
The discovery of power

As Jake takes a look around town for Materials to make the sheath for the dagger after spending sometime looking for the materials needed when he heard the voice of May a close friend from when he started to be accepted in the village.

"Hay Jake I was out hunting the small animals around the village just got back." As Jake turned around to see his friend in her huntress armer welding a bow with the hood cape still covering her face.

"No you didn't you got back forty minutes ago and you've been following me for the past thirty of them." Jake said with a smug tone to is voice "And that little mini crossbow on your arm will fall apart after one shot, just like last time."

May with a child like pout on her face,in a child like tantrum she raises her left arm and yells out "not this time" as the small dart like arrow was fired. Jake without hesitation used the dagger to move the arrow off to the left and let it get stuck in his left shoulder.

In shock May screamed calling him a idiot running closer to him "why did you not move I know your skill you could easily of moved."

Jake with pain on his face and blood running down his arm "Take a look if I moved then you would have hit James Jr" Jake felt a small pinch as May grabbed the small arrow and pulled it out with the shock of nearly hitting the baby Jake screamed in pain "aaahhhh little warning next time."

May takes her hood down with a tear running down her face "wha-" with a shacking Course throughout her body as she started to stand as shock filled her face.

Jake starts to stand up using the dagger to help stand. "Ooh and by the way one..tow..three." Then as Jake finished the mini cross bow started to fall apart

"No not again that is the last one I can't do it I give up about the mini cross bow." With the mixed emotions of sadness, anger and hatred at the nearly hitting James Jr, the cross bow and Jake for taking the hit. May unhooks the four laches of the cross bow gauntlet throws it to the ground and walks away.

Jake with blood running down his left arm James senior approached with a cloth rag and bandages and begins to treat his Injury it took five minutes to applied the treatment after leaving James senior walked to the local hide maker along side Jake

After making it to the hide makers shop they met the twin hide makers Kai and Sara they where covered in blood and hair from making hide. The twins had a habit of talking in unison with each other and as normal they ask question "what you want Jake"

"Leather and scrap metal." There was a gleam in his eyes he had a plan

"You know are arrangement a month of work for the Items" the twins Spoke once again in unison "agreed"

Just as Jake was about to agree James jumped in "I will do the work I owe Jake one for protecting Jr earlier." With a smirk on his face

"We accept James." The twins smile a twisted smile like they where going to make it hell for James every day of the month Kai turns and hands Jake a box with the leather and scrap metal Jake turns and thanks James and then proceeds the leave.

Back and Jakes house Old man J is not around to be seen. Jake heads to his room and begins to make to sheath and he plans for when it is done to work on Mays mini cross bow Jake works away and away it is the next morning and Jake has finished both the sheath and cross bow with that he desires to name the dagger "wind cutter" and the cross bow "air Piercer" Jake looks out the window it is dark Jake starts to move towards his bed to turn in for the night

Some time passes and Jake is woke up by screaming coming from out side Jake grabs wind cutter and air piercer and runs out side and sees that the village is being attacked by crows with there wings on there back and arms and legs having Talons "find the dagger of entry" screamed one of the crows at that moment Jake knows it is the dagger he had received from the Chief Jake began to move towards the crow who was not moving ready to tack out the dagger Jake jumps unsheathing the dagger and slash at the crow.

The crow uses a wing to slap Jake aside and begin flapping his wings "the dagger give it to me." The crows eyes widen in shock "I can believe it you formed a soul bond with the dagger then only way for the dagger to be mine is to kill you."

Jake with a dazed look on his face "what do you mean" with blood starting to leak from his wound.

"The dagger is a legend it is said that if the dagger is in the right hands it is able to grant strength to the weak by steeling from the strong but there is tow one is safe to use and the other drives the user insane and kill anything" the crow begins to lift off the ground as the flapping starts to get faster and soon the crow disappear.

Jake grabbing the dagger waiting for a attack with the gem in the dagger beginning to glow a Jake states in to the glowing gem Jake was staring in tensely.

The crow reappeared right in front the crow hands flat and thrusts May watches from the shadow ready to jump in Jake grabs the crows hand glow emanates from both the crow and Jake and when the glow faded the crow began to fly in to the air taunting Jake.

With that Jake began to take his raged shirt off and just stood there suddenly Jake began to dissipate and fade the crow gasped with wide eyes and suddenly a cloud of dust kicks up the crow suddenly appears emerging from the cloud "what hit me" in the shadow of the moonlight it looks like a angle has appeared, A angle of death.

When the angle lands It uses the wings like a Cloke when it steps out of the shadow May in shock sees that it is Jake. "What the" Jakes eyes changed even May could see she has spared with Jake enough times to know the looks when he fights this was something different even instead of the look of concentration or the blank look when he is not trying this was a killing intent.

Jakes began to move towards the crow getting closer with each passing second with his newly acquire wings he opens them weighed sending a gust of wind strong enough to force the crow in to the air Jake still getting a hand on his new found power takes off in to the air.

May in disbelief at what she just saw and is continuing to see she watches on in amazement as her friend fights a crow in the air.

"Die filthy human" the crow in the air yells at Jake as it swipes at him Jake grabs the crows wrist as Jake looks in to the crows eyes the crow begins to beg "please don't kill me I will leave with my flock of crows and never come back."

Jake starring in to the eyes of the crow says "what flock I killed them" with a small glow of red in his eyes as the crow looks around pulling away and sees the dead body's of his brethren.

Jake let's go of the crows wrist and suddenly appears in front of the crow blood dripping from the dagger the crow begins to feel a pain and then it begins to fall out of the air Jake has sliced through the wings as the crow plummets in to the ground Jake swoops in and grabs the crow and by the throat.

Once more with the red glow in Jakes eyes. Jake begins to dive and power slammed the crow in the ground with smoke covering where the impact happens with where May is hiding all that can be seen through the smoke is the red glow of Jakes eyes suddenly the glow fades. "What you looking at."

Jake suddenly appears behind May with a complete scare she runs bow at the ready aiming at Jake. "Help" the wings disappear the glow fades Jake hits the floor passed out May ties up Jake and makes her way back to the village with all the crows neather dead or running the crow Jake took down lay broken and alive.