
Chapter 6

Rebecca Romero is talking to her fiancé.

"Can you just show me just a little something?" Larry said.

"Trust me, my pussy is the Sahara too. Besides, I just sent you a titty pic."

"Damn, you need some for real." Larry said, making her giggle at his corny joke. "But the things I would do to you if I was there..."

"I know, babe. But for real though, I'm in public right now."

"Like that didn't stop you before," Larry said, with a look.

"I was drunk, Larry, ok? Don't act like this... isn't a gift from God."

"You do have a point. That's why I'm asking. Please?" Larry said.

Becky thought about it.

"Ok. I guess."

She began to hike up her dress.

"You like?" Rebecca said.

"The things I would do if I was there... Lord, have mercy," Larry said.

"You like my tight pussy, huh?" Rebecca said, opening it up slightly. It was unshaven, but still beautiful to Larry... and others...


Rebecca received a text from Ryan saying:

"Remember what we talked about."

Her mind suddenly went back to that fateful night:

"UGH! UGH! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

"Oh yeah, we got a good one right here!" Tucker said, slapping her buttocks. "A good sorority slut!"

"Yeah, take this dick! Take it!" Logan said.

"Take it!"

While she was getting fucked, she was sucking off Ryan with care and love. She was deep throating Thad.  Before long...

"Mmm, yeah! Fuck me in the ass! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Give me that dick!"

"I'm coming..."




Ultimately Tucker and Logan came in her. Ryan and Thad came on her face and chest. Afterwards, they took a picture with said bodily juices on her and sent it to Larry, whom she was really mad at the time.

She realized something then... Was she really a cumslut? Or was that revenge for Larry calling her a cumslut? She knew all actions have consequences. She said to Larry:

"I've done enough. Let me get out of here before I get arrested. I love you."

"Love you too, babe."

As soon as he hung up, she replied back to Ryan:

"Fine, I'll do the test."

(Intro hits)

Meanwhile, the Thornton family was talking after the game. Nicole and Nick was talking about a certain agent extraordinaire. While Devon had his eye and mind on said agent.

"Nicole, that was my first agent offer. Do you know what that means? This is only my first year here. Things might be looking up!" Devon said.

"Devon. Devon. I'm glad you feel this way, but... You blew it twice before. You said you were going to get your degree. Not everyone gets drafted," Nicole said.

"What she's trying to say is... It helps to have something concrete. You thought I would get drafted in the NFL Draft. No offers in Division 1. Didn't go. Had teammates that went, though. God knows you have the talent," Nick said.

"Yup. And as long as you keep your hands off women as a whole..." Nicole said.

"Nicole..." Devon said.

"Devon... Respect women. We're not pieces of meat."

"But did you see DeAndre's cousin though? Damn. Fine as hell." Devon said, motioning curves.

"Who's fine as hell?" Luther Lawson said, chiming in.

"Dammit, Luther," Nicole said, startled. Luther waved.

"Where's Anna?" Nick said.

"She's in the car. Come on, you can tell me, homie."

"Nothing," He lied.

"DeAndre's cousin is an agent. She offered her services in the future," Nicole said.

"And she's fine. Like... Oh my god, mind-blowing fine."

"Ohhhhh, you must be talking about Cecilia. She sat in the good seats. She was talking to DeAndre before the game. She is nice. Her body is too," Luther said.

"What y'all doing afterwards?"

"Myself and Nick are getting something to eat. Devon's going to a party at Greek Row."

"Hmm," Luther said. "Looks like we got a party to go to." Luther then called Anna.

"Anna, wanna go to a party? It's just for a little bit. Your ex will be there..."

"That Greek Row party? I may know some things about the 'Chosen One' from our past..." Anna said.

"Oh, you're going to... Oh my goodness, you sexy thing."

"I know," She said, kissing him. "But we have a baby-sitting job."

"Tami doesn't leave until tonight. Trevon told me this. Let's go to this party..." Luther said, smiling.

"There's my man."

Luther hopped in Anna's Mercedes, and sped off.

Meanwhile, on the other side of campus was Ryan en route to his frat house. He found somebody bending over that looked very familiar from the back. Turns out, it was Ashley Mendez, also heading that direction. Ryan quickly got out his phone to quickly take a picture of her curvaceous buttocks before she turned around and caught him.

"Hi, Ryan."

Luckily he took the coveted shot. She knew Ryan was checking her out somehow. He texted this to his frat brothers:

"Big booty is on the way."

"Hey, Ashley," Ryan said.

"I wanted to ask where your frat house is," She said.

"Hmm. I'm glad you asked. Follow me," Ryan said with a smile. "One question: Do you dance?"

Ashley rolled her eyes and laughed.

"With my boyfriend, yes. Why?"

"Dance with me at the party?"

"Ehhhhh..." Ashley thought.

"I'll take that as a..." Ryan started.


Ashley laughed. All of a sudden, a boy came swiftly by them, smacking Ashley's buttocks and saying:

"Keep it tight for me, baby."

Both Ashley and Ryan shot a look of death towards him.

"At least keep it to yourself... Damn," Ryan said to himself.

"Fucking perverts..."

"Be real, how many dudes, excluding myself, drool over that beautiful, beautiful ass of yours?" Ryan asked.

"Excluding you and your friend? Too many," She said, chuckling.

Ryan shrugged as his phone dinged.


It was a text from Rebecca. It was a picture of a pregnancy test. It said:

"Here goes nothing..."

Later, in Greek Row...

The party was underway. Music was bumping in the distance. While Luther Lawson and Anna Williams had just arrived. They did a quick inspection of who was there. They could spot Devon and DeAndre easily going in the house. Chauncey, Luther's cousin, was there also. Also in the not-so-far distance was Fancy Escobar bending over picking up something.

"Ok, so what's your dirt on Devon Thornton?" Luther said.

"Ok, so, disclaimer... I said everything he did to me already. This is shit he's done to others in the not-too-distant past."

"Oh. Shit," Luther said.

"I'm just looking for him to remind him... What he did. And I know it."

"What'd he do?" Luther said.

"Oh, honey... the things I know," Anna said.

"This'll be juicy," Luther said. Anna started whispering in his ear.

Meanwhile, across the street, at the sorority house was Rebecca. She quickly went to the restroom to take the test. As she sat her bare milky white buttocks on the toilet for the sample, a myriad of thoughts went through her head. Why did she do that? Why was she so stupid to do that? And finally, if she actually wasn't pregnant... She would never do that again. On the other hand, if she actually was... two people came inside her. Ryan was absolutely right about that night. Rebecca learned that night that there was something about Ryan. He was smart. He was caring. He was kind. She almost thought he was cute.

"God... Please... I'm not ready for this shit."

Becky's iPhone rang. It was Ryan.

"Yo, Becky!"

"Hey, Ryan. I did what we talked about..." She got interrupted.

"Yo, don't worry about that right now. You going to the party?"

"Haha. Hell yeah," She said. "I'm just across the street. See you later."

Becky turned around and hiked her dress up in the mirror, shaking her tight buttocks in the mirror, then chuckling.

"I can't afford to lose this figure. This tight ass?"

She spanked her buttocks before throwing the used test in the garbage and leaving. The used test was on the counter in the restroom.

Meanwhile, still in the Mercedes Benz, was Luther and Anna...

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, sister! You mean to tell me Devon Thornton, our star player, is..." Luther said.


"Not only did he almost sexually harass you in New York, he has a history of being a deviant?" Luther said.

"This was all in New York."

"Wow..." Luther said. "No wonder he screwed up. And Nick and Nicole are watching his every move. Anna, here's the plan... We go in, I mingle. You find Devon. You seduce Devon as only your sexy self can... you two talk. Because my name's Paul and that's between y'all. I'll be mingling! Yo, Chauncey!"

Chauncey came to the car.

"Damn, little cuz, this is you?"

"No, it's her car."

"How you do that?" Chauncey said.

"I'll be by the car, doll face..." Luther said, smiling. She kissed him.

"Here goes nothing."

Meanwhile, across the street was Rebecca trying to get to the party. She spotted Ryan and Ashley and quickly got to them.

"Ash, Ryan, where were you?" She said.

"Barely getting here," Ash said.

"Yeah, where were you?" Ryan said.

"You know how you asked me to do something, Ryan?" Rebecca asked with a look in her eye. "I went to handle it."

Ryan's look on his face changed. He then whispered...

"You took the test?"

She nodded.

"Damn. A couple weeks we'll know... until then..." Ryan said softly.

"Until then."

"Come with me, ladies..." Ryan said, with his arms around their lower backs. Ashley promptly slapped his.

Meanwhile, Chauncey and Luther were still talking outside.

Luther saw a glimpse of Rebecca and Ashley.

"Becky, Ashley, what up?" Luther said and waved.

"Ryan, what up, fool?" Chauncey yelled. "Who's the chick with the ass? Mmm!"

"You are not the only one to ask that. That's Ashley. The one next to her is Becky. Kinda bitchy, but cute in her own way. They're like inseparable. I've known them since high school," Luther said. "You think Anna's ok?"

"Give it a few minutes, then we go with the plan," Chauncey said. "But for real, I know that name... Becky. Tucker told me about how he fucked this chick named Becky. Went into gross detail, but that's beyond the point..."

"OH MY GOD. That's the infamous 'Becky?' Dude, I got news for you, bro. I heard whispers of this during football season, actually. Tucker left this detail out. Becky was being passed around like a blunt," Luther said.

"Get the..."

"Yeah!" Luther said.

"Wait, who told you?"

"Oh, Chauncey. I have my ways..." Luther said.

"Hi, Luther! Heyyyyy, Chauncey!" Justin Lupin, the kicker on the football team said.

"What's up, Wolfie!"

"Wolfie?" Chauncey asked.

"Again, I have my ways," Luther said, smiling.

Meanwhile, in the frat house, Anna Williams was a woman on a mission: Find Devon Thornton. Anna spotted Devon. Devon was heading up the stairs to the restroom, drink in hand. She hurriedly caught up with him before Devon went in the frat house bathroom. She gently touched him on the shoulders. He turned around.

"Devon... can we talk?" Anna said softly.

"Anna, what is it?"

Devon got pushed in the bathroom by Anna. The two were in the bathroom alone.

"Devon, I came here for one reason and one reason alone. You are my past for a reason," Anna said.

"And, your point? What reason is that?"

"You fucked it all up with me in high school in New York, when you fucked that cheerleader hoe! And you fucked it up when you almost got put away for sexual assault. What the hell is wrong with you?" Anna said.

"Who, her? Ok, that was a hell of a long time ago. Secondly, cut the whole innocent shit out... you know damn well you were sucking and taking dick right after we broke up. Third, that dick was my high school teammate! There's a code!" Devon said, reminding her. "That's why no girls wouldn't be friends with your ass! You're a slut!"


Devon got clocked across the face with a slap by Anna.

"Please! You're just jealous you never got all of this," Anna said, motioning to her figure.

Anna's phone rung. It was Luther.

"You're lucky bae is calling," Anna said.

"Bae? You're lucky Luther's my boy..." Devon said.

"Hey, babe. Yeah, I'm on my way out now. What you up to now? Oh, you talking to Justin? How's Wolfie doing? Tell him Devon said hi. Bye, babe..." Anna Williams said, with a grin. "Oh, Devon, I know almost everything about you and vice versa. Yes, I have a past. We both do. Did I mention your thing with the kicker from the football team, Justin Lupin?"

Anna then showed Devon and Justin fondling each other.

"What the f... you bitch!"

Anna quickly ran out to her car where her Mercedes Benz was. Luther was still mingling near the car.

"Luther, we need to go. Go. Go. GO!" Anna yelled.

Luther looked back.

"Shit. What did you do? Drive, drive! Drive!"

"I may have pissed him off," Anna said, as she drove down the street quickly.


"I showed him a picture of him and Wolfie... fondling each other," She said.

"As in Justin? Justin Lupin, the kicker, from the football team? Ohhhhh shit. I didn't know he swung that way," Luther said. "This is going to be hell for him in the locker room." Anna showed him the pictures. Anna smiled.

"Ooh! Damn!"