
Chapter 1: Introduction

School, a place where the offspring of humans are sent to be indoctrinated into their society.

Where the number of offspring successfully indoctrinated is the vast majority.

Each one, a pawn of a different but slightly more successful human being.

These offspring are taught that for their life to have value. They must go out and earn this thing called money. The amount they are worth depends on how much money they earn.

What can you do with this so called money you ask?

Why, it buys them freedom of course.

Money buys you the freedom to live, to eat, to drink, to travel to different parts of the world.

They go to these schools so that they can be made to believe that they want to do these stupidly boring and disgusting things called jobs for multiple decades of their short lives, just for a small amount of money.

They beg for it, steal for it, kill for this object called money, and it disgusts me.

It didn't always used to be like that, where human lives and the choices they made were depicted by how much money they can earn.

For example in a time long ago, when the earth was much less populated by humans.

There was no such thing as money. Humans traveled the earth by their own power they scavenged for food and water taking from the earth what they needed to live. Never having to earn or pay another human money for what they took.

Those were some good times....

If you really think about it, even in modern times no one actually owns anything they just take from the earth and claim its theirs.

Best example of this is the government, doesn't matter the country the government is a part of. They claim that all the land inside their country is theirs and if you want to live on it or 'own a piece of it' you have to pay them a yearly tax, and if you don't you lose it. Even though you have already 'purchased' said piece of land. They think because you grow produce on 'their land' that they have the right to take your hard earned wages.

They didn't plant the seeds to let the plants grow. They didn't protect the crops during the harsh winters and once all the hard work that you have done they get a share of the profits and you can't do anything about it.

I've noticed humans seem to have this strange habit of taking what isn't theirs especially when it's from other humans simply because they are apart of the larger group of humans.

Me? I am the worst, even though I see myself above humans. I willingly go to these so called schools because ironically, even though I am technically dead, when I am at school I feel so alive.

Being surrounded by people who love and adore me. Everyone I see at school loves me whether its because of how breathtakingly beautiful I am or if its because of my many special abilities. All humans bend to my will without exception.

Who Am I? You may ask. Why, my name is Elizabeth Cullen and I... am a Vampire. Not those vampires you read in books or see in movies that can't go out during the day. Can be killed with a stake to the heart. Or having other weaknesses such as holy items and garlic, oh no no no that isn't even close to what I am. The type of Vampire that I am is so much more better, so much more stronger, so much more indestructible, so much more.... beautiful.

The worst part is there is one book that exists that details my kind correctly it's a romance novel between a Vampire and a ... * shudders* a human, called Twilight.

Ever since I have read that book the concept of a Vampire mating with a human makes me sick.

Me, an Apex predator among trillions of prey. Falling in love with a human? Preposterous!

Humans are nothing but weak and delicate insects, who fawn over my every movement my every want and need with my ability to read minds, see the future and ability to make everyone within my proximity be drawn to me because I am able to influence their emotions and know how to make them feel good and want to stay by my side.

I thought with all the abilities I have that there is nothing in existence that could shake my belief that could make me want to change my way of life, even change my very being the essence of who I really am, until one day....

I hope everyone enjoys the chapter, sorry if its a little short

Masquerade1010creators' thoughts