
Monster World - Pet Integration

In a world where monsters roam freely after an unknown power brought them from who knows where. After years of fighting the monsters, the humans in this world learn to integrate with monsters and turn them into their pets. The integration will take place in the final year of schooling after they reach the age of 16 and join the military for 4 years which is mandatory for anyone. MC is an orphan who is lives in an orphanage since childhood. He wants to grow strong so he can live his life better than how it was in the orphanage. He fights to become one of the strongest people on the planet. But fate has other plans for him as he gains friends along the way. New chapters every week. This is my first story. Please do share your comments and help me grow. Note: The cover art is not mine. It is created for me by one of my friends.

McCaulay · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 40: Power Source

After eating and talking with them for a while, I bid my farewell and came to my house and hit the bed.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Kamran and I have decided not to go hunting until next week.

We are so tired and have to recover from our fatigue. We also have to decide how to proceed in our hunting as I am now eligible to participate in the yearly tournament that is going to happen in four months.

The minimum requirement to join the tournament is to be in the corporal stage.

Also, I have to decide on which skills will be suitable for me and from which training centre I can learn different techniques to improve my battle power.

I slept for almost the whole day and woke up only in the evening. By the time I woke up, the contribution details have been received in my holo watch.

There were few lists that showed the contributions of the warriors. Since I am in the corporal stage now, I received the list of the contributions made by the corporal stage people.

To my surprise, I was listed at top of three lists.

1) Most number of kills. I killed a lot of lower-stage monsters.

2) Most number of level up. Well, I levelled up from the low-level specialist stage to the low-level corporal stage in one go.

3) Least usage of resources: I only used forty vitality portions and fifteen mana portions in the entire battle.

I was also in the top ten on three other lists.

1) Strongest corporal: Third place.

2) Most number of points: Ninth place.

3) Fastest corporal: Sixth place.

I was happy with the results as I never thought of getting into the top ten on any list, but I topped three lists. I will be able to get good rewards from the list.

Now I have to concentrate and look into my source to see how my ability is so I can find a way to upgrade it to the next level. If I upgrade my fire ability, my power will improve by at least fifteen times.

I sat in the lotus position as it helps me to concentrate much better. I set my holo watch to silent so I will not be disturbed. I concentrated inside my body and went to my power source.

Only people who have reached the corporal stage can do this. No one knows why, but if anyone tries to do it before reaching the corporal stage, there is a heavy price they have to pay including being crippled for the rest of their life.

When I saw my source, I was mesmerized by its beauty. It was like a large moon but in pure light red colour. It holds my power and will increase my power when I level up or increase my battle power in any way.

The size will remain the same, but the colour will change depending on which element is strong in my source. It is light red which means my fire element is still weak.

When I was looking at it, I found a red ball floating above my source. This is my fire ability. If I can upgrade it, it will be done here, in the source.

Now, since I have seen how it is I can focus on upgrading it to increase my battle power. One way is to feed Serina with high-level fire ability monster mana cores each day.

I can only feed a tiny part of the cores as they have berserk energy and might kill her if I overdose her by a slite margin. I already have three high-level fire element mana cores from the hunt to collect for my bow.

Now I can use them to upgrade mine and Serina's fire ability. It is a long shot to upgrade using the monster cores, but it is worth a try.

When I was concentrating on the fire ability in my source, I was shocked to see another ability, though smaller than the fire ability floating above my source.

It is almost transparent and inside it was nothing. When I started to focus on it I was able to get a proper understanding of it. It is the wind ability.

It is the second ability which appears in all monsters but is destroyed by the other powerful ability. In my case, the wind ability is strong enough to avoid getting destroyed.

If I want, I can focus on increasing my wind ability also and keeping them in balance so they will not destroy each other. I got a trump card to use in case of any dangerous situation.

Using the wind ability will increase my speed and speed of my arrows which will directly increase my strength. Since wind is the upgrade of the air element, I can leave it for now as upgrading it will increase the chance of my fire ability being destroyed.

My priority is to upgrade my fire ability. The second is to practice wind ability and to start using it discretely in the battle to avoid detection of having dual abilities.

The dual elements in my source will give me a while boost in battle if I use them wisely. But I also have to be careful as it will attract unnecessary attention towards me.

That is why I chose to use it discretely and keep it as my trump card if necessary to use it in full power.

I also checked my mana purified and saw three new types of storage cylinders in it. The mana storage cylinders have increased in size too. But these three storage cylinders are different.

These storage cylinders are for storing my level-up energy so I can use it to level up whenever I want. The mana I purify will give away very minute energy which is the level-up energy.

This energy will be stored in these three cylinders. One can level up when one of the energy storage cylinders is full, but it will not give the power boost that is given by levelling up after filling all three cylinders.

Now the energy storage cylinders are not having a single drop of energy as it will take months or maybe years to fill all three cylinders in normal purification methods.