
Monstro-Apocalypse allowed cultivation love with Sister

CAUTION: [Taboo Fetish Focused Work] The story of a boy named Thanatos Pierce, who finds himself totally screwed by an apocalypse of zombies, monsters, and other powerful creatures. Fortunately for him, he is looked after by his older sister, who has prepared him in advance for the challenges ahead. Behind her hidden knowledge and all the chaos lies a secret that Thanatos will try to unravel. ________________________________________________________________________________ In this story, the MC is far from stupid, and his entourage will also have brains. The main thing is not to have too big and smart brains, otherwise zombies and monsters will gather in a horde and eat them! Or maybe a mysterious fog will consume the inhabitants of the surviving settlement and eat their brains... oops, spoiler. Tags: R18, History, action, adventure, harem, incest, progress and evolution, becoming strong, romance, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, superpowers, family, loyal love interests, manipulative mc, cunning mc (But not immediately), no NTR, no netorare/netori, no system. His sisters, girlfriends, mother, aunts, and future daughter become his exclusive obsessions, succumbing to his irresistible allure. But until then, he must become strong and cunning enough. Unfortunately, I am not a native English speaker, so I may make mistakes in the text of the piece. Please don't throw a lot of sticks at me((( Anyway, support the book and add it to your library as help for this poor soul :)

ThanatosPierce · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 42 - Thanatos tries to coax Spica into cooperating. The scary truth?

POV Thanatos.

I weighed all the risks that a serious conversation with Spica entailed.

I barely knew her well enough to assert the feasibility of my plan, but I had no other options.

I do not know how well she knows me or how carefully she has watched me for seventeen years of my life. There were too many important variables and information that I lacked.

While lost in my thoughts, my cousin began to be assisted in collecting resources by a blue parrot that I saw for the first time. Evelina had mentioned its existence, but it always flew far away, carrying out some errands for its owner.

For the first time in a long while, I turned to Spica, taking notice of her beauty.

— Florence, good girl, good little bird, — she said, stroking the parrot's head.

In reality, Spica looked like a beautiful Goddess. Despite the gory massacre of the spiders, her clothes and skin were pristine.

Her attire combined elegance, femininity, purity, and a hidden power: a "heavenly blue" dress reaching her hips, where it gave way to light blue latex stockings and crystal shoes. Her hands were adorned with long glove sleeves (cuffs) made from the same fabric as her covered legs.

Her facial features were sharp like elven ears yet simultaneously gentle like the image of a maiden. Blue hair was gathered in a sprightly ponytail, and her milky skin emanated the scent of nature.

Spica's gray eyes had a certain shade that I couldn't discern, hidden from my gaze.

As she gathered the scattered meat scraps of the Weaver-Spiders, I approached Spica and suddenly grabbed her by the sleeves, activating Morena's communicator.

A protective dome formed around us, and a question loomed in Spica's eyes, which she voiced, — Is this an expanded-action energy field that blocks sound waves and has elementary particle reflection panels for invisibility?

Florence began to chirp, feeling uncomfortable. She didn't like being under the influence of the barrier, so she flew out of it, leaving us alone.

— Um, probably. I'm not familiar with this technology. I have an important matter to discuss with you, which requires the utmost confidentiality, — I said, tensing my facial muscles.

My actions and demeanor expressed the utmost seriousness with which I approached this conversation.

— Alright, let's talk... but where did you get such advanced technology? Did Nemesis presented you? — she asked, noticing the communicator, which was the source of the energy field.

Spica frowned heavily and was about to ask another question about the communicator, but I beat her to it with a shocking statement, — I know that you're my cousin and Sirma's daughter, my aunt. And I have a very important proposition for you...

She silenced me with her glove, stretching her smile to her ears, and asked with glee, — Nemesis finally blurted it out, huh? I knew it! Once this information reaches Aunt Nyx, she'll give her a full-on scolding, ha-ha-ha.

I removed her hand from my mouth and shook my head, — Nemesis didn't tell me anything. I have a different source of information. I need your help and support, and I'll repay you in full in the future. After your reaction, I understood that my elder sister is burdened by the responsibility of Mother's orders, making it hard to persuade her, but you...

As we discussed the essential matters, we headed towards the abandoned jeep that would take us to Agatha's forces.

— And what about me? I can't lie to my mother and two aunts either. My situation isn't any better than my cousin's, — Spica shrugged, walking with me under the energy dome. Her hand rested on my shoulder, and then she complimented me, — You're brave enough to risk exposing the 'important' information about our family's knowledge. That raises you in my eyes, but you're attempting the impossible, little brother.

— Where did this sudden 'impossibility' come from? If you're on my side, any intrigue will have a chance. I don't want to discredit or blackmail members of my family, but I need my own person among the Pendragons, someone no one will know about. Nemesis won't fit in this regard, as everyone expects 'treacherous' actions from her.

— Oh, you're such a blockhead, — she said, kissing me on the forehead. Her kiss emitted warmth and excessive care. I stopped to hear the harsh truth from Spica, — Understand that you're like an immature child playing in a sandbox, trying to forcefully skip several age levels and sit at the helm. Your naivety is called 'rose-colored glasses,' right?

Damn it, Spica leaves me no chance in this verbal battle!

I'm really just a kid compared to her. Considering the information from Morena that Spica holds the status of a Queen in the Twilight Zone Galaxy, she's several times older than Nemesis.

And what should I do? Think, Thanatos, THINK!

— Um... — I began to stutter as Spica was pressing on me.

It was evident that she was gently showing me the difference between us, but I still had something to play against her words.

— And what about my strength? I broke through your defense, and your thorns must be powerful. Am I as weak as I seem, or is it a constructed illusion?

Spica walked with me under the scorching sun, which was gradually descending. She pondered for a minute before replying, — It happened only because I expected less from you at this rank. My spikes can be much stronger or have a different structure if I use Nature's energy.

— So, if I were at your rank, you'd die? — I said with a smirk, observing her reaction.

Spica furrowed her eyebrows and silently continued forward, returning to the old theme, — That doesn't negate the fact of your immaturity. I'm surprised you managed to deprive Nemesis of her vaginal virginity. She's completely relaxed too much. in cultivation, poor thing.

I suddenly grabbed Spica by the waist, watching her stern gaze, and put my mouth to her pointed elven ear, whispering provocatively, — Or perhaps it depends on who I am now and who I'll become in the future? Now think about how I know about you if Nemesis didn't tell me anything.

Spica seriously contemplated how the information about my true origin and the Pendragon family had leaked.

We walked in silence along the deserted road for some time, encountering scattered groups of monsters. Mostly small goblin squads eyed Spica and me eagerly.

Naturally, I killed them off quickly.

After thirty minutes, we reached the abandoned transport, and Spica asked with an authoritative tone, — Little brother, where did you get this communicator? The device's technology is very expensive, and if Nemesis didn't give it to you, then someone very influential did. Who clouded your mind?

— Clouded? Ha-ha-ha, — I started laughing, clutching my stomach from the giggles, — You're amusing, Spica. No one clouded my mind; rather, I enchanted the mind of an ancient damsel. I don't know if it's good or bad, but I obtained useful information.

— Who is she? — Spica grabbed my wrists, squeezing them painfully. I grimaced, but made no sound.

When she realized it was useless, she released me, and I replied, — Morena Sirius is preliminarily on my side, no need to worry.

— Are you out of your mind? Morena? That stupid bitch got involved with you? But how did this fact slip by us? — Spica grabbed me by the shoulders, shaking her head vigorously, — Cousin, she's a very bad person. She's an enemy of the Pendragon family! You must not trust her under any circumstances.

I waited for Spica to calm down a bit and then mumbled, — I know she's working with my Uncle Erebus from the Divine Dragons sect. I know that there's been a split in the dynasty and that my grandfather now heads the sect, while my mother rules a separate Empire, together with the Queens, meaning you.

Spica sighed as if I were an persistent child who refused to admit his wrongs and see the harsh reality.

I understood why Spica thought that way. But the facts speak for themselves. Would Morena go through a marriage ritual for intrigue and double games to gain power over my mother's galaxy?

It's highly unlikely, considering that the revelation of our spiritual connection between Morena and me would instantly ruin her own plan. I've seen how Morena looks at me; she wants me to succeed.

Constantly being in a paranoid state is not my credo. If Morena is lying to me, she'll get her fair share of consequences for that lie.

While I was pondering Morena's true motives, Spica shocked me with the following words, — You said you know about her collaboration with Erebus? Fine. But do you know she's his fiancée?

—WHAT? — I was literally stunned, not believing what Spica said. How is that possible? Fiancée? She wants both me and my uncle? It sounds absurd.

— She's Erebus's fiancée? Explain every detail! — I growled with authority, piercing Spica with a cold gaze.

Chaos energy was literally spilling out of me, and I was gradually losing control over it. The mere thought of having a wife who's someone else's fiancée drove me crazy.

Spica didn't understand why this fact bothered me so much. She snorted, asking, — Do you really like that petrified bitch? Let me bring you back to reality – you have no chance of seducing a female cultivator of the Star Galaxy rank.

I stood motionless and looked at Spica, waiting for more details. Realizing that I wouldn't get the information from my cousin, I replied, — She tricked me into a Soul Marriage contract. As far as I know, it's forever.

— What the fuck? A Soul Marriage, meaning a 'spiritual' connection? — Spica looked at me wide-eyed as I nodded, and she politely asked, — Can you assume a meditative pose and let me enter your Soul Vial's inner space? I want to make sure. If you told the truth, I'll explain everything.

Agreeing, I did as Spica instructed.

I assumed the lotus position and delved into my inner space, not resisting her entrance.

We found ourselves near my Soul Vial together. Its shell wasn't pink, as I was no longer a virgin.

For about ten minutes, Spica searched the depths of my soul, then nodded at me, and we exited my space together.

She clasped her head and squatted down, speaking with genuine confusion, — Fuck... I don't understand. Why did Morena do this? It makes no sense!

— What's wrong? — I asked.

— I tried to break the Soul Marriage, but its spiritual connection is much stronger than the one between you and our mothers, — Spica explained, turning my brain into a jumble of incredulous thoughts.

—What did you say? O-our mothers? So, those three women are my mother and two aunts?

Each word was a shocking revelation! What the hell is going on? Why did the three of them enter into a Soul Marriage with me? We're blood relatives!

I mean, I don't mind a harem and incest, but why did they do this? Did it happen during my birth, during life, or did they decide on it even before I was born?

Or maybe it's not frowned upon and is even approved in their galactic realms? Most likely, a sinful consanguinity is considered normal for them; otherwise, I can't find any other meaning to this.

— Ah, so you didn't know... We're screwed, — Spica cursed herself and shivered slightly, momentarily forgetting that we were under a barrier, — Thank Goddess Femiarta that our parents can't overhear us. Otherwise, I'd get a harsh punishment.

— So, what about Morena and me? I'm not eager to share my wife with another man. If she's someone else's fiancée, I'll need your help to neutralize Morena so I can interrogate her. Based on the results of the interrogation, I'll decide whether to kill her or spare her life.

Spica chuckled into her left palm and patted me on the head with her other hand, messing up my white hairstyle, — I expressed myself somewhat incorrectly. Niks told us some details of their collaboration. The agreements are more oral than legal. Morena arranged to become Erebus's fiancée when he becomes the Patriarch of the Divine Dragons sect. Until then, she can't be involved with anyone else, but she's not officially considered his fiancée yet. The rules are based on trust.

— Hmm-m, it simplifies everything.

Morena won't become Erebus's fiancée because she chose me. The fact of past agreements elevates Morena in my eyes rather than lowering her.

She took bigger risks than I initially thought.

Yes, she didn't tell me that she was supposed to be someone else's fiancée, but I didn't ask either. Perhaps, for Morena, this fact was unimportant because of its conditionality, now that the choice is in my favor.

I will definitely talk to her about this matter, though Spica's last words reassured me.

The only thing that depresses me is meeting with my uncle. Our encounter should never happen because he won't be delighted that Morena didn't end up with him. She's already mine, speaking in factual terms.

Hah, it will be a fierce joke if Erebus finds out that I 'put a green hat on him' even before he got his fiancée.

Spica and I got into the off-road vehicle and headed to the laboratory of Nemesis in St. Louis.

I deactivated the invisibility, but left the sound barrier. During the trip, I noticed a pensive expression on my cousin's face and asked, — What are you thinking about?

— I'm thinking... thinking, — she whispered, lost in the depths of her wandering mind. Spica looked at the road for a few minutes and tapped her fingernail on the dashboard before declaring, — Alright, I'll help you. I haven't known Morena for as long as Isida, Niks, or mom Syrma, but I have a clear idea of her personality. She has the most rigid selection I've heard of. If Morena took such a risk, it would be foolish not to follow her example.'

I showed her a satisfied smirk and took out the broken sword that Nemesis had given me, — This sword is from Nemesis. Morena broke it during our fight. Fix my sword so as not to raise suspicions from Nemesis.

— Stop, what? You fought her? — Spica asked, taking the sword.

Realizing that my sword would be repaired soon, I breathed a sigh of relief and said, — Yeah, I fought her. And defeated my little wife, even though she restricted herself to the Third Star System.

— Whoof, little brother, — Spica bit her finger through her glove and chuckled approvingly, — Ha-ha-ha, your existence is surreal. You break the entire system of ranks and levels that has been in place until now. Now I understand why the Spider-Weavers came to this planet – all because of you and the dangerous prospect of disrupting the integrity of the entire universe!

I shrugged self-assuredly, looking at the road. We were just about to reach the laboratory of Nemesis, located on a mountain ledge that offered a beautiful view of St. Louis.

— Red mist! — I exclaimed with concern, seeing half of the skyscraper's height covered in dense crimson smoke.

— Darn, it looks like the spiders have divided into several squads, — muttered Spica, grimacing. She turned out to be right.

I stepped on the gas, and the car sped towards the parking lot of the "Pier Life" headquarters.

Oh, my God, I hope Agata and Evelina are okay!

I wasn't worried about Nemesis for obvious reasons. She can take care of herself. Constantly worrying about my elder sister, I risked insulting her strength. Despite her deceitful nature, I didn't want to cause her more emotional pain than she caused me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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