
Experiment II  

I have the same amount of interest in Leonard, too, especially his constitution, which is not some common strength type constitution but a very special one, and the more I study it, the more surprised I would become.

Usually, the constitutions which activate such late in life were not able to provide as much help as they would have been if they were born at the beginning of their practice. Still, with enough preparation and hard work, their worth could be exploited to full.

I have a grand plan for this 'Swallowing Mammoth Constitution' of his, I am trying to create something that is quite amazing, and for it, I need to extract as much as data from it, and I will be only able to do that when I take it to its fullest potential.

As I looked at the two meta physiques of two of them, I got to know more and more things about them. The solution and formation are designed to go very deep in them, provoke the reaction from the very core of them.