
Moon Called

A blind boy in the Edo period has a chance encounter with a powerful general. This is a BL/MLM (My English isn't good by any means so please be understanding) Also my schedule right now is like 2am-8pm American West I get up early to write before school so I'm just coming up with this off the top of my head. I should post like about once a day. Or just when I feel like posting.

Xaphan · History
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4 Chs

Rude Encounter

Opening my umbrella and hearing the rain pitter patter on the stone below my feet I make my way to the main house with the sounds of my cane tapping on the ground and the smell of the sweet rain. It takes exactly 312 steps to reach the main house, so I start counting. One,two,three,four,five.... 110.

Before I can get to the next number a group of people seemingly excited for something start shouting and running the sound of them getting closer. "We've got to get ready for the esteemed guest!" "Great general Akito will be here in our house, how exciting!" says another. A young voice rings out "I wonder why General Akito is coming here, what deals does the head have with someone like him." An older man speaks up and slaps the youngster on the head: "you fool, how could you serve the Fang family and not know what makes the Fang family so powerful."

The old man scoffs and rolls his eyes. He continues "the Fang family is a family of Yang

healers." "ohhhh" the young boy says wide eyed. Fang Awaki laughs and says with a big smile and a puffed-out chest "not just any healers but the best yang healers in the west." The group of people all look at Awaki. One of the older men steps forward and smugly says: "what are you so proud of cripple? Your healing ability is so bad you can barely soothe a bite from a horse fly." the group laughs in ridicule.

Fang Awaki deflates in shame. One of the men walks forward getting an inch away from Awaki's face, the smell of vinegar and fish assaults his nose. *THUNK* *SPLASH* Awaki ends up in the mud, his pale blue robes now brown and soaking wet. Losing the grip of his cane and umbrella one of the people in the group kick away his cane. The group of people all laugh once again and continue running and gossiping about the general.