
Monsters die when they’re killed.

How many unknown mysteries exist in this world of ours? Until one day, those that had passed away returned, those that had fallen silent revived, and those that had once been far away, once again came close to our world. Su Di, a seventeen-year-old high school sophomore, an 'ordinary' person with a penchant for anecdotes and strange stories, was holding his mobile phone, under the July holiday sun, intently replying to a message sent by a forum and a friend. The tour bus travelling through the forest road, the vibrant green scenery of the South East Asian jungle did not attract his attention, it was never these 'ordinary' things that mattered to him, in the midst of the tour guide's pompous introductions, and in the midst of the front seat grandpa's loud snoring, he clicked the 'send button! ' before letting out a long breath and placing the phone on his lap. [Do psychics really exist in this world? Magic nor fairy cultivation, do they really exist?"] Seriously replying to this post, the man who talked so eloquently on the internet would never have imagined that what he said was prophetic, and that what was going to happen next would tear apart all the placid realities, the gentle fantasies. All the mundane, the boring but cosy routines, all the things he had taken for granted would be decisively taken away from him, never to return. On his lap, on his mobile phone, which had not yet switched off the screen, the beginning of a small reply was still displayed. [Of course.] [They definitely exist.]

Tingdong_Bai · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Tracking

"These herbal teas, there must be a problem as well."

While thinking about the background and reliance of the mysterious organisation, Su Di's heart stirred as he turned back and rummaged through his backpack.

Opening the kettle, he couldn't smell any odour, but there was no doubt that there was a problem.

The other side of the soul-restoring spell is not absolute, outside of himself, some people with a better spirit can probably resist, at least they will not sleep so deeply, the road bumps for a while will wake up.

But if the tea he drank before also contains sleeping ingredients, then it can almost ensure that any ordinary people will be 100 per cent trapped, almost foolproof. Su day at this time is lucky that at that time he is really not thirsty, the kettle in the herbal tea has not been touched at all, otherwise, now I am afraid that it is still a dead pig to be slaughtered.

"Damn, there's no mobile phone signal here. Tsk, to be able to prepare these things, there are definitely their accomplices in the local officials, calling the police is probably useless, we can only look for the embassy."


But just as Su Di was preparing to take his friend who was extremely asleep because he drank a pot of stupefying herbal tea and left, his ears trembled slightly, his brows furrowed, and he seemed to have heard something.

Afterwards, Su Di lowered his head, his gaze complexly swept over himself and Shao Qiming, and sighed helplessly, "No way? It came so fast ..."

Looking deeply at his dear friend in front of him, whose brow was furrowed and seemed to be caught in a nightmare, Su Di immediately opened the car window, and the whole person scurried out as silently as a cat, he did not hesitate, and the whole person hurriedly and furiously dashed away, transforming into a dark-coloured shadow, and disappeared into the forest.

Just like a martial arts film, Su Day, who has certain anti-detection skills, did not leave any traces, he only stepped on the gravel on the road, not touching the grass. After running out for a certain distance, Su Di exerted force on the soles of his feet, jumped up like a cat and hid in a big tree with an extremely dense canopy.

After a series of operations, Su Di was confident that unless he was the most professional scout, he would never be able to see through his own direction.

He was far away, keeping an eye out of the corner of his eye for movement in the distance, while both ears lifted to listen for any and all information in the silent forest.

Soon, not far away, the sound of humming engines came.

Several army green modified vehicles that had been modified to be more suitable for mountain operations came from the direction of the Kachin Mountains to the clearing here.

Click. The car stopped, eight strong men in green and green combat uniforms got out of the car, Su Di could see that several of the people who came down from the car were Asian faces, and the one who was at the head of the car was a middle-aged Zhuguo man. He walked towards the bus with the two robust men who were escorting him, unable to read his expression.

"The car is parked in the wrong place."

Even though he was far away, Su Di could still hear some sound fragments, this Zhu man spoke English, and his accent was pure, different from the vast majority of Zhu people.

Not only that, his aura was also very heavy and terrifying, with an inexplicable aura like a ghostly creature, even if Su Di only observed the other party from the corner of his eye, he also felt slightly alarmed.

"Brother Aang also didn't come down to wait for us to receive him, this is very odd."

In the distance, the Zhuguo stopped and looked up at the bus in front of him, "There's a dead aura."

"Someone's dead."

The forest was silent, so the voice was still clear, and this Zhu leader could be seen slightly sidestepping his head, and a big man came out of the other seven, breaking the window of the bus and tumbling in.

Soon, the car door opened while the man who had gone up came down with an ugly look on his face and said to the Zhu man, "Lord Sukla, the situation is not good."

"Koang had his neck broken, and used a secret technique before he died, but it seemed useless. Maoba also died through and through, his neck was broken by a foot ... very ferocious."

"... Looks like we met the unexpected guy. I told you that the ones who rushed to the 'Twin Headed Serpent' couldn't just be tourists, there would be trouble."

"Twin-headed snake?"

Hearing this, Su Di, who was lurking with his breath held, had a slight movement in his heart, this was exactly the target that he and Shao Qiming had come together for. But now, it seemed that this goal was exactly the means that this organisation had purposely released to attract a large number of tourists.

"Is it to find more opportunities."

Su Di didn't have time to think about it more, because a moment later, the Zhu man known as Sukla waved his hand and gave an order, pointing at a man, "You, go and drive the car in the other direction, and then come back with the people from the observation team."

"You five, go get the offerings off the cart and take them to the cave, the Void Trading Ritual is in dire need of fresh intelligent creatures, the Chief has pushed for it three times now, the correct astrological sign is approaching and there can be no delay."


Everyone responded loudly, following orders and began to work quickly.

It could be seen that a person who was sleeping was being carried out, neatly placed in the boot of the modified car, stacked together as if they were goods.

Shao Qiming was also among them, sleeping extremely heavily, fortunately the strong man noticed that he was not in good health, so he placed him on the upper level of the pile.

"My lord, don't we need to go after that accident?"

One of the two burly guards who had been left by Sukla and hadn't gone to carry him asked so, turning his head as if he was looking around.

When he heard this, it instantly made Su Di's heart tighten. Although he was extremely well hidden, but if the other party really had a special secret method used for detection, it might not be possible to conceal one or two alright, but he alone could not beat eight strong adult men head on in any case.

"Go. But if you can't find any obvious traces within five minutes, there's no need to continue, let the people from the observation group go and surround him, with the 'Secret Snake' in place, he won't be able to escape."

Hearing Sukla's order, the burly man nodded slightly as he narrowed his eyes before running in the direction that Su Di had left.

It could be seen that although this burly man looked stout, his footsteps were light and swift, and he soon disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Just a little bit short, he didn't find the route that Su Di left, and deviated one or two o'clock in the direction.

It didn't take long for the people on the bus to move away, and the bus drove back towards the original highway, preparing to go far away in the opposite direction to divert attention. And the Zhu man and the other escort waited where they were for some time, until the tracking escort returned from the woods.

Without speaking, the guard shook his head in silence, and seeing this, Sukra was not surprised, so the three of them drove off together, deeper into the mountains.

And not far away from the tree, the lucky and undetected Su Di narrowed his eyes.

That Zhuguo called Sukla is exceptionally cautious, without any solitude, completely unable to find an opportunity to forcefully attack and kill to force information ... and look at that at least one metre nine tall and strong body, even if his own strength is much greater than the average, he may not be able to suppress the other party in a short period of time, and he will definitely be caught by the other mystery that have heard about it. Organisation members surrounded and captured.

"This is bad, Qiming was captured ... what offerings, transactions and rituals ... damn!"

Gritting his teeth, Su Di's heart is slightly anxious, watching his best friend being plundered away, this feeling is not something that can be described in words.

Once again took several deep breaths and calmed down, Su Di gazed into the distance, the direction that those few modified cars left.

If it was an ordinary person, he would not be able to see the movement under the heavy leaves and branches of the dense forest, but Su Di, who could even distinguish ghosts and monsters, could see it clearly. In a place not very far from this forest, around a small mountain, there could be seen a small and inconspicuous cave, and camouflage cover similar to this place.

There, someone was carrying an unconscious person into the cave.

"There are members of this organisation inside the tourist town, and I can't be sure if there are any members of the other side in the local patrols ... The 'Observation Group' and 'Secret Serpent' that they are talking about ', there's definitely a high possibility that they can discover my trail, maybe it's that black ghostly snake shadow I saw in the village."

"Otherwise, these people wouldn't let go of the best time to track me so casually."

Su Di's gaze flickered as he frowned and whispered to himself, "The possibility of me leaving this dense forest alone is extremely small, and even if there is a chance, it would be difficult and nine deaths in one life.... The other party has a mysterious power, and it's absolutely impossible for me, an ordinary sophomore, to... ..."

"He Ma's! What's the point of thinking about reasons!"

I just want to save my friend!

Putting all his worries behind him and clenching his fists, the seventeen year old high school student, who could only sleep for five hours a day while studying hard, finally made up his mind under the pressure of the 'transcendent' and the 'unknown' with the The young man's characteristic grumpiness made up his mind, "How dare you lay hands on me, on my friend?"

On Su Di's face, there was a smile of excitement mixed with anger, furious and hideous.

You guys must die! It was the Mysterious Organisation that must die as well!

In the next instant, a rustling sound rang out, as if the wind was blowing the branches of a tree, and a figure landed on the ground, then flickered among the trees.

The shadow was silent, like an illusion, but it was faster than a swift wind, and then just like that, he trailed after the trails of those vehicles carrying people.