
Prime Blast


The monster exploded, and its powerful toward me at a speed I could not track.

I had moved fast, crossed a large distance a second I had ever done. I would have been proud. If it had been any other time, but right, I am not.

It is not enough distance. I need to be even further than that, but I can't.

The explosion had reached me and covered me fully. As it did, the only thought I had in my mind, was that my shields would be able to protect me.

The blast is at Prime; barely at prime level.

The thing inside the monster was not a Prime grade. It would have made other Prime discover it. Their instinct is very sharp about these kinds of things.

It is near that level, with the formation covering the core and its support.

The blast produced from it would be at the Prime level.

It is quite a smart solution, I have to say.