

The Imperial Championship finals America vs Japan was so exciting it was though a very tough match it went and ended only stopping at penalty but at last America had won and secured their place at as the no 1 football team in the world this words were coming out of the news reporter at DDC news which brodcasted the biggest tournament internationally held at the interval of every 5 years the imperial tournament s finals live and were now analysing and debating about the final.

As the news reporters are debating about the football match they also start talking about the future of football as many great players are going to retire in a few years leaving behind a space which is very hard to fill for the youngsters.

Players like Dimitry Isenov and Vonstar Senior can never be replaced they are pure legends says one of the reporter . But still the future of football is also in safe hands there are many young and talented players growing everyday to match their senior 's legacy. Players like aezra who became the youngest footballer to debut as a professional at the Imperial Cup 2024 at the age of 16and scored 7 goals in the whole tournament ,his potential talent is said to be of an "S class "player.

Ace switched off the Tv and laid on his bed and started to think about the world he was living in.This world was totally controlled only by two things money and football. There were only two types of people in this world the people who chose education or other types of jobs and the other one were footballers. Footballers were a kind of species who ruled over the world they were superhumans with special abilities unlike normal, they were loved by people respected by everyone and admired by the humanity.

But being a footballer was not that simple, people were selected by birth and only 20 percent of people had rare potential to become a star.There are mainly six types of players : the lowest ranking players the E class, the mid ranking players the C class, the valuable class the B class, the extremely valuable class the A class, the legendary class the S class, and the God class SS+ class.

In the whole history of this sport there were only two God classes Dimitry Isenov aka the "Star Shooter" the current captain of America, the world no 2 and Vonstar Junior aka" The Celestial Scorer", the captain of Japan and the world no 1 .

Ace tries to sleep for some time in his bed but can't sleep he sees the photo of Vonstar Junior and starts crying and says why can't I be like you (sob) why? Why is life so unfair. Ace was an orphan who lived in an orphanage.His life was very hard ,his parents had died when he was 2 years old ,but still he was happily living with his friends at the orphanage playing with them and having fun , most of the children in the orphanage used to bully him because he had no talent potential except for one child it was his childhood friend Dominic who was his closest friend, tgeu had a very dense friendsgip with each other.

But good days didn't last long ,last week there was a football selection in their orphanage and every kid was very excited everyone checked their potential in the machine and everyone had the potential for playing, some of them had C ranking the lucky ones had B class. But the most shocking thing was that Dominic had an A class potential and was also selected., so Ace and Dominic had to go their separate ways.

All orphaned children were adopted by the company to make them future stars except for one child ace.Ace had no talent for football whenever the machine used to measure his talent potential it only showed (??????) ( Question Marks) so everyone thought that he had no potential and was the only one left in the orphanage.

Ace went to meet Dominic for the last time and they bid each other farewell, saying good luck to each other for their future.

We come to the present where ace is crying alone at the orphanage "Only if I had a potential of A class this wouldn't have happened my closest friend would have been with me, and I too could have gotten a good future, why does this only happen to me? Why am I the only one who is always abandoned? I feel like shit right now, I just wanna die ! If only I could have gotten another chance I would prove the world wrong and take my revenge for whoever thought of me as useless! If only ( sob) I was given another chance!!

Suddenly there was a bright light casted in the room and ace couldn't see any thing ,then when the light was finally gone he was shocked to see something it was like a screen in front of him ,not a screen particularly but it was like a status window from some game but he was utterly puzzeled ,what is this? Soon a notification arrived at the status window with a question "Do you want to be the monster of football?( Yes ) /(No )"

Guys this is lacoste the author of this webnovel as by reading my webnovel my old viewers might know that I have changed the starting of the story a little bit by replacing a character for the betterment of the novel.So please keep supporting me.

If you want some additional information on the novel then this is my author ig account Laco.ste205

Lacoste_acecreators' thoughts