
Monster Rebellion: A Federation's Traitor became the Monster Lord

In a realm of floating islands, where humans and monsters clash for dominance, Allen, a captain from Exploration Corps, seeks to avenge his parents' death at the hands of monstrous creatures. Driven by a desire for justice, he hatches a daring plan to use monsters as weapons against their own kind. As Allen ventures into the perilous world of monster training, he discovers the untapped potential of these powerful beings. With humanity's survival at stake, Allen must navigate the thin line between using monsters for the greater good, but this path denounced him as a traitor of the Federation, which led him exiled to the lands full of monsters.

uncookedrice · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Floating Island #444 [2]

The explorers had already finished every task Allen designated to each of them. They all rested, happy that there was no problem in this mission, despite it being near to a monster camp. They enjoyed the little time they had, watching the sky as the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the floating island. Little did they know, a threat was about to come. Suddenly, a shadow eclipsed the vibrant light, drawing their attention skyward. The colossal bird monster emerged, its massive wings unfurled in all their majestic glory.

The creature soared through the sky, its azure feathers glistening under the fading sunlight. Each feather possessed an ethereal quality, capturing the light and reflecting it in a mesmerizing display of iridescence. The explorers marveled at the shifting hues that danced along the bird's wings, ranging from deep turquoise to shimmering sapphire, with hints of silver tracing their edges.

As the bird monster banked through the air, its graceful movements defying its intimidating size, the explorers could see the determination in its piercing eyes. Its beak, sharp and formidable, promised devastating strength, capable of crushing rocks with ease. Razor-sharp talons extended from its massive wings, ready to rend anything that dared challenge its dominion.

Allen, recognizing the imminent threat, snapped into action. He knew that facing this creature had no thoughts of welcoming them. Despite its graceful movements, it was hostile at them as he felt killing intent coming from this bird. A second later, his radio became static, then after, William's report came. He learned there was an egg underground, which after connecting the dots, Allen realized that this monster could be the mother of this egg.

In response to the looming threat, Allen swiftly issued commands to his team. The urgency in his voice snapped them into action, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. They quickly equipped their energy gauntlets, even though they knew their effectiveness would be limited against an airborne adversary. Every ounce of strength mattered in this critical moment, and they were determined to make the most of their resources. Some members armed themselves with energy rifles, their weapons of choice for long-range combat.

Simultaneously, Allen slid his hands into his own plasma-infused gauntlet. Like the others, it was an energy gauntlet, but its power output was unmatched. Rather than just delivering numbing shocks, Allen's gauntlet crackled with the might of lightning itself, the most potent form of electricity known.

Fueled by their mana, the mystical essence that flowed within their very beings, granting them extraordinary abilities, their weapons were primed and ready. The energy pulsated through their bodies. They stood as a united front, ready to face the imminent challenge that lay before them.

With a nod from their captain, the explorers synchronized their movements, their movements precise and calculated. They spread out across the rocky terrain, assuming strategic positions to maximize their chances of success. They needed to work together, combining their individual skills and gadgets to bring down this formidable foe.

The bird monster, let out a deafening screech, its azure feathers bristling with fury. It beat its powerful wings, generating a hurricane-like gust that sent debris flying and threatened to knock the explorers off balance.

Allen, activated another gadget from his utility belt—a miniature energy shield. The shield enveloped him, providing a protective barrier against the monster's turbulent winds. With steady footing, he surveyed the battlefield, searching for the bird monster's vulnerabilities.

Spotting an opening, Allen pointed toward the creature's wings, indicating his team to focus their attacks on weakening its flight capabilities. The energy rifles unleashed a barrage of concentrated energy beams, searing through the air with precision. The bird monster let out a shrill cry of pain as its wings were struck, feathers singed and fluttering away like burning embers.

Sensing an opportunity, Allen launched himself into the air with a powerful leap, propelled by his plasma-infused gauntlet. He soared towards the monster's colossal form, his gauntlet charged with crackling lightning. As he descended upon the creature, he unleashed a devastating lightning bolt that struck the bird monster's exposed chest, causing it to convulse in agony.

The other explorers continued their relentless assault, exploiting the creature's momentary weakness. William, who just arrived from below joined the assault. He took out a hilt of a sword from his side. When he injected his mana into it, a plasma formed as its blade. It was a plasma-fused sword.

Energy balls and forces from different direction clashed against the bird monster's razor-sharp talons, and plasma projectiles detonated against its thick hide. The battlefield crackled with the intensity of their attacks.

Allen, landing gracefully back on the rocky terrain, observed the creature's growing desperation. With its feathers ruffled and its movements becoming more erratic, the bird monster fought fiercely, despite falling, it was still unwilling to succumb to defeat. The monster flew back.

But the explorers were undeterred. Allen's voice boomed above the din of battle, rallying his team with unwavering resolve. They unleashed their final gambit—a concentrated onslaught targeting the creature's eyes. Energy beams converged, piercing through the air with blinding brilliance, seeking to blind the beast.

The bird monster let out a haunting screech, its vision obscured by the combined assault. Seizing the moment, Allen issued a final command. The explorers, moving with lightning speed, closed in on the incapacitated creature. With swift and synchronized strikes, they delivered decisive blows to its vulnerable points, striking the glowing gem on its chest, the potent source of life for monsters.

As the combined force of the explorers' assault bore down upon the bird monster, it let out a final, earth-shaking screech. Its once-mighty wings faltered, feathers singed and smoldering. The creature's body trembled, unable to withstand the relentless onslaught any longer.

Finally, with a resounding crash, the bird monster collapsed onto the rocky surface of the floating island. Silence settled over the battlefield, broken only by the heavy breaths of the victorious explorers.

Allen approached the fallen creature, his gauntlet still crackling with residual energy. He observed the majestic creature that had once posed a threat to their lives, now reduced to a defeated foe. A mix of worry and relief washed over him as he recognized the raw power it had possessed. Despite not being a starred monster, it had given them considerable difficulty, displaying a strong will even as the battle heavily favored their side.

Gathering around Allen, the other explorers wore expressions of exhaustion and triumph on their faces. They shared a moment of unity, recognizing and appreciating each other's contributions to the hard-fought victory.

As the sun continued its descent, casting an enchanting orange and pink glow over the floating island, the explorers took a moment to catch their breath. They knew their journey was far from over, realizing that they might encounter similar threats on the remaining islands they had yet to explore. Nevertheless, this hard-earned victory had solidified their bond and fortified their resolve.

Allen's voice resonated with pride and admiration. "Well done, everyone! We have faced a formidable challenge and emerged victorious. Let this triumph remind us of the power of teamwork and our ability to overcome even the toughest obstacles." Although a surge of pride and gratitude filled his heart, his impassive demeanor masked his emotions.

The explorers nodded in agreement, their spirits rejuvenated by their triumph over the monstrous bird. With a renewed sense of purpose, they prepared to continue their mission of preserving the islands and facing whatever perils awaited them. The glow of the setting sun served as a backdrop, highlighting their unwavering determination as they embarked on the next leg of their mission.