All racers to you're cars. He says. Well let the best racer win. I say and head back to my car. From the distance I hear her say oh I will.


It has been about two minutes since we had to go to our cars. Victor is standing in front of us holding the red flag. He lifted the flag up and says. On you mark get set.... Go. He lowered the flag and moved out of the was. We all dash off. As usual I'm in the lead. Then a all black car bumps in to my car but ended up spinning of the track instead of me. Lilly come up beside me smirks and sped past me.

I push the gas and speed past lilly leaving her in the dust knowing I beat her in our little competition and smirk as I finish my first lap. With just 3 laps left. I dash to the finish the second lap. Just as I start my third lilly passes me with a smirk. Speeding up I dash past lilly finishing my third lap. Knowing i only have one lap left I zoom to the finish line scoring the win.

Lilly came in second like always.


Me and lilly is now doing a one on one race sense we did not want to stop racing yet. So we asked Victor if we could race around the track and he said yes. As always I beat lilly. Me and lilly say goodbye and I head to my car and drive home.



Sarry for the wait hope you enjoy the new chapter sarry if the race is bad.

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