

currently hiatus Thousand years ago, an unknown virus triggered the mutation of cells and nuclear radiation, giving rise to a multitude of monstrous creatures. Within a single week, these creatures began to multiply exponentially, unleashing chaos across the land. Caught off guard, ancient humans found themselves under relentless attacks, as villages, cities, and entire continents fell victim to the monsters' insatiable hunger. In a desperate attempt to survive, the nations of the world formed an unprecedented alliance, pooling their resources and knowledge to combat the looming threat. Years of fierce battles ensued, but ultimately, the monsters emerged victorious, decimating 89.9999% of the human population. It was a grave miscalculation on humanity's part, as they underestimated the monsters, unaware of their capacity for intelligence and evolution. ** General Cain, a young man in a world overrun by monsters, shoulders the weighty Responsibilities of defending his kingdom from relentless threats. Fueled by unyielding determination, he pledges to eliminate every adversary, sparing none. "Teacher, I promise you I will wipe out every living monster in this world." Embark on Cain's journey as he navigates the challenges of his daily life, battling his inner self while forging unexpected alliances. In a world teetering on the brink of darkness, Monsterfall unveils the relentless pursuit of a heroic general faced with harrowing choices that will determine the survival of this world. NOTE: Hi, author here. This will be my first novel, and I might make a lot of mistakes. But I hope you will read it until the end. Also, I might not be consistent in posting, as I am currently in college and working part-time. I'm broke as f*ck. DISCLAIMER: Not my cover. Please message me if you want it taken down.

iVanir · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 1.2

three days had passed since our arrival, and our not so peaceful break was abruptly shattered by an unrelenting stampede of monstrous creatures. Despite our provisions lasting for another five days, the situation grew increasingly dire. With no immediate threat to the settlement, we made the difficult decision to forgo the evacuation of civilians.

"General, everything is going smoothly as planned," a soldier from my division reported, his voice filled with a mix of confidence and determination. Saluting me, he awaited my response.

"Good," I acknowledged, maintaining a steely composure. "don't lower your guard. Stay alert."

The soldier saluted once more, acknowledging my order before returning to his post. As he disappeared into the chaos, the weight of responsibility settled heavily upon my shoulders.

Minutes later, a shrill alarm reverberated throughout the camp. This was no ordinary alarm; it signaled the imminent arrival of a horde of monsters, converging upon us from the west.

"ALERT ALERT!" The radio crackled with urgency, the voice of the reporter booming through the speakers. "Hordes of monsters approaching from the west!"

The words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the perilous battle that lay ahead. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the impending chaos. This was the moment i prepared this place soldier for ,

With confidence I rallied my troops, united against the onslaught of these monstrous foes. The clash of steel, the thunder of gunfire, and the unleashing of soul weapons would echo through the battlefield as we fought for survival.

I immediately stood up from my seat, donning my own full tech suit armor. Lilia, who was still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, followed suit. "Get ready, Lilia. It's time for some action," I said as I checked the weapon systems in my suit.

"sure, but why are you posing like that" said Lilia

(Reference note: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/551902129329578416/ )

"what pose? i'm standing like i usually does"


We made our way outside and saw the chaos unfolding before us. The stampede of monsters was unlike anything we've ever seen before. They were coming from all directions, tearing down old buildings and crushing everything in their path. The soldiers from the 7th division were already in position as i instructed them, but they were clearly overwhelmed.

"Focus on the big ones first," I instructed my soldiers. "Lilia, provide cover fire from above." We jump up in the air, using our powered suits to avoid the monsters' attacks. From above, we had a better view of the battlefield. I saw the civilians running in all directions, some of them wanted to help.

"Lilia, provide support for the civilians," I said in my comms. "I'll take care of the monsters." With that, I descended back to the ground, my suit's guns blazing. The monsters were relentless, but we were trained for this.

As I fought my way through the monsters, I couldn't help but wonder why the 7th division soldiers were struggling so much. They were well-equipped, so it didn't make sense or am i too bad to punish them days ago?, I made a mental note to investigate this later.

Finally, after what felt like hours, we were able to defeat the last of the monsters from D to B class. The ground was littered with their bodies, and the destruction they left behind was unimaginable. The civilians were safe, so I instructed the soldiers from the seventh division to collect all the soul crystals for their last punishment.

I made my way back to the tent to check on the soldiers from my division. They were all safe, but tired and wounded. "We did good, guys," I said, patting them on the back. "Let's clean up and get some rest. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow."

As I settled into my cot, I couldn't help but think about the strange behavior of the monsters. Something was definitely off, monsters attacked randomly but earlier it seems they have a purpose and keep attacking the left side of the base? I needed to get to the bottom of it. But for now, I closed my eyes and let sleep take over. Tomorrow was another day of battle, and we needed to be ready.


(3rd POV)


in the back alley The cold wind whipped against the soldiers' cheeks, causing them to shiver in the darkest night. They swiftly answered the call, their voices slightly muffled by the biting chill.

"Stereo, Rat, Rat, Stereo, do you copy?" the caller asked.

"Rat copy, how's the situation there?" one of the soldiers replied.

"Orange, sir. General Cain is closely monitoring the 7th Division. He even placed us on the frontlines," another soldier reported.

"Is there anything wrong with the plan?" the caller inquired.

"Everything is green, sir. No need to worry. Your plan to frame General Cain is proceeding," the soldier assured.

"Good, good. But remember, don't mess this up," the caller emphasized.

The three soldiers saluted over the phone, their voices synchronized as they responded, "Understood, GENERAL HAMAS."


The call abruptly ended, prompting one of the soldiers to destroy the phone. They carefully buried it in a small pit, already concealed from prying eyes.

"Shit, are we really continuing with this plan?" one soldier questioned, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"Well, duh. We need to make General Cain fail this mission or make it look like he failed," another soldier replied, their tone resolute.

"Also, we'll ensure he picks up the call from the rebel group, making it appear as though he was planning with them," the third soldier added, outlining their deceitful strategy.

In the face of the cold night, their resolve remained unyielding. Loyalties blurred, and their actions danced on the edge of treachery. They understood the gravity of their mission and the risks involved, but they were committed to carrying out General Hamas' plan.


The soldiers heard a faint sound, causing them to freeze in their tracks. Nervously, they glanced around their surroundings, their senses heightened with a mix of fear and apprehension. They couldn't afford to be discovered or overheard.

"Look around, hurry," one soldier whispered urgently.

"Check under the wagon," another suggested.

"Go and see behind that car," a third soldier added, their voices barely audible.

The three soldiers cautiously moved in different directions, their eyes scanning for any signs of danger. They spotted a shadowy figure and exchanged glances, their hearts pounding with anticipation. With a silent nod, they silently coordinated their plan to ambush whoever was lurking behind the car.

"One... two... GO!" the soldier in the middle counted, their adrenaline surging. In swift unison, they sprinted toward the car, ready to confront the mysterious figure.

But to their surprise, their tension dissolved into relief. The figure turned out to be a stray cat, innocently observing their movements. The soldiers let out a mixture of disbelief and relief, their shoulders relaxing.

"Shit, it's just a cat," one soldier chuckled, their anxiety dissipating.

"Thank God," another soldier sighed in relief.

The soldiers picked up the cat, their hands trembling slightly from the adrenaline rush. They couldn't help but show a brief moment of kindness, gently petting the feline creature.

"Let's go. We can't stay here. General Cain might find it suspicious that we're outside in the middle of the night," one soldier advised, regaining their composure.

With the cat safely in their arms, they continued on their way, their steps swift and purposeful.


(1st POV)



"I repeat, stay in your positions. Strong monsters might appear today," I held the speaker in my right hand, projecting my voice with a professional tone. "The radiation reading is at its highest. Leave your position, and you will die. Remember that." With the radiation meter in my left hand, I observed the staggering numbers displayed on the device. The radiation levels in this area were off the charts. It seemed that a significant gathering of monsters was occurring, but why? Monsters don't gather like this. Normally, they would immediately rush to devour any humans they detect through sight, smell, or sound.

"Forget it. Strengthen the defense in the middle. Load up the cannons. Heavy gunners, take your positions. Foot soldiers, stay alert and await orders." I brushed off the perplexing thought and issued orders to my soldiers, ensuring they were prepared for what lay ahead.

"7th Division, hold the shield firmly. You're on the frontline, and if you falter, the entire position will crumble easily," I directed my attention to the nervous and trembling soldiers of the 7th Division. They looked at me with a mix of anger and fear, but I paid little attention to their emotions, simply sighing in response. I cared little for their opinions or doubts.

"I don't need you to do anything today, right, Cain?" Lilia approached me, grumbling in front of me.

"That's 'General' to you, soldier," I flicked her forehead gently, correcting her on how to address me. "It's fine. You can play games as much as you want, though there's no internet here," I laughed, lightening the mood.

Lilia handed me a mysterious hard drive, and without knowing its contents, I swiftly stashed it in my pocket, thanking her in passing. With a determined resolve, I leaped onto a sleek motorcycle, revving the engine to life. Glancing back, I caught a glimpse of Lilia, engrossed in her phone games, oblivious to the impending chaos.

Arriving at my destination, I was greeted by a soldier who approached with a crisp salute. "General, here's your soul weapon," he announced, presenting me with the weapon of my choosing. Commending his efficiency, I nodded approvingly and dismissed him to return to his post, his steps echoing with a sense of urgency.

"Now, the time has come," I whispered, my voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The piercing alarm of the base shattered the silence, triggering a surge of adrenaline among the 3000 soldiers under my command. They stood poised, ready to face the impending onslaught. Suddenly, a thunderous roar reverberated in the distance, just one kilometer away. The ground trembled as a stampede of monstrous beings surged forward, their numbers seemingly endless. The swirling dust concealed their grotesque forms, but with each step they took, their menace grew more palpable.

"Canons, aim high!" I commanded, my voice cutting through the chaos. The soldiers manning the cannons adjusted their aim, their fingers hovering above the triggers, waiting for the monsters to draw closer. "Wait...wait...NOW!" I roared with a commanding presence, unleashing a torrent of firepower as the cannons unleashed their devastating might. The deafening blasts tore through the air, ripping into the advancing horde. Although the carnage fell short of our expectations, we succeeded in thinning their ranks, buying precious moments for our defense.




The soldiers' synchronized cries echoed through the chaos, a solemn reminder that the cannons required precious time to reload. I could sense the tension rising, but there was no time to dwell. The 7th division, positioned at the frontline, braced themselves, their plasma shields crackling with energy. They formed an impenetrable barrier, holding steadfast against the relentless assault. Behind them, soldiers thrust their weapons with fervor, desperately hoping to strike down the encroaching monsters before they could breach the defensive line.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

"We need to eliminate them faster!"

"They're pushing us back!"

The air was thick with urgency, mingling with the roars of the monsters and the resolute shouts of the soldiers. The battlefield transformed into a frenzied dance of life and death, each clash a symphony of steel and blood. Every heartbeat was a battle cry, fueling the soldiers' determination as they fought with unwavering resolve. we are human's not some superpowered hero who could even kill a GOD