
Monster Integration

In the world where Humans and Monster's form a bond and fight together, the world where both Evolve together to get stronger. Walk with Micheal as he starts his adventures with his Silver Sparrow, overcomes countless obstacle and adversaries to fulfill his greatest Dreams. The initial and new chapters getting edited everyday. Release Rate: 14 Ch/Week+ The cover is not mine. I couldn't track down the original creator but if the creator is out there, message me if you want me to take it down or give credit

AnWan · Fantasy
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3968 Chs

Research II

The library is quite full, and nearly every seat is taken; it had taken me a few minutes to find an empty seat in the corner. After taking a seat, I activated the hologram of the library and added the list of books that I had made a list of to read.

The documents that Arnold had provided today had a reference for many books, and Elina also provided a list of books when I had asked her.

I am not planning on reading every inheritance in details, since reading the document, I had already noted the inheritance which I do not want, like the most powerful Inheritance of Hawthorn Sea, the Abyssal Inheritance; I have no interest in it, I don't think it will be suitable for me.

Of the whole 182 Inheritances, only 24 have caught my eyes and, after one more time, looking at all the inheritances in case I missed an important point on those Inheritances.