
Monster System: Warlock Journey to Godhood

Planet Earth has always been a peaceful planet with no major issues until the Apocalypse began. Domestic animals became fierce and deadly and wild animals became even more fierce and wild, humans suddenly became the prey in their own world. Blake, a 21years old man with an abnormally tough body and inhumane strength since childhood awakens the Monster System through his Soul Pet: Fury and gains powerful skills that will help him in his quest to become the most powerful person in the universe. "I will become the most powerful person in the universe". Join Blake as he journeys to rule the universe, meeting other people who have also awakened the System, meeting new enemies and unraveling the secret of his life.

LegendAWV · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Joining the Fire Gang

Scarlett, the woman who was rumoured to be the most beautiful woman in Lexville and someone with very high prestige was sitting down next to Blake and because of that, many envious eyes were on him as many people would do literally anything just to get her attention and Blake was getting it free of charge but that wasn't enough to turn Blake into some weirdo and start giving her special attention as Blake only acknowledged the strong and Scarlett was still weak.

Actually, Scarlett was someone who was cold to everyone and always wore an indifferent look on her face and for that reason Blake didn't really like her much because he thought she was some proud woman who felt superior to everyone and didn't care about the lives of others.

(Art for Scarlett will be posted in the chapter comments)

Although Blake didn't like her, that didn't mean that he couldn't be a little friendly towards her.

"It's not like I wanted to be here" said Scarlett coldly.

"Drink?" offered Blake as the drink came.

"Thanks" said Scarlett as she accepted the drink.

"So why are you here then?" asked Blake.

"Because I was invited, to be honest, I never planned to join any group rather than coming here" answered Scarlett honestly.

"Then why did you come?" asked Blake again.

"Because I have some problems that only a group like could help me solve" said Scarlett coldly as if there was someone she couldn't wait to kill deep down from her inner mind.

"So why did you come?" asked Scarlett to Blake.

"I just came for the money" said Blake shamelessly.

The Fire Gang were offering some amount of money just for attending.

Blake and Scarlett talked a little longer with the former trying to get some information out of her and the latter remained cold and indifferent to everything about either Blake said or to everything around her.

Occasionally some men would try to engage Scarlett in a conversation but she would outright snub them and leave them either sad or angry and when they still kept on pestering her, she would release her aura and they would be forced to shut up.

But sometimes, there would need to be a scape goat for the others to become as obedient as sheeps.

A male Soul Warrior walked up to Scarlett and sat in the seat next to her and tried to talk to her but just like before she ignored him by not even looking at him.

In fact, all this time, Scarlett hadn't even looked at Blake as she just kept looking forward and didn't even glance sideways to take a look at him.

The man then decided to talk to her about all his achievements, telling her about how smart he was, started flexing his muscles and even went as far as releasing his aura just to prove his superiority over Blake who she kept talking to.

Blake was actually releasing his aura right now but it wasn't that this guy or all the others who approached Scarlett were stronger than him rather Blake was limiting his aura to that of a level 9 Soul Warrior not because he liked playing the role of a weakling but because he wanted to see what type of peole were invited and because of this, other men didn't understand what made Blake so special.

After ranting about how great he was, the man realised that no matter what he did, Scarlett wouldn't care less but he wasn't the type to give up easily. He then touched Scarlett on the shoulder.

A big mistake.



In less than a second after the man put his hand on Scarlett, she grabbed the hand, twisted it and them dragged it down, pulling the man and slamming him on the floor.

"What the.." .


Before the man could complete his sentence, Scarlett used her heels and kicked him in the mouth.

The man got up and was about to flare up in anger again but after noticing all the eyes that were on him, most of which were mocking, he cursed Scarlett in his mind before decided to stop bothering her and was about to leave when he noticed a slight mocking grin on the face of the weakling who was talking to Scarlett.

Blake was replaying how fast Scarlett reacted and attacked the man but after seeing the man silently accepting defeat, he couldn't help but smirk slightly.

"You trash, you think you're safe just because she is protecting you, well take this!" yelled the man as he would not allow himself to be disrespected by trash like Blake so he lunged forward and was about to punch Blake from behind but Blake already saw this coming so he bent over and dodged allowing the man to hit nothing but the air.

Blake then released his aura still limiting it to the a level 15 Soul Warrior.

"You may be higher than me but so what" yelled the man as he got ready to attack Blake again.

The man ran forward and threw out another punch. This time, Blake opened his palm and caught the fist which surprised the man but Blake surprised him yet again.



Blake karate chopped the man's caught arm and broke some of his arm bones.

"Arrrgh!" the man wailed in pain but Blake shut him up by crouching his palm to look like a claw and hit the man in the face.


Blake grabbed the man by the neck and slammed him into the ground.


Blake landed the finishing blow on the man, knocking him out cold.

As Blake raised his head back up, he realised that Scarlett was no where to be found. Without Blake noticing during his fight with the man, Scarlett had actually stood up and left without caring about Blake.

Blake stood up and went back to sit down at the bar looking down at the dude on the ground with chatter still going on at his back when all of a sudden,the voice of a man could be heard.

"What's with all the commotion?"

Everyone looked towards the direction of the man who just spoke out loud but didn't mind him and continued their chatter when the man again yelled out.


Then everybody there knew that this man was serious.

"Now let this meeting of the Shadow Squad commence" said the man next to him.

When Blake heard the man say Shadow Squad, he was confused as the letter stated that he was being invited by the fire gang but everyone seemed to have a normal look on their faces as if they already knew about this.

Right now, Blake had a lot of questions but he knew that know wasn't the time for answers.

Blake left the bar the bar and went to take a seat with his name on it. The man on the ground already stood up with the few of his bones that were not broken and went to sit in the general seat where the rest were and will never try to mess with someone like Scarlett ever again.

After everyone had taken their seats the leader of the fire gang whose name was Damian then began to speak.

"Hello everyone and thanks for honouring our invite.

My name is Damian Hart and I am the leader of the Shadow Squad.

As you can see beside are my trusted subordinates and generals of the faction.

By my right is my right hand man, Jackson Steve known throughout the group as Commander Jack" Damian then introduced the remaining people.

When Blake heard Damian introduce himself, his curiosity only grew about what was going on.

"Today, our world is no longer the same and we will have to accept it that way.

The mayor has announced that many of us should join the police but we know better than that that they'll use us to gain attention and popularity by saying that they did all the work and we will have to share all our achievements with for something that only we could do.

We should also have known by the government is already so corrupt that we middle class people are nothing but pawns in their hands that they can choose to dispose at any time.

So why waste our strength on people who could just ignore us when they feel like it instead of working together to maintain peace and allow everyone to live equally" said Damian trying to rile up the crowd.

Blake noticed that when Damian was talking about the government, he sounded really sad and angry as if the government had done something bad to him.

"Still, even if we join your group, what do we gain out of this?" asked a male Soul Warrior.

"You will receive monthly payments even higher than what we are offering you for just coming and might also recieve bonuses for doing well and you all will be under our protection and we will train you to become expert fighters" answered Damian while he and the others with released their aura of level 15 while Damian released level 16 aura.

"Still I think it's not enough to convince us" said another male Soul Warrior as he got up from his seat.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm leaving" said a female Soul Warrior and soon many others stood up.

"If you know want to leave, then collect your money at that counter over there" said Damian while pointing towards a podium with a Soul Warrior there.

Soon, many Soul Warriors were already heading towards the podium for their promised cash.

Although Blake came for the same reason, he couldn't help but have this feeling of dread that was coming over him. Just then, Fury's voice rang in his head.

"Kid, you have to get at least 300 meters away from this building" warned Fury.

Just then Damian said something else.

"But I should warn you though if you try to leave this building, you'll blow up like" warned Damian with a wicked smile on his face.