

Nex was an ordinary person, who never stood out until one day he becomes infected by something that turn into a Jin. Jin are a group of people who have incredible abilities. When he wakes up he does not recognize the world he is in. A world with millions of evil creatures and no humans around him.

Barking_tree · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Fall

Nex got out of the car. Nex went through the door to his grandparents house first, he was greeted with a hug from his grandfather and a kiss from his grandmother. While that was happening the rest of his family came through the door. Nex's grandparents house was only 2 floors tall it was quite a nice house though.

His grandparents then greeted the rest of the family. The party was ready, the party was only going to be a small family gathering of Nex's family and his grandparents. Nex would have a party with his friends tomorrow.

Nex's grandparents had decided Nex should open presents first then they would make dinner. Nex wouldn't get presents from his parents because they had given him his presents yesterday. Nex got some clothes and a game he had wanted. His grandparents left at this point to make dinner and Nex was heading up the stairs to unpack, when he fell and hit his head on the stairs.

Nex started crying, with tears streaming down Nex was trying to hold in the tears but couldn't. His father helped him up, while his sister went to grab an ice pack.

Nex was helped up by his father, Veronica ran back in with the ice pack and said "here Nex." Nex muttered thanks and then they continued the slow walk up the stairs, his sister had grabbed his bag to bring to the room. They brought Nex to his room and laid him on the bed.

His father left the room after he laid him down on the bed. Veronica came in after father left, Veronica put his bag in the corner of the room. When she was about to leave Nex asked her to grab his phone from the bag.

She went and grabbed the phone and handed it to hime and she then left the room. Nex turned on the phone and went to watch videos on the internet.

Nex grandparents were still making dinner while this was happening. They hadn't stopped because if things were bad the parents would have called them to help.