
Moon's Journey Across the Multiverse

Sanja is an ordinary yet special guy and now he received a chance to be a successor of an ancient God. This is my first novel so if there is some mistakes just deal with it and point it out so I can improve it later. I have a shaky start but I got the hang of it as I upload more chapters. Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Mayushiiii · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 14


⁂Stone Corporation⁂

***Vincent Stone POV***

"Damn damn damn!!! I will fu*king kill those bit*hes they dare to drag me in their incompetence. After the failed attempt of assassination those two fools want to sell me out for their own skin." They should have already noticed some of the moles Spencer Industries hired inside. Now they are pointing fingers at me now as the only leader.

"Claire dear , I'm sorry I can't protect our daughter." I can't do anything to retaliate because they still have my daughter. 'She is the only family I have , after my wife died giving birth. She is my only memory of her.' I thought and remembered the past as I looked outside of the window. I will kill those damn stupid motherfu*kers even if I have to use my life to save my daughter.

"If they want to sacrifice me I will just sell them first instead." Gaining clarity and focus I created a plan. Loss my thoughts in my musings , the door opened.


"Sir the President of Spencer Industries set an appointment in three days" my trusted secretary said

"Perfect!! Confirm it immediately and i want you to find a nice restaurant for the place of the meeting around afternoon time" I said as I want to use the connections of the Spencer family to get my daughter back if I can , plus this is the best possible moment for me to sell them. With that in my mind I continued the day waiting for our meeting to arrive.

***Luna's POV***

Two days passed by quickly and now we need to go and meet the president of Stone Corporation. I used mind arts to create simple illusion covering Clara to hide her in case something happens. After spending time with our family Clara got so close to my mother and sister. They have tea party everyday while chatting and gossiping around.

While my father is double checking our next product to launch for the next few months. I'm still learning from dad about business management so I helped him in arranging documents. Mom also finished teaching me intermediate medical knowledge and asked me to find the rest on my own.

The details about the meeting is scheduled around afternoon so we are now driving towards the meeting place. Being late in a meeting means you don't have respect towards the other party. So we decided to arrive early around 30 minutes before the meeting. Clara is extremely excited to see her father but I asked her to stay silent while we are talking.

Entering inside the restaurant we ordered something while waiting. While eating light foods we see a blonde hair and dark skinned guy around 187cm in height walking towards our table along with a male with a neutral expression wearing glasses holding some documents.

We both exchange pleasantries and sit to start talking about the matters. I let my father to give out the planned proposal about business deals. While me and Clara is chatting silently while waiting for them to finish their talk. After around 3 hours they shake their hand signaling the end of deal.

"Mr. Stone can you stay for a bit , my son wants to talk to you about some matters. This matters is quite serious so we need a more private place." My father now asked him to stay for a while as we have planned to talk about Clara's Abduction in private.

"Sure I also wanted to talk about something as well" Mr. Stone said.

We asked the employee to take us to a more private room as my father's request. The employee asked his manager for permission before guiding us to a room. Walking for some minutes we arrive in front of a spacious hall with golden plating doors everywhere. Giving us one of the room , the employee bowed then left to go back to his previous post.

"Mr. Stone can you please send your assistant outside for a bit. This information is for your ears only" I said as we find a chair to sit inside the room.

"Jun if you may , please wait for me outside this will be quick" Thinking for a bit Mr. Stone agreed and asked his secretary to leave

The secretary complied to his boss and walked outside leaving us four inside the room me , Clara covered with illusion , dad and Mr. Stone. The room is equipped with sound proof walls so we don't have to worry about our voices to leak outside. I also double checked the room using observation haki to find some cameras or other device.

"Alright Mr. Stone can we ask you to be truthful while we talk??" I initiated the talk this time.

"Sure Mr. Luna Spencer , I heard that you are the head and brains of the new products of Spencer Industry. So you can count on me that I will answer truthfully as a sign of respect."

"Okay I will tell you a story first so listen for sometime as the topic will be connected to this story" I said. Seeing him stay silent I start my story on how I see Clara and how we first met.

"I'm going outside our mansion to gain inspiration but along the way I see a little girl having a blond hair around 6 years old" I said giving him a suspense making sure if he isn't the one involved or responsible for the kidnapping.

"She bumped into me while running because of two guys chasing him. One with scaled and sharp clawed guy while the other looks completely normal but can change his arm into a spring." I can see his face change as I continue my story. I can feel his emotions using my haki.

"I tried to run away but they blocked me so what I did is I subdued them by force then take the girl in our house" Hearing that I saved the girl he signed and release the breath he is holding without him noticing.

Seeing his face I can see that he isn't involved for the kidnapping. I stopped and release the illusion covering Clara. Mr. Stone quickly stand up from his seat seeing clara and hugged her tightly.

"Papaaa!!" Clara said as she hug Mr.Stone tightly and cried.

"Ohh Clara my daughter I'm glad you're safe." He said feeling relieved and happy at the same time.

I give them for some space to catch up with each other. From the side I can see Mr. Stone crying while embracing Clara. A few minutes later Mr. Stone calmed down and approach me and dad

"Once again I thank you for saving my daughter. I'm am deeply indebted in you" he said while bowing his head to thanking us for the last time.

"There are three groups that want to sabotage and destroy your company. I am one of them because of one leader in the group. I deeply apologize for attacking you I will do anything for your forgiveness." He said suddenly as he bowed while asking us for forgiveness. 'Ahh~My luck at its finest'

"It's alright , we already suspected that it's you guys but we still appreciate it if you tell us the leaders so we can thin down our search" Dad said with a big smile. He knows that having a huge favour in business world is like a huge loan. 'Damn you old man for taking my credits'

"But do it one more time and I will torture you and kill everyone you know" My dad's temperament changed drastically as he released a crushing pressure. Looking at Mr.Stone with a sharp and cold eyes. He know that they are still part of the group who attacked our family so he just give him the first and last warning just because of Clara that became close to Lily.

"S-ss-suurre " Feeling the pressure Mr.Stone said with a forced smile and shaking hands. He still tried to act composed outside but we know he is sweating hard inside. Forcing himself to calm down he cleared his throat.


Knowing that he just dodge a huge disaster he said some information for us to use and hunt the remaining leaders. "There are 3 big leaders. First is the aggressive leader of the group Mr. Clark Devon. He have many connections in the underworld so he is cocky and arrogant. The current owner of the Devon Industries that focused in selling advance technology by forcing and coercing the inventors.

Then there is me the financial leader of the group. I just support them because of someone in the group forcing me. I did take part in the meeting but don't have actual power in the group. I'm just a dummy leader in simple term. Last is Natasha Spanova the most sly in the whole group.

She will do everything just to reach her desired goals. She is the current owner of Spanova Corporation by marrying the last owner getting his surname. Allegedly poisoned his partner to take all his properties. She is also the one who kidnapped Clara to blackmail me and do her bidding" He said quickly as he knows everyone having high authority in the group.

He spilled the beans and everything he know about the leaders. He didn't even think and immediately say some hidden information about the true people responsible behind the attack in our mansion because of the pressure from my father. After that we leave the meeting place satisfied with our deal with Mr. Stone. Plus the added bonus of information about the group who attacked us.

Driving for a few hour we reach at home around 6:00pm. Me and my father see Lily sad while playing with mom. Maybe because she is still unhappy about her friend Clara left and returned to her family. My father immediately joined them to make my little sister lively. Meanwhile I excused myself , I decided to go upstairs and go to my room after the tiring day.

I cut the connection of me and Lyra before taking a bath. Now freshened up I go to my inner world to surprise Lyra and give her my gift. I'm still amazed at how this world looks like. The vibrant colours and the atmosphere here is very unique. Along with the fresh air , clear water sources and healthy forest.

Going inside the mansion I looked around to find Lyra. Walking for a few minutes I can see her at the kitchen baking something. I sneak around her then hug her from behind.

"kyaa~" She jumped out completely surprised but then realising that it's me she relaxed and let me hug her and be in my embrace

"Moou~ Onii-chan why do you always do that?" she said with mock anger with her usual cute pout

"Hehe I just loved to see your cute reaction , ohh right finish whatever your doing fast , I want to give you something" I said while still hugging her and poke her cheeks from time to time.

"A gift?? Really?? Wait for me I will be done with this soon" she left my embrace quickly and run around the kitchen finishing her newly baked cookies. 'She must have notice I loved cookies from that time my mother baked last time'

A few moments she finished her baking and run towards me as quickly as she can. Eyes shining with expectation I decided to give her the gift I prepared.

"Close your eyes" As I said that she cutely closed her eyes immediately

"Now open it" I am now holding a box with a completely white egg that is around 7 inches in height inside. As soon as she see the egg she looked at me with questioning gaze.

"I will give you this egg. Take care of it and it will be your companion in here if you ever feel lonely. I know sometimes i can't visit you so this egg will accompany you in my stead at that time."

"It will hatch in about 6 months or so. Be careful handling with it it's still a new life. If you feel it will hatch soon inform me immediately and I will help you at that time." I said while looking at her doll like face and royal blue eyes.

She cried silently then she jumped at my arms hugging me tightly. I wait for her to calm down. I am still holding the egg with my other arm while the other is hugging and stroking her pink hair.

"Thank you , thank you onii-chan" said while burying her face in my chest , hiding her expression right now but her red ears give it away. I just let her as I know she is shy to show her embarrassed expression in front of me. Few moments passed and now she calmed down.

"Hey hey onii-chan what egg is this?" she take the egg in my hands and asked me curiously

"Secret~ it's not a surprise if I tell you now is it" As I said that I dragged her around. We spend our time together whole day fooling around inside the inner world.

Now that is over I returned to my room to meditate and replayed my past fight to know and think of my mistakes. I know I have many alternative ways to fight. So I project myself against them in my mind trying different and various methods. After a while I decided to lay down and sleep due to this long tiring day.