
Soul strengthening  

I didn't stay in the room for long and walked out of the hall and entered the door second door on the opposite side.


There are three places on this floor, that are suitable for the Earth Sovereigns. This one is strengthening of the body. 


As I entered the hall, I saw four people, with two of them being Sky Sovereign. One is watching, while the other three are sitting under a formation, which is releasing energies.


This time, my seeds went inside the formation without any problem and entered into the bodies of people inside.


Within a few seconds, I had their detailed meta-scan.


A frown appeared on my face as I looked at the data, but soon, that frown turned into a bad expression, and a minute later, I walked toward the door.


The treatment isn't for me; it is not suitable for my body. If I tried it, I would receive some benefits, but the side effects from it would be much worse.