630 Human-Faced Fox

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Is this Emperor Gao's newly developed monster? I have the desire to buy one just from looking at it!"

"I remember that the Hunting Department captured a red long-haired fox, but this is such a big change."

"The point is... I remember when the hunting Department caught it, and it was a male fox."

"..." Gao Peng frowned. What kind of nickname was "Emperor Gao"? It made him sound like an emperor of some sort. If he had revealed his Saint-tier monsters, wouldn't he be promoted to Saint Gao in a minute? Such a simplistic and vulgar term. But the nickname was something that Gao Peng heard in passing. A nickname had to be given by others, not just whatever he called himself.

"Catch more of the Red-Tailed White-Head Foxes, a minimum of one hundred," Gao Peng said to the Deputy Minister of the Hunting Department.

"Noted." The Deputy Minister nodded.


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