
Chapter 28 : Three's a crowd II


Lucas pulled the truck to a stop a stone’s throw from the lake cabin. He slid out of the driver’s seat, taking his warmth…and his hands…with him. He turned around and locked gazes with me.

“Come here, Mila.”

I scooted over and he scooped me into his arms. I squealed with delight, laughing and kicking my legs as he easily bore me out of the truck.

“Your feet don’t have to touch the ground, my dear.”

“You big nut.”

Oliver followed, his face split in a wide grin at our antics. Lucas fumbled for the keys dangling from the ring at his belt, but couldn’t seem to lay hands on them.


Oliver grabbed the key ring and unlocked the door. Lucas pushed and the door swung open. The cabin’s interior shadows yawned like a gaping maw. Oliver flipped the switch, bathing the lake house in warm, inviting light.

Once everything came into view, from the fur rug to the big fireplace, I felt almost as if I’d come home. Or at least, to my secret clubhouse.