

Damien has lived his entire life in firm submission to the Lancelot empire, now as a free soldier, his life takes a turn after a surprising loss in a training mission, and he is forced to question all that he knows.

Virgil_Barthelemy · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


27th January, 2173

6.2 million lightyears from earth

ID: Inner ring planet, Monique region; Lancelot prime

(Damián Hollowstone)

"Here we go again"

"Oh come on Damian, it's a simple meeting with the most important person on the planet, it's not that big of a deal"

"Do you hear what you are saying?", i said in annoyance "we are talking about the emperor here"

"Okay…get ready in five minutes, i'll see you later"

"Tobias wait …", I said as he walked away in the direction we came from.

I was in the Lancelot army's headquarters, in the capital of the planet. I arrived here yesterday afternoon after leaving Lazarus' house, and I can assure you I was not happy here at all.

Today also happened to be my last day on the planet, as I was now going to embark on the mission I had trained for so vigorously.

I walked down the narrow corridor and took a few turns before coming to a large red door guarded by two hooded figures.

They both turned their guns towards me and each of them kept their gaze awkwardly at me.


"Damian Miguel Hollowstone"



"Registration code?"


"Business here?"

"I have a meeting with uhm…the emperor"

"We know"

"Then why did you ask?"

"Get in", they said as they opened the large doors.

In the room was the emperor sitted on a red chair (as was his favorite color), tobias sitted on his left, sergeant suwilanji on his right, and a girl with blonde hair and a pair of sunglasses…wait that wasn't just a girl, it was Gianna.

(Gianna Leohnmolt)

I felt like shit, and I probably looked like shit.

I spent the whole night in a pub in the capital , and I smoked like maybe a hundred blunts before I finally went to bed.

Then I got some random call saying I would have to replace my brother on some kind of mission.

So I had to get up early in the morning, get dressed and ready and not look high, which was another problem in itself.

My eyes were so red that I could only hide them by yes, wearing a pair of huge sunglasses that belonged to my mom.

I was also excited to be anywhere that Damian was, i mean it wasn't like i liked or anything like that, i just liked to work with him.

When I arrived I was expected to be in the meeting room immediately when I arrived, and I found the emperor acting very unprofessionally with his secretary, anyway back to the meeting.

Damian took a seat next to Tobias and gave him an uneasy look, of course he would be very confused as always.

The emperor dispersed this feeling of uneasiness by giving a loud scoff before beginning to speak.

" You're probably wondering why you were called here on short notice , or you're probably not. Today is the commencement of the mission you have been training for your whole life", he paused as if expecting a reaction from the small crowd in the room, and surprised he got no reaction.

"You're going to go to the planet Celestion this evening and will be expected to arrive a day from then…theres something special about the people of Celestion, they possess a gene similar to your own, which under their gravitational force allows them to use the powers in human form, which you will also be able to do upon arrival."

"Wait…does that mean we will be able to do it at base level too?", Tobias inquired.

"Yes…but you will be expected to infiltrate the planets hierarchy from the very core, they are organizing a police force for juveniles, you will be expected to cause mayhem and get in"

"So essentially we just wreck shit ?"

"Yes…you can put it that way. You will contact the base here every three months and will be expected to provide reports, is that clear ?"

"Yes sir", we replied in unison.

I was afraid though. We would be traveling to a place where these people could easily kill us without a single thought to spare.

We were then dismissed and walked out of the room as the doors closed behind us.

"Welcome to the team rookie", Damian said as he appeared next to me.

"Much appreciated Damien, now we have to get ready, 5 hours till launch remember ?"

"Yeah, time really flies, doesn't it ?"

"Are you sure you're okay to go on the mission…even after…?"

"Of Course i'm ready, why wouldn't i be ?"

///////4 hours later//////////

I was unusually stocked that we were about to take off in a few minutes.

We were wearing civilian clothes instead of space suits in order to not be caught as outsiders upon arrival.

The docking bay of the base was large and had many ships in it, there were the long bullet-class space shuttles, the YE convertible hover car, the x-1238 fighter space traveler and many other things that would probably kill me.

I could make out the large figure of the sergeant coming our way, alongside Tobias and a boy with short pink hair.

Upon further inspection I realized the pink haired boy was Damian, which was weird because his hair was brown and long just a few moments ago.

"New colors, looking sweet Hollowstone ", I remarked when he arrived.

"Appreciated Gianna, not looking too bad yourself"

"Hehe, don't push it"

"This is going to be fucking scary"

"Fucking scary is an understatement, this will be nerve racking"

"At Least we'll have each other out there, all three of us."


Sergeant Suwilanji scoffed to gather our attention and gave a stern look at each of us, as if it was our final war before we would die.

"You have all your orders already, you have trained adequately and you are some of the brightest students, make me proud, but more importantly…make Sebastian proud."

We then began to walk to the dock, where three small space shuttles were stationed in the center.

We all got into a shuttle each and waited until the engineering team arrived, so they could add the last touches on the machines.

Once they were done, we were ready to go…at least i think tobias and damian were.

The sergeants voice could be heard from the earphones i was wearing"

"Five, four , three, two, one, blast off", he said as we took off out of the bay and we climbed over the atmosphere in a sliver of a second.

///////18 hours later//////

(Sergeant Suwilanji Morant)

The three space shuttles had taken off yesterday and we're set to land in the next few hours, and we are ready to do a routine check on the travelers.

"Space shuttle G-7351 , Tobias Tessfaye, report"

"We are a few planets away from the destination sergeant, not too far, and transit seems to be going smoothly sir", Tobias' voice boomed.

"Thank you cadet, safe journeys"

"Space shuttle G-7498, Gianna Leohnmolt, report"

"Just got out of hyper-space travel sir, approaching the planet sturdily and slowly, but still maintaining a good speed sir, im almost there in other words.", Gianna said in a nervous tone..

"Thank you Gianna, try not to piss yourself out there"

"Space shuttle G-7259, Damian Hollowstone, report"

Something was quite odd, no one was responding from the shuttle Damian was on.

"Hello Damian, do you hear us?"

Still no one answered, I was horrified by this and I quickly placed a call to the emperor.

"Hello…emperor, something has just gone wrong, Damian is missing"