
Monstrous Ascension: Endless Monster Evolution

The entire solar system was destroyed before anyone could notice or even understand what had happened. A massive comet changed its course and ended up hitting the sun, causing a chain reaction that made our biggest star expand and then become a supernova. Five hundred seconds later, Earth started to get hotter, and in five seconds, all the life on the planet burned and died. That was supposed to be the end of the human race, but for some reason, all the humans began to reincarnate as monsters in another world. Those who wanted to struggle and live for a while longer could fight and evolve, even reincarnate in other forms if they tried hard... Kane was one of them, he wouldn’t let himself be hunted without reason, and he was determined to climb up the food chain of that new world that had many fantasy races and monsters, gods and demons, hunters and overlords.

Comedian0 · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Rebirth (6)

As the group of humans closed in on his location, Kane knew he couldn't risk a direct confrontation with them. He was outnumbered and facing armed adversaries. Yet, he also understood that he needed to protect himself and avoid becoming a target for their relentless hunt.

With his quick thinking, Kane launched several Fireballs toward the approaching humans. The projectiles impacted the ground, causing steam to rise and obscure their vision. The humans were momentarily caught off guard, their attempts to block the attacks futile against the unexpected nature of the assault.

Capitalizing on the element of surprise, Kane swiftly employed his Water Jet ability, aiming it at their legs and the ground beneath them. The powerful blast caused three of the enemies to lose their footing and tumble down the mountain, their balance entirely disrupted. The remaining humans struggled to maintain stability on the wet surface, unsure of their next move.