
Madeline II

I walked near them and watched them for a few seconds, hoping they would notice me on their own, so I wouldn't have to break their makeout as no one's likes to be disturbed when they are making out but seeing how engrossed they are in each other, I have no choice but to do that.

"Un hoo!"

I cough little loudly, so I would break their makeout session for at one's, hearing the loud, awkward cough; both of them stopped kissing and looked toward sound angrily and about to say something sharp when they saw it is me and closed their mouth.

"Micheal, it's been long!" said Ellen with a little awkward laugh. She helped her girlfriend got off her lap, and I finally get to see her face.

"Madeline!" I said out in surprise; I know this girl. It had been years since I saw her. First time I saw her in the training facility of my first apartment building in the Westblood, On the third day of me arriving at the westblood.