
Monster Integration

In the world where Humans and Monster's form a bond and fight together, the world where both Evolve together to get stronger. Walk with Micheal as he starts his adventures with his Silver Sparrow, overcomes countless obstacle and adversaries to fulfill his greatest Dreams. The initial and new chapters getting edited everyday. Release Rate: 14 Ch/Week+ The cover is not mine. I couldn't track down the original creator but if the creator is out there, message me if you want me to take it down or give credit

AnWan · Fantasy
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3971 Chs

The Grimm Fortress


I ordered, and the forces began to attack the Grimm Fortress; every Emperor and Tyrant began attacking, including me.

BANG Bang bang

Deafening sounds begin to ring out as attacks hit the shields of the fort. We have to destroy the fort and kill all the Grimms within. It is a more symbolic gesture than anything else as I had sensed the Ratman and others leaving through the different spatial channels.

Though, the attack is not all useless as there are still many things that could be found in the fort, aside from the skeletal crew, not to mention this fortress itself is a very precious treasure.

The shields are going down steadily; in ten to twenty minutes, we should be able to destroy the last defense this fortress has and enter inside.