
Monstrous Ascension: Endless Monster Evolution

The entire solar system was destroyed before anyone could notice or even understand what had happened. A massive comet changed its course and ended up hitting the sun, causing a chain reaction that made our biggest star expand and then become a supernova. Five hundred seconds later, Earth started to get hotter, and in five seconds, all the life on the planet burned and died. That was supposed to be the end of the human race, but for some reason, all the humans began to reincarnate as monsters in another world. Those who wanted to struggle and live for a while longer could fight and evolve, even reincarnate in other forms if they tried hard... Kane was one of them, he wouldn’t let himself be hunted without reason, and he was determined to climb up the food chain of that new world that had many fantasy races and monsters, gods and demons, hunters and overlords.

Comedian0 · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Learning (1)

Fortunately, it looked like whoever was making noises in that forest also had caused a fire nearby. So, Kane didn't have to worry about revealing himself or throwing away his only torch. Still, just to be sure, Kane dug a small hole and put the torch on the ground and away from any tree or grass.

Eventually, Kane saw two goblins fighting against a green snake. A man and a woman both of them were armed with rustic knives. However, it was clear that they didn't have any experience fighting against that forest's monsters. The man had lost the use of his left arm, and Kane could see a huge bite mark on his shoulder. A similar thing had happened to the woman. She was limping because she had been bitten on her right leg.

"Did they just spawn and find an enemy? It looks like we can't rely on luck in this world at all. I thought humans wouldn't respawn at night... then again, they are not slimes, so perhaps the rules change according to the type of monster."

That was only obvious, but given that he had spawned two times away from the center of the place where slimes were spawning and getting killed, Kane had thought some humans would be a bit lucky like him. In any case, those two at least managed to wound the snake a little bit. Although the beast had the size of the snakes on Earth, it was clearly much sturdier… so they deserved praise for that.

"Well, now… what should I do? I don't have any experience in dealing with those snakes... Besides, getting wounded while trying to help others will be disastrous."

It was clear that that wasn't a trap. Only a fool or someone insane wound themselves like that to try to mess with another person. Besides, what were the chances that someone had seen Kane leaving the village and had found an enemy in the same direction he went to lure him? It wasn't impossible, but the chances were low.

The best option was to wait until the snake was weakened by those two and deal the finishing blow once they died. Kane didn't want to play the hero. After seeing the humans of that village, he understood that he couldn't rely on others. The chances of finding his parents would decrease quite a bit, but it was clear that no one would put much effort into anything.

However, Kane changed his mind when he saw the girl getting bitten on her other leg. Somehow, she held back her scream, probably because she knew that she couldn't draw the attention of other monsters. While the man tried to piece the snake's head with his knife, Kane saw the despair as clear as day in her eyes, even from that distance. Letting someone die when he could have helped would be a waste. Besides, the image would torment him for more than a few weeks... the last thing Kane needed was to see that image when he tried to sleep.

"Shit… at least this proves that I'm still a fool and a decent human being."

Kane charged toward the battlefield and surprised everyone, even the snake when he jumped over a bush on fire. Despite his lack of experience fighting as a goblin and while using a spear, Kane still managed to make his weapon hit the snake's neck. As expected, his attack barely pierced the skin of the snake, but it caused enough pain to make the beast tremble.

"Now!" Kane shouted.

The guy nodded, and despite having little strength in his wounded arm, he still picked up the fallen knife of his friend and jumped before attacking the snake's head with both blades. Thanks to Kane's attack, he managed to hit both of the snake's eyes and using all his weight, that guy also forced the knives to pierce the creature's head all the way to its brain.

(Congratulations! You killed an enemy. You received two reincarnation points.")

Kane sighed in relief and then relaxed a little, and then he felt that the piece of clothing that he had was burning, and his ass was suffering thanks to it. Before the smell of his nice toasted flesh could draw the attention of other monsters, he fell on the floor and turned, moving his body around to extinguish the flames.

"Two reincarnation points… I didn't kill it alone, so perhaps the snake is worth five reincarnation points. Well, given how this thing is hard to kill, that is only obvious."

While Kane was thinking that the guy who dealt the finishing blow approached him and offered a handshake, he looked exhausted and in pain; despite that, he found the strength to thank Kane.

"Thank you, you saved our lives," The wounded guy said while he was forcing a smile. "My name is Jacob."

"I'm Norris, Chuck Norris," Kane said. "If you walk toward that direction for half an hour, you will find a village where some humans can help you. I wish you a good night."

Jacob was left speechless and observed Kane while he went to grab his torch and then returned to continue to move in a straight line toward what seemed to be north. It was clear that that wasn't his name, but in the end, it was only understandable that some humans wouldn't like to reveal their real names. However, before he could leave, Jacob recovered from the surprise.

"Hey… Chuck," Jacob hesitated a little bit. "Why are you moving toward the opposite direction of the village? No… that isn't important. Can you please help me carry this girl to the village? It is clear that she can't walk."

"Sorry, but I don't have any reason to return to that place," Kane replied. "Well, despite me saying this, they will help you and the monsters will be drawn by the fire, so the path back to the village will be relatively safe."

"I can walk on my own," the girl said while forcing herself to stand. "My name is Emma… thank you both for helping me."

"Mmm? You two don't know each other?" Kane asked, surprised.

"No, after I got ambushed by the snake, Jacob appeared to help me," Emma replied. "Still, I never imagined that the difference in strength between these new monsters would be so big."

"That is right… it looks like reincarnating as a goblin was a bad idea." Jacob nodded.

Kane sighed. Despite almost dying, those two didn't even have any idea what would be waiting for them as goblins.