
Chapter 3

"Cute and respectful. I like it," Nina Williams said.

Anna and Luther looked at each other.

"Thanks?" Luther said.

"No need to be afraid. I won't bite. Connor won't either. Hehe. Which reminds me, we haven't seen you in awhile, sis!" Nina said. "Maybe I should take a Christmas trip to Texas."

"Luther still hasn't seen my little Connor!" Anna said.

Luther's face changed. He gave her an incredulous look. Nina then put her son on camera.

"Luther, meet Connor. Connor, meet Luther. Isn't he adorable?"

He was. He absolutely was. Luther almost had no words.

"Yes, he is," Luther said to Nina. He had baby fever for a few seconds.  "Maybe I should meet the little guy..."

"Then it's settled. See you two at Christmas!" Nina said, then blowing a kiss.

"Damn," Luther said.


"I am not good with kids..."

Meanwhile, in a military base in San Diego...

Private Larry Knight was texting with his fiancé in Houston. His iPhone wallpaper was her smiling posing with him. He loved her so much. After accusing her of cheating, she actually cheated on her out of anger with a gang-bang, no less. After that revenge-porn text, he had never felt so dumb. On one hand, he loved her. On the other, he wanted to leave the slut. Ultimately Larry stayed. A text came in. It read:

"I miss you"

He promptly typed back:

"I miss you too"

Larry looked at his wallpaper. Rebecca replied:

"I love you, baby"

The text had an attachment. Larry looked back in the barracks. The picture was Rebecca topless with panties on.

"Damn, the things I would do to you, girl right now..." He said, biting his lip. He texted back:

"Love you too girl"

"Who?" Private Denzel Valentine said. "Damn, look at those tits!"

"Damn it, Denzel! Just because you got the first name of a bad he-bitch does not mean you get to sneak up on me!" Larry said. "That's my fiancé you're talking about with the tits, so watch what you're saying."

"Bad he-bitch?" Keisha "Keke" Jenkins, another Private, said. "Really?"

"You don't think Denzel Washington is bad? Man, please! If I were female... It'd be over!" Larry said.

"Amen." Denzel agreed.

"But what do I know, I'm Lesbian," She said.

"Wait, huh?" Another man, Solomon Smith looked down from his Bible. Keke was relatively attractive with a few curves in the right places. She was nearly every guy's dream. She liked cars, sports, and had a fierce personality. 

"Oh, great, I can't jerk off now to my girl..." Larry said.

"Well, I'm not God. We all got needs. It's Him you got to worry about. Solomon Smith. Nice to meet you all. Now I've been observing... Knight... That text... It's still up." Solomon said. "I got to say, she's attractive."

"Yup," Denzel said.

"Yeah, she's cute. How'd you get her?" Keke asked.

"Well... You see..."

The group listened attentively.

(Intro hits)

Meanwhile, back in Houston...

Meanwhile, Luther and Anna had just finished talking to Nina Williams.

"What do you mean you're not good with kids?"

"I mean... I was an only child. Never had to deal with that. Embarrassing, ain't it?"

"No, we'll just teach you," Anna said, playfully hitting Luther.

He smiled.

"Ha. Are you a good teacher?"

"I'd think so," Anna said.

"Let's do it," Luther replied.


Anna then kissed Luther on the cheek. Luther then sighed.

Elsewhere on campus...

Ryan Lewis was in the library studying at a table, when he noticed a female figure coming toward him. The curves were absolutely outstanding to him. He was in a trance looking at her as her hips sashayed. He got his phone out. He said to himself:

"Just wait till they find out about her..."

She was pretty too. It turned out to be...

"Is this seat taken?"

"No, no. It's not. It's not," Ryan said, still captivated by her beauty. "I don't think I've seen you around campus..."

"Yeah, I just transferred. Pre-Law major," She said. "My name's Ashley. Ashley Mendez. You pledged, huh?"

"Yeah, you can tell? Ryan Lewis. Pleased to be of your acquaintance."

"What's your major?" She asked.

"Don't know yet. I'm getting my basics out first." Ryan said. He thought she was surprisingly easy to talk to.

"Cool, that's smart."

Ryan's phone vibrated. It was a text from Rebecca. It read:

"Whatcha doin?"

He typed back:

"Studying, but I'm a little hungry"

She typed back:

"Same! Meet me at the Student Center in fifteen minutes"

Ryan did the "OK" emoji in response.

"Ashley, I gotta go soon, but I got to ask something," Ryan asked.

"What is it?"

"My brothers along with myself are having a little get together this weekend at the house. I'm not necessarily asking you out... But would you think about it?" Ryan asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, I'll think about it," Ashley said, smiling. He smiled back, while awkwardly putting back his pens and markers back in his backpack. However, he dropped one coincidentally in the area of Ashley.

"Hey, Ashley, can you pick that up? That's my pen."

She nodded and bent over. Ashley was wearing tight jeans. Ryan quickly got out his phone, switched it to camera, and got one quick little panty shot from behind but her butt cheeks were showing as well. That is until Ryan got another text from Rebecca:

"Where are you? I'm here"

He quickly typed:

"On my way."

"Nice to meet you, Ashley," Ryan said, while leaving.

"You too, Ryan."

Not that much later, Ryan gets a picture from Rebecca. It was the same picture she sent Larry, topless and with panties on.

"Oh my entire shit..." Ryan said to himself.

Meanwhile, in a pub called The Paw, Chase Kelly was at his place of employment as a busboy.

"Mmm. Damn, that's a fine piece of ass right there..." Chase Kelly said, looking at a picture that Ryan sent him of Ashley Mendez's buttocks.

"That's enough, Chase," Jezebel Johnson, the bartender said.

"You heard that? Oops." Chase said. "Hey, I'm just saying. I'm just saying. Appreciation."

She rolled her eyes. Jezebel was a pretty bartender with buxom breasts which was why everyone was attracted to her. She didn't want to show her tits all the time on the job, but it's part of the job. Plus she gets to talk to people. She moved to Houston from San Antonio.

"You got it!" Brooke Anderson, Chase's co-worker said.

"Thank you, baby," Chase said, smiling at her.

The door opened. Jenna James walked through the door.

"Can I speak to Chase, please?" She said to Jezebel.

She nodded. Jezebel then motioned for Chase.

Jenna and Chase waited until they were out of earshot, until she said this...

"What the fuck is wrong with you and your sex-crazed friends?"

"Wait, wait... What?"

"I think I got... I think I got..." Jenna started.

"Got what? Do not tell me... Do NOT tell me..." Chase said, getting angry at his frat brothers. She nodded, then he remembered Ryan checked out Jenna at the sorority house first.

"And I don't remember most of it! It's like The Hangover!"

"One thing I have to ask... Was Ryan involved?"

"No, I saw him go study with Abbs that night," She said.

"We got to go back to the house. Expitidiously. These motherfuckers."

Meanwhile, at the Student Center...

"What's up, my favorite boy toy?" Becky said, playfully to Ryan.

They were in line at McDonald's at the time.

"Good to see you too, Becky. Um... Did you text me a nude by accident?" Ryan asked. "I can show you..."

"All you think about is sex..." Becky said, rolling her eyes. "What're you talking about?"

"Becky. Dude, it's on my phone."

Ryan showed the picture to her, as discreetly as he could.

"I mean... You did see me naked. And you did cum in my mouth. This shouldn't be a big..." Becky got interrupted.

"My question is this: Did you send that to anyone else?"

"No," Becky answered.

"And another one... One of us came IN you that night. I'm just saying."

"Yeah, you said that already," Becky giggled. "Anyway, Ryan... What you want?"

"The nuggets," Ryan replied, as he got a text from Tucker Knight. It read:

"Emergency at the house"

Ryan promptly typed back:

"Be there in a few. Getting lunch with Becky."

Tucker typed back:

"All right"

Becky then got the same text from Abby:

"911 at house"

Becky typed back:

"Got lunch with Ryan, be back soon"

"Hi, let us have an order of a Chicken McNuggets... and a Quarter Pounder..." Becky said. "Damn, I'm hungry as hell."

Meanwhile, not too far off in the distance, Luther Lawson and Anna Williams were still talking.

"Anna, let me ask you something. You want a lot of kids, do you?" Luther asked.

"One day, yes."

Another thing that the two are different in is... Their views on kids. Anna loves kids. As for Luther, it's a different story.

"Awwww. I can see you as the mother/MILF figure," Luther said with a smile. Anna smiled back at the word "MILF."

"But men that are good with kids can be sexy too..."

"Why? Illuminate me," Luther said.

"Simple. It shows your sensitive and soft side,"

"Okay, so..."

"She's right, Luther," A voice said from behind them. It was Gabriela Chan.

"Your Highness, it's been a long time," Luther said to her, jokingly.

"Has it? What we talking about?" She said, sitting down.

Elsewhere, on Greek Row...

Ryan along with Rebecca arrived. Everyone was at the frat house that Ryan stayed at, not the sorority house that Rebecca lived in. Chase Kelly had a serious look on his face.

"Hello, Ryan. Rebecca. As you may know, you got a 911 text. Someone may or may not have gotten sexually assaulted in this house. You two happened to not be in when it happened," Chase said.

"Who was the one who allegedly got assaulted?"

"Jenna James," He said.

"Who was the accused?"

"Tucker and Logan. I was at work. She told me."

"Ok, I know Jenna. She might have a few wild moments, but..." Rebecca said.

"When'd this happen, Jenna?" Chase said.

"Last Thursday," She said.

"I was at work. I saw you." Chase said to Jenna. "You were knocking them back like they were nothing. While I was on my shift, I saw you kiss the bartender, who was my boss."

"The one with the big tits?" Ryan chimed in. 

"Yes. That's where I knew it was over for you. So I called Logan and Tucker to bring you back to Greek Row. Now, as for the rest of the story..."

"I remember about 40 percent of that part," Jenna said.

"Tucker, Logan, you better not say it," Chase said.

"So, after all that happened... We took her home. Delicately and quietly. We tried to strip off her clothes, out of consideration of them. She had her bra and panties on. Above sheets. We did not touch her sexually. Tucker has football dreams, for God's sake," Logan said, matter-of-factly. "Doesn't mean we wanted to..." He said to Tucker.

"Ryan, let me ask you this, Chase said.


"You saw Jenna dancing in her room, right? When you were with Becky?"

"Yes I did."


"Um, Chase... I know someone who knows Jenna also," Rebecca said. "We spent some time together once upon a time."


Luther Lawson's iPhone rings. It was Rebecca.

"He's going to learn eventually," Anna said.

"I guess..." Luther replied. He answered. "Hello?"

"Luther!" Becky said cheerfully.

"What's up?" Luther said.

"I need clarification. You know that one time... You know that... ONE TIME in the club... Jenna was dancing with you. How close were you?"

"Just regular dancing until you stole me. No twerking, no grinding, well... she did do that thing that white girls when they dance on the dance floor. So cute!" Luther said.

"Yeah. Thanks for the info. Thank you, Luther, byeeeee..." Becky said.

Back to the frat house...

"Luther Lawson? As in, voice of the basketball home games, that Luther Lawson?" Ryan asked.

"Oh yeah, I knew him since high school. He's found himself..." Rebecca said. "We crossed paths coincidentally out West. We all clubbed together. That's how Luther knows all of us. He said Jenna's not that chick. And she was the one that did not drink that night in question."

"Sooo, I guess Logan and Tucker, you're innocent."

Hours later, in Greek Row...

"I don't think that there's anyone here..." Tucker said to Logan.

As they walked in, they noticed music playing from afar. The door was unlocked.

"Bitch, the door is unlocked!" Logan yelled. The door closed.

"The hell?"

"The hell?"

Both were trying to hear what was going on in the room. They heard a female moaning and a gruff animalistic voice that they would know anywhere.

"Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder, daddy!"

"Yeah, take that dick! Take that dick! Look back at me!"

"Am I your little slut?"


Then they heard a smack. They looked at each other. It was Thad.

"Damn, Thaddeus. He getting some ass," Tucker said.

"Some nice ass. Damn."

"Choke me, daddy! Choke me!"

"DAMNNNNN!" They both silently exclaimed.

"We really shouldn't be listening to this," Tucker said.

"But it's so good!"

"Uh, uh, uh, ughhhhhhhhhh!!" She screamed orgasmically.

Ryan then walked in.

"What up?" Ryan said.

"Shhh. Thaddeus is getting some ass. And from what we gather... Woo, man," Logan said.

"Well, that's between y'all because... You almost got kicked out once," Ryan said.

"We know. But you want to know a secret?" Tucker said.

"What is it?" Ryan said.

Right when he began to whisper it in his ear, the door opened. Thad came out.

"Thaddeus, you horny son of a bitch. She's a screamer, huh?" Tucker said.

"Shut up. She's right there, you know. She can hear you!"

"And I know who it is. I would know that figure anywhere," Ryan said.

Abby Jordan sashayed out wearing nothing but a shirt and panties. She wiped her mouth, and said:

"Hi, Ryan. Boys."

"What's up, Abbs?" He smiled.

Ryan looked at Tucker and Logan. They both said:

"What the hell?"