
Monstro-Apocalypse allowed cultivation love with Sister

CAUTION: [Taboo Fetish Focused Work] The story of a boy named Thanatos Pierce, who finds himself totally screwed by an apocalypse of zombies, monsters, and other powerful creatures. Fortunately for him, he is looked after by his older sister, who has prepared him in advance for the challenges ahead. Behind her hidden knowledge and all the chaos lies a secret that Thanatos will try to unravel. ________________________________________________________________________________ In this story, the MC is far from stupid, and his entourage will also have brains. The main thing is not to have too big and smart brains, otherwise zombies and monsters will gather in a horde and eat them! Or maybe a mysterious fog will consume the inhabitants of the surviving settlement and eat their brains... oops, spoiler. Tags: R18, History, action, adventure, harem, incest, progress and evolution, becoming strong, romance, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, superpowers, family, loyal love interests, manipulative mc, cunning mc (But not immediately), no NTR, no netorare/netori, no system. His sisters, girlfriends, mother, aunts, and future daughter become his exclusive obsessions, succumbing to his irresistible allure. But until then, he must become strong and cunning enough. Unfortunately, I am not a native English speaker, so I may make mistakes in the text of the piece. Please don't throw a lot of sticks at me((( Anyway, support the book and add it to your library as help for this poor soul :)

ThanatosPierce · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 2 - Helping Evelina. Meeting the Palmer's and training with her sister.

POV Thanatos.

I spent about fifteen minutes at the boring arcade machines until Nemesis opened the door and called me inside.

The situation with Evelina turned out to be awkward, I hope she doesn't sulk.

When I walked into the room and saw Evelina, I noticed that she had changed into a black sweater and typical blue jeans. Her feet were covered with dark socks, hiding the beauty of a woman's legs and soft toes from me.

In fact, Evelina though she wasn't prettier than my older sister, she looked very sexy lately. Nemesis has E cups, when Evelina has slightly smaller, D cups.

She used to be unable to maintain the weight she needed for her age, due to her tendency to be anorexic. But now the green-eyed brunette with an exquisite chin line smiles at me happily.

— You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met in my life, — I decided to start the dialogue with an honest compliment.

Evelina pouted, but nodded contentedly to hide her embarrassment, — Thank you, sycophant. Your bad behavior aside, you're always supporting me.

To say these words to my face, the girl with emerald pupils had to lift her pretty face up, because I am taller than her by two heads. Actually, that makes sense when my height is a whopping 6 feet 3.2 inches (191 centimeters).

Our brief intimate moment was interrupted by Nemesis. She coughed in her protective suit, attracting attention. In her hands were two syringes that hinted at Evelina's need for medical procedures.

— Oh, I'm so tired of these injections! — Wasting no time, Evelina lay down on the couch beside the bed and stretched out the four limbs of her body.

I, too, took some syringes of medication and helped my sister stab Evelina in all the places. Also, once a month, Nemesis injects an expensive drug into the red bone marrow of each of Evelina's large bones, trying to get her body to develop immunity to the environment.

In fact, Evelina is the only one we help personally. We have enough money and capacity to avoid wasting our time with any wealthy clients. But since her family are also dollar millionaires and live in our neighborhood, we decided to help the girl improve her life.

Evelina Palmer - a beautiful girl with short hair, but it's a shame we can't date. Only if platonically, which would be hard for the two of us. I like her quite a lot, actually, as well as my own sister. Only in the first case, there's a 100% risk of death by bodily contact, and in the second case, there's a chance of ruining the sibling's family relationship.

I don't want to lose either of them, since I care about them. Evelina may not be everything to me, but I can't imagine life without Nemesis at all!!!

Nemesis was almost finished with her treatment, but Evelina bit her lower lip, holding back the urge to cry out. It looked scary from the outside as a huge syringe with a very strong needle penetrated the young beauty's large bones.

Evelina turned to me and noticed the pensive look on my face, asking, — Who are you thinking about?

— About you and my sister. After all, I do care about you. I would even say that you are invaluable, — I answered honestly, letting all the medicine out of the last syringe.

After what I said, Evelina put on a fake grin and squeezed her eyes shut hard.

Nemesis immediately tapped me on the shoulder — Than, you hurt her very badly with those words, apologize to her.

At first I looked at Nemesis with genuine amazement, but then I turned to the quietly crying Evelina. She pressed her chin deep into herself as she tried to hold back the treacherous tears.

It wasn't until two minutes later that it dawned on me what I had said wrong!

Damn it! After confirming that I had deep feelings for her, she began to suffer even more, realizing that entering into a relationship with me was not an option.

I didn't find the courage to apologize, nor did I see much point in doing so. Instead, I hugged Evelina tightly on the couch and stroked her hair. I whispered to her that everything would be okay and that she would get better one day.

I wasn't exactly lying when I tried to comfort her, but I wasn't telling the whole truth either. The possibility of a recovery is extremely small, but it exists! And we should hold on to that hope, even if it's a slim one. Otherwise, what's the point of living like this, right?

Evelina calmed down after ten minutes, her cheerful mood returned. Or she pretended to feel better.


Nemesis and Thanatos Palmer spent about three hours with their female friend.

They allowed the young girl to plunge into a carefree life, forgetting her problems and depression.

When they said goodbye to Evelina and went down to the first floor, they were met by the entire Palmer family at the exit of the mansion. John Palmer - the father of the family. Lydia Palmer - the mother. And the second child of the family, Evelina's oldest and only sister, Agatha Palmer.

Thanatos shook John's hand and greeted the mansion's owners with his sister.

— How was the session with our daughter? — the head of the family asked. The forty-something man was as tall as Thanatos, but had coarse stubble and a stoic expression.

Nemesis answered before I did, — Everything was on schedule. I've taken some biological samples, which I'll send to my lab. When I get the results, we can draw conclusions about how many years it will take to stimulate immunity and activate the immune system.

— I didn't hear you, Nemesis, tell me... Any chance? — Agatha, the eldest daughter of the family, asked impatiently. She was as beautiful as her younger sister in her 28 years. She had long dark brown hair and brown eyes with a slight green tint, and the look and style were trendy for the American segment.

— Take your headphones out of your ass, Agatha. I'll text you first when I get the results, — Thanatos said with a sneer. He was not particularly fond of Evelina's older sister, since she did not visit her sister very often. Her excuse was the drudgery of her contract military service, which began at age 17 and lasted almost 10 years.

Thanatos and Nemesis dug up information that Agatha had been a sniper for most of her service during military operations in Afghanistan, and was now back at home helping develop new defenses at U.S.A. military installations.

Agatha frowned, put her headphones in her pocket, and started kneading her knuckles, — Let's wrestle, Than. Let's go to my gym, I'm pretty sure you'll lay on the ground in a few holds, sobbing like a baby.

— Come on... — Thanatos was just about to agree, but he saw Lydia slapp her daughter on the lips.

— Agatha! Stop it! How can you be so heartless to those who are trying to give your little sister a chance at a happy life!

Agatha clenched her fists, having a stubborn desire to raise her hand against her own mother. But after thinking well, she sighed and bowed to Nemesis,— I'm sorry, I wasn't listening well to what you said.

Nemesis was satisfied with the apology, and she repeated the previous words.

After the awkward conversation, John invited Thanatos and Nemesis to lunch.

After an hour of chatting with the Palmer family, the sister and brother went to their home. Nemesis didn't like extra ears, so no one lived there except the two Pierces: she hired bi-weekly cleaners and maids who took care of the house for a high fee. It was enough not to live in a filthy mansion.

Since they were satiated, they began their usual training sessions.

First there was a long warm-up and stretching of almost every muscle in the body, and then practice shooting at the private shooting range in the basement. The targets moved at about the speed of a fly, making it extremely difficult for Thanatos to hit the center, but to his surprise, Nemesis always hit exactly the target!

Thanatos considered his older sister a genius, for he could not understand how else she possessed such professionalism in so many areas of life and activity.

After testing her firearm skills, Nemesis dragged her brother to the gym on the first floor.

Large buckets of sweat could be collected from Thanatos as Nemesis stood with her bare feet on her brother's back and pressed various muscles as he did push-ups on the floor.

«My God, my sister's a real devil!» thought Thanatos, taking a rack of straddle planche. At this time, Nemesis wasn't about to get off her brother, straining the weakest muscles of his back.

If Nemesis didn't have a phenomenal knowledge of body structure and knowledge of her brother's body limits, any wrong move would have resulted in a serious injury to Thanatos. Fortunately, she knew exactly where to push or how to stand in order to benefit her beloved brother.

— Five more minutes, — Nemesis informed him calmly as her shaky-armed brother tried to keep his and her sister's weight in a plank where only two arms bent 90 degrees were in contact with the floor.

— Whew... heavy! — Thanatos spit out his saliva, starting to relax a little from the fatigue. He'd been suffering under the oppression of his sister coach for hours.

— What-what? I didn't hear you call me fat? — Sister asked threateningly.

At that moment, goosebumps ran down Thanatos' back and his sweat became dead cold, «Fuck, dangerous situation.»

— No, no, sister! I say it's hard to breathe. I wish someone would open a window so I could get some fresh air. You're so sweet and beautiful! The most wonderful and beautiful in the whole world!

* Snap *

Nemesis jumped down from her little brother and flicked him, tsking her tongue, — Flatterer! Don't forget you learned that from me. Okay, just rest for a few minutes.

— Demon... — Thanatos muttered to himself, falling onto his stomach. He didn't understand his sister's motives at all. She was teaching him everything that could come in handy in an emergency, or in a situation where your life or someone else's was at stake.

«Why do I have to work so hard? I already have a very cool physique, great looks, and a deep set of diverse skills. It's like she's trying to make me into some kind of superhuman, but it's impossible.»

That's what Thanatos thought. After all, he was living in an ordinary world, on Earth. Except his relationship with his sister was quite unusual, but that's another thing entirely!

After finishing his grueling workout, Thanatos took a cool shower. For the rest of the evening he chatted with his sister, discussing Evelina's health and the business of Pierce Life. She had time to send biological samples of the girl to the lab and they would know the results in a few days.

After dinner, which Thanatos cooked himself, the brother and sister went up to the second floor and went into the common bedroom. They lay down in their arms and turned on the television, starting to have meaningless dialogues.

At one point, Nemesis felt her brother's hard-on resting against her juicy thigh. She pressed her lips together and tried to steady herself. She had to look away from the bulging bump from her panties.

«Control yourself, Nemesis! Control yourself! You can't rape your brother, even though I'd really like to finally have sex! Oh, he's so desirable... Just wait a few months, and he'll fuck you for sure» dreamily pondered Nemesis to herself.

She pretended not to notice the boner, for the day was not far off when social norms would change dramatically. And she knew it. All these years she had been saving herself for her brother, as she imagined what he might achieve in the future. Except that Thanatos didn't have the necessary determination. Not yet.

The white-haired lady looked into the pleading eyes of her brother, who nestled against her left breast, and nodded happily, — You can drink. We're going to bed soon, and you're going to need strength soon, lots of strength...

Thanatos was a little embarrassed by his sister's cryptic speech, but he didn't pay much attention to the words. He simply opened her nipple, crumpled it a little in his hand, and dipped his face into it to sip his favorite milky treat.

It was in such a warm, family atmosphere that the usual day of the Pierce family ended.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ThanatosPiercecreators' thoughts