
Monsters of My Making

After dying to the hand—tentacles of an Eldritch Spawn, an ordinary soul finds themselves with the power to create monsters of myths and legends. — — — She’s known by many titles; She-Viper. The Hidden Horror. The Nurturer of Nightmares. The Cave Dweller. The Serpent’s Wife. The Drakaina. But most of all, she is The Culmination of Chaos and The Mother of All Monsters…Echidna.

SaintlyPervert · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

The Eldritch Who Wants a Friend

Location: Abyssal Depths (Named by Aria)

"I need some sake." Maya said from atop a hundred headed white serpent with three pairs of wings, breaking the silence that had started ever since she saw Aria's monster form.

"Ah? Have you finally gotten over it sis? I thought it would take you some more time." The hundreds of serpentine heads spoke in chorus, making Maya slightly wince.

"I don't mean to be rude Aria, but I'd prefer if you didn't speak at the moment."

"Is this better?" Aria asked, switching to [Thought Communication].

"Hm? Yeah." The Demon King nodded, continuing, "The location of our Eldritch friend is further than we anticipated."

"Mmm. But the tugging sensation is getting stronger, so we should be close." The Echidna added.

"Then, in the mean time, tell me how you pulled of Infinity?"

"Basically I have my own personal Great Sage with the ability to combine skills, so I fused my elemental related skills which created Law Manipulation." Aria explained.

"I see, so you then used Law Manipulation to manipulate Space, or divide Space repeatedly." Maya deduced, drawing parallels to what she knew about Gojo's technique.

"More or less~ But the space around here is weird, and it wouldn't have been possible if I didn't have my Living Anomaly ability, but since I did have it, I was able to impose my will on to this realm." The Echidna answered, remembering the strangeness she felt.

"…Just speed up." The Demon King couldn't be bothered anymore.

"Aye aye, captain~!"

"We're here." Aria says telepathically, her gargantuan form stopping before an equally large, imposing door, its surface adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to writhe and twist with an eerie glow.

"This place gives me the creeps," Aria's voice echoed in Maya's mind, tinged with a hint of unease.

After all, even with her all strength, which she now knew was at least Low Multiversal—thanks to Scholar that found a memory of hers when she had once looked at Veldora on Vs battle, the Echidna was still pulled into this place.

It either meant that the Star Spawn was stronger than her, or being touched by it formed a sort of connection with it, allowing it to call on her and Maya, something which was frightening in its own way.

Maya nodded in agreement with her words, as even if she was immune to fear, the spine-chilling sensation from the other side was prevalent.

Proof was that the lesser deep sea Eldritch beings seemed to have retreated into the shadows, and their presence no longer loomed over the ocean floor, or anywhere near the door for that matter.

After a moment of preparing themselves, Aria pressed all of her hundred heads against the imposing door. With a deep, echoing rumble, the door began to creak open, revealing a passage that led deeper into the Abyssal Depths.

As the door swung wide, Maya and Aria stepped, or rather slithered through the threshold, their senses immediately assaulted by the overwhelming darkness that enveloped them.

"Let there be Light." At Aria's words, a ball of light immediately appeared in front of them, brightening the passage.

Maya released a snort of amusement at her words, "Let there be Light? What's next, parting the seas and leading us to the promised land?"

"Maya, I didn't take you as a blasphemer."

The Demon King paused, her expression shifting slightly to a look of realisation, though the Echidna was to busy staring at the carvings on the cavernous walls to see any of this.

Maya chuckled softly at Aria's response, "Blasphemer? Hardly. I just find your choice of words rather dramatic for our current situation."

"I was psyking myself up." The Serpent turned her head away from the walls, and a silence descended among the two, as light made itself known in the distance.

As Maya and Aria ventured further into the depths of the passage, eventually reaching the end, they were greeted by a sight that took their breath away.

"Beautiful." Aria's heads all muttered, synchronised, her myriad eyes reflecting the scene before her, and the singular tree standing in the centre.

The underwater chamber was bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, emanating from a circular hole at the top of the cavern that allowed a single beam of light to filter down from the surface above.

Maya couldn't help but agree with Aria, though her gaze was drawn not to the tree, but to the depths of the massive lake that lay at the heart of the cavern. The water shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence, casting strange shadows upon the rocky walls that surrounded them.

But their moment of peace was short-lived, as ripples began to form on the surface of the massive lake that dominated the cavern's floor.

Slowly, ominously, a large shadow began to move to surface of the lake, and soon, its grotesque form emerged from the depths with an eerie grace.

The creature towered above them, its massive form dwarfing the cavern itself as it emerged from the depths of the lake. Its tentacles undulated with a grace that belied its immense size, while its bat-like wings beat rhythmically against the air, stirring the waters with each powerful stroke.

The Star Spawn's glossy green skin shimmered in the light, its eyes surveyed its surroundings for a moment, before it focused its attention on Aria and Maya. In that instance, it seemed as if the very world came to a stop, enveloped in the profound silence of the creature's presence.

"Take care of my child," a voice reverberated through the cavern, coming directly from the spawn itself, and the power within it sent shivers down Maya and Aria's spines.

It was a command, spoken with an authority that brooked no disobedience, yet it was tinged with an unexpected tenderness that caught them by surprise.

Before Maya and Aria could even respond, the presence of Cthulhu—yes it could only be him—vanished, leaving behind a sense of awe and bewilderment in its wake. In its place, the Star Spawn's childlike gaze of curiosity met theirs, its tentacles undulating with a gentle rhythm as it regarded them with innocent fascination.

"Friends… finally… here," the Star Spawn spoke slowly, the childlike wonder in its tone all too clear to the Echidna and Demon King. There was a simplicity to its demeanor, a purity of intent that spoke of a being untouched by the complexities of mortal existence.

It was beyond Good and Evil, beyond the constraints of morality as mortals understood it, that much Aria and Maya understood, meaning, their deaths wasn't out of maliciousness, but rather from a fundamental clash of existence.

'Or it was all the cultists fault.' This was another possibility, now that Aria really sees this being for what it is, a child…

The two friends watched as with a slow, deliberate movement, one of its tentacles extended towards them, in what they considered a gesture of friendship.

Aria swiftly switched to her hybrid form, the hundred snake heads vanishing, replaced with her human torso, the bottom half still remaining serpentine, and her three pair of feathered wings still on back.

The transition between both forms was so quick that Maya didn't even fall, her position only changing from Aria's head, to her shoulder.

'Fortunately the transformation didn't startle Cthulhi.' Yep, the Echidna already had a name for it, and she watched as its tentacle touched the side of her face, and Maya's head.

It was surprisingly gentle, and after exchanging glances, the two sisters reached out to the tentacle touching them, and immediately they were assaulted by flood of impressions in their minds, a language beyond words that conveyed emotions, memories, and intentions.

The runes or tattoos that had been on Aria's body since her reincarnation glowed brightly, the lock had been finally opened by the key, and knowledge filled her mind.

Maya wasn't an exception either, though her surprise was greater as she didn't even know she had those on her body, her military uniform and the gloves she wore had hid majority of her skin. She also had to fight the moment she arrived at Hueco Mundo too!

Though if there was one thing that stood out to Maya and Aria, it was that Cthulhi was lonely, it desired companionship. Although it had worshippers, it instinctively knew that they weren't 'friends', no matter how much they tried to please him…

"I guess an Eldritch friend wouldn't hurt, right, Maya?" The Echidna asked, smiling.

"How could I say no? It would make my time in the boring desert of Hueco Mundo more enjoyable." The Demon King snorted in amusement, life had truly taken an interesting in turn.

Here they had expected a malevolent abomination, but life gave them a lemon in the form a Eldritch Friend.

All they could do now was make Lemonade.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter~ Also if you didn't know, I released two chapters of another fic—Way of the Demon King, check out if you want.

Damn~ I think I should go see a doctor, my left eye has been hurting for a few days, like someone punched me, *Gasp* I may be going blind! Or not…Hopefully not…Anyways have a good day