
Monstro-Apocalypse allowed cultivation love with Sister

CAUTION: [Taboo Fetish Focused Work] The story of a boy named Thanatos Pierce, who finds himself totally screwed by an apocalypse of zombies, monsters, and other powerful creatures. Fortunately for him, he is looked after by his older sister, who has prepared him in advance for the challenges ahead. Behind her hidden knowledge and all the chaos lies a secret that Thanatos will try to unravel. ________________________________________________________________________________ In this story, the MC is far from stupid, and his entourage will also have brains. The main thing is not to have too big and smart brains, otherwise zombies and monsters will gather in a horde and eat them! Or maybe a mysterious fog will consume the inhabitants of the surviving settlement and eat their brains... oops, spoiler. Tags: R18, History, action, adventure, harem, incest, progress and evolution, becoming strong, romance, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, superpowers, family, loyal love interests, manipulative mc, cunning mc (But not immediately), no NTR, no netorare/netori, no system. His sisters, girlfriends, mother, aunts, and future daughter become his exclusive obsessions, succumbing to his irresistible allure. But until then, he must become strong and cunning enough. Unfortunately, I am not a native English speaker, so I may make mistakes in the text of the piece. Please don't throw a lot of sticks at me((( Anyway, support the book and add it to your library as help for this poor soul :)

ThanatosPierce · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 49 - A reminder from the past of what was lost in the present tense between the sweet couple.

Two years ago.

Third Person POV.

Thanatos lay with Nemesis in the captain's quarters, drinking favorite milk.

She stroked his snow-white hair, whispering to him that brother was growing up to be a good boy.

Thanatos lay with his sister inside the deck on a giga-yacht worth over 600 million dollars. Only recently they had been eating a seafood breakfast that the chef crew had prepared.

The yacht was currently being serviced by a crew of fifty, sailing for several days on the Atlantic Ocean.

— 'Brother, you love my right breast too much, now my left half has gotten all big, — Nemesis began to scold her younger brother in a non-serious manner. He apologized to her and sucked his lips on the left areola of her nipple while his sister spoke, — I can't go out on the captain's bridge like this. The maids will definitely notice that one breast is bigger than the other.

Thanatos released nipple from the vise of love and released his sister from embrace, sprawling out next to her.

After feeding her brother, Nemesis covered breasts and he licked the remnants of lactose milk from his mouth, replying," You are the one who forced the change to drink your milk. I care about your health. If I don't do it, who will?

— I won't trust anyone but you with my breasts, Thane, — Nemesis said with a bright smile, turning to face her brother.

They were lying on the bed, their faces facing each other. A slim OLED TV was on in the background, playing a sci-fi series about the fastest man on the planet.

Nemesis enjoyed discussing silly moments from the show, as speed was almost her 'element'.

Meanwhile, the yacht swayed with the raging waves, giving the inside of the cabin the illusion of brother and sister's noses touching.

Nemesis stared silently into the blue irises of the man she loved, pondering some very vulgar things, «Oh, mother fucker, he's so young and cute! I want to seduce him so badly, I want to taste baby flesh so badly, but I can't. I've got about two more years to wait until he and I can be together! It's a shame that vaginal sex won't be available to us because of the importance of chastity in cultivation, but I'll be fine with oral and anal caresses.»

Meanwhile Thanatos thought about how wrong their sibling interaction was, «On the one hand, we're acting immorally despite Nemesis' medical advice, and on the other hand, I love my older sister too much to let anyone but me help my sister with a breast problem. Eh, I can't wait to get back to New York and finish my correspondence schooling. By the way, Evelina is probably dying of boredom without us, plus she has her own problems and needs our visits. Especially when her sister, Agatha Palmer, returned from the war in Afghanistan, and even after her return, she doesn't give Evelina the attention she deserves.»

— Hey, we'll definitely arrive at our vacation spot soon, so put on a smile. I don't like it when you're sad, — Nemesis said as she got up from the bed.

She turned down the TV volume, and in the next moment, hired staff knocked on the cabin door, — Miss Pierce, we've docked at the island of Florish.

— Great, we'll be out soon. You're free to go, — the fair-haired yacht owner replied coldly.

— Are we already on the Portuguese islands? — Thanatos inquired, peering out of the cabin window through the curtain.

Through the glass window, he saw the marine beauty of the North Atlantic Ocean and a patch of grassy land.

— Indeed, it's going to be fun. Florish is called a floating garden in the ocean. I have a luxurious mansion built at the very top of the mountain. We'll have views of picturesque lakes, waterfalls, and green slopes covered with vibrant hydrangeas.

They left the cabin together and ascended to the upper deck, watching the splendor of the Azores island of Florish.

Taking in a breath of fresh sea air, Thanatos playfully nudged his sister's shoulder, — Where do you get so much money from? What's the point of vacation if you always have your own house or cabin? It's making your younger brother think about illegal ways of earning.

Nemesis hugged her brother tightly, whispering in his ear, — Don't worry, I'm not involved in drug or human trafficking. I don't own brothels, I don't frequent them, and I don't service anyone. I simply use my brain and earn an honest living in the field of medicine.

— My sister earned six hundred million green bills for a gigayacht with honest work... — Thanatos said with a hint of mockery, not resisting the physical contact with his sister.

They chatted about various topics until they descended the gangway. The stunning beauty of nature and the vibrant atmosphere of the island became the best incentive for their seclusion.

Their journey began with a culinary delight, as they savored the most exquisite gastronomic delights in the island's most exclusive restaurants. Each meal was a symphony of flavors, each dish a masterpiece crafted with meticulous care. From succulent seafood harvested from azure waters to exquisite desserts that melted in the mouths of Thanatos and Nemesis.

All of this turned their vacation into a true promised land.

Then, Thanatos and Nemesis ascended to the mansion to drop off their excess luggage. The mansion, situated atop the mountain with a waterfall, offered panoramic views of Florish's landscapes.

Morning greeted them with the gentle rays of dawn, while evenings painted the sky with breathtaking sunsets. The mansion provided a sanctuary where they could relax, contemplate their adventures, and simply enjoy each other's company.

The second day of exploring the island turned into a true adventure.

They ventured through dense tropical forests and winding paths that led them to secluded coves, picturesque cliffs, and quiet beaches.

One such beach, nestled on the untouched shore of the island, was bathed in the warm shades of the approaching sunset. The rhythmic melody of waves crashing against the shore created a symphony of nature's power: the ocean's waters pounded the coastline with increasing vigor. The sun dipped lower, casting a golden light that painted the horizon in mesmerizing orange and pink hues. The beach seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of the twilight spectacle.

— Brother, the wind is blowing through me... — Nemesis said with a clear hint, rubbing her shoulders with her hands.

Near them, the green vegetation swayed, brought to life by the gentle touch of a warm breeze. Blades of grass and leaves rustled rhythmically.

— Of course, this news is dreadful. I'll cover you, — he said playfully, taking off his light jacket.

Putting on an extra layer of clothing for his sister, he embraced her shoulders, and they continued walking along the shoreline.

Nemesis and Thanatos, their silhouettes outlined against the backdrop of the ocean and the sky, felt the unity of nature's symphony. Their garments fluttered and whispered under the relentless pressure of the sea breeze, blending with the pulsating heart of the secluded beach.

— You have a bit of fish on your lips, you scatterbrain, — Nemesis said, caring, stopping him. She used her finger to sweep the remnants of today's meal from the corners of his mouth and put her finger in her mouth to finish the last bites with her little brother.

Thanatos grimaced, pushing his sister away with feigned disgust. — Eww, Nemesis! Aren't you grossed out?

— Haha, I'm not used to wasting delicious food, — she said with a double meaning. Looking at her brother, Nemesis' eyes inadvertently turned glassy. After a moment's thought, she decided to respond, — Haven't you heard the saying: The most devoted person comes from those who are disgusted by everyone but you?

— It sounds beautiful. You become quite wise when you get serious, — Thanatos said, after which they began to head back to their mansion.

The diverse landscape of the island stretched before them, and at every step, they encountered interesting details that captivated Thanatos' spirit. For example, the birds whose chirping above their heads created an enchanting backdrop. The keen eyes of the feathered hunters tracked insects, and each movement of the birds indicated their mastery of the skies.

— Hunting for prey is the primary task of the kings of the food chain. So, there's nothing surprising about it, but their struggle for survival is sometimes interesting, — Nemesis reasoned, noticing where her brother's gaze was directed.

The next day stood out with one of the brightest moments. The siblings had the privilege of encountering a majestic waterfall, where they swam joyfully beneath its cascades, feeling the cool mist on their skin.

To experience an unparalleled adrenaline rush, Thanatos and Nemesis engaged in a competition to jump from a swing into the heart of a roaring skyscraper-sized waterfall. The thrilling freefall amidst the rushing water and lush greenery left unforgettable impressions in their memory.

Nemesis intentionally let her brother win, as the loser had to spend a few hours skinny dipping in front of the other.

For this, they returned to their wooden estate to avoid encountering a random stranger during their aquatic procedures.

Directly beneath their home was an underwater lake that flowed into a small waterfall several stories high. Their dwelling was surrounded by a dense grove of tall trees that had grown atop the mountain.

Nemesis took off her bikini bra and squealed theatrically, — Oh, Thanatos, don't look at me! I'm about to bend over, and you might accidentally see your sister's ass and labia! And I haven't even shaved.

— I'll turn around and not look until you jump in the water, — the brother said, lying and turning away.

— I'm taking off my clothes, — Nemesis said loudly on purpose.

Nemesis began to slowly remove her bathing panties, watching Thanatos watching her from her peripheral vision at the ledge of the river waterfall.

She purposely started wiggling her ass and jutting out her berry for her brother's inspection, moaning defiantly. It was an interesting game for her, in which she was teasing her favorite man that she was temporarily out of reach sexually.

Her face reddened like a ripe tomato as she realized how silly she looked from the outside: Princess of the despotic galactic Empire of Styx, as a little girl teases her younger brother with his sexy figure.

Any stellar cultivator who knew the true origin of Nemesis would start biting their elbows in envy. Any practitioner would have killed for such a sight or become a slave and obedient dog, just so long as the Princess gave them the attention they desired.

Once naked, she bent over and showed him both crotches for a few seconds before jumping off the ledge into the water and calling Thanatos to her, — I'm done undressing. Thanatos, jump to me and protect me from the lake creatures. What if an underwater monster bites my pussy?! That would defile my purity, hee hee hee.

— Don't be afraid of harassment from fish, I'll drown you first, — her brother said teasingly.

Thanatos enjoyed splashing around with Nemesis, seeing her weighty breasts constantly slapping against the water and making loud, excited slapping noises.

«It feels like she's shaking her firm breasts on purpose to excite me... no, that's nonsense» Thanatos stopped thinking nonsense, shaking his head.

The brother and sister spent the third day in seclusion, as nobody disturbed them until the night.

With the onset of darkness, the starry sky above Florish beckoned them to admire the celestial spectacle.

— Thanatos, I love you so much. You're the only one I need in this life, — Nemesis confessed emotionally, while they lay on a blanket, gazing at the twinkling stars and the gentle glow of the moon.

Lost in the expanse of the cosmos, Thanatos embraced his sister, replying, — I love you too, sister. When I'm with you, I forget that you're already a mature thirty-year-old woman. Haven't you ever thought about marriage, children, and such? Aren't you interested in marrying someone?

The serene tranquility of the night island became a peaceful contrast to the turmoil of their past day. Nemesis kissed her younger brother on the forehead and murmured softly, — Of course, I'm interested, and there's even one option in sight.

— Wh-who? — asked Thanatos with excitement in his heart. Instinctively, he feared hearing a painful answer, but his curiosity outweighed any risks.

— Of course, it's you, silly little brother, haha, — Nemesis started laughing and playfully tickled her brother, who couldn't fend off her mischievous attack.

They played and giggled with each other for a few minutes, and then Thanatos broke free and said seriously, — Don't talk nonsense, sister. We're blood relatives, and we shouldn't discuss things that will never happen. Tell me the harsh truth instead, because it would hurt me a lot if I found out from someone else that you have a suitor or a boyfriend you've been keeping secret all this time.

Nemesis' smile didn't fade even after her brother's serious questions. She patted his head and, pouting, said, — Oh, you're only fifteen years old, and what a silly little thing you are, not understanding how a woman's heart works. I have no one, so don't worry – your beloved sister won't be stolen away from you, haha.

— Ugh, — Thanatos helplessly pursed his lips and turned away when Nemesis verbally cornered him. He got up from the ground and headed inside the mansion, teasing his sister, — Hey, Nemesis, I've got a video on my phone of you skinny dipping! Take my phone if you can.

— Oh, it turns out you're suicidal! You're tired of living... — Nemesis stated with a deadly look. She jumped up and dashed after Thanatos, who disappeared into the mansion on the green slope.


Our time. The next morning after the conclusion of the Spider Apocalypse.

Covered in sweat, Thanatos and Nemesis woke up in the same bed. Their breathing was ragged, and their hearts raced like mad.

— Aah... ah... ah... Thanatos? — Nemesis looked up in surprise at her naked brother, since she hadn't even gone to bed next to him.

— Sister? W-what are you doing here? Did you sneak in while I was sleeping? — he asked, mumbling, — I had a dream about the past in the islands of Portugal... Damn it, it was so good and dreamy!

— And I had the same thing happen to me! I dreamt we were vacationing in the Azores, specifically in Florisha, — Nemesis sat on the edge of the bed and, after examining her naked self, added, — This awakening is very strange, since I didn't even go to bed. I was guarding you in the next room while in a state of deep meditation.

Thanatos sniffed at the odor that came from him and said to his sister, — There must have been some sort of mind or soul meld between us. We couldn't have had the same dream for nothing.

— I agree. A strange phenomenon, — Nemesis looked at her grimy brother and, smelling the masculine and intoxicating scent of his body, growled erotically, — Muu-ur, since we woke up together, can we do adult things? My pussy wants to be licked and raped by little brother's big dick.

Nemesis licked her lips and tried to pounce on her little brother, but he put his hand forward and exclaimed in a patriarchal voice, — NO! It would be so much better if we had a serious talk about our relationship. If we don't talk, if we don't communicate with each other, we will destroy everything precious that we have between us....

Nemesis calmed down and lowered her gaze guiltily, crying out loudly, — I love you madly, Thanatos! I don't want to lose you, I won't let it happen!

— I know. I don't want to lose you either, but your silence and constant lies are taking a toll on the sweet atmosphere that has long since disappeared from our relationship.

Nemesis and Thanatos agreed to wash up together and then call Evelina and Spica to a joint conversation where they would be frank with each other.

This conversation, they thought, should help them all sort themselves out, make sense of others, and realize what each of their goals were.

While bathing, Nemesis could not help but make an attempt to seduce her blood brother, which, unfortunately for her, ended in a crushing failure.

As one good writer said - Sex is a great thing only when there is nothing else to do.

And they had plenty to do besides incestuous fucking.

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