

"It is time to go," I said to myself as I walked out of my abode; I had just taken five hours of break, drank a solution made of expensive herbs and place, and heated dinner. I feel good; all the tiredness I had completely vanished.

I will be heading east; there are two spots I have to check; I hope I will find the divine crystals there. With it, things will become extremly easy, and I might not even have to visit any ruin again as I had already collected one of the two most important materials I was scouring the ruins for.

The 'Swallowing Stone!' is the last constitutional material I needed, and I had got it; the only thing I need right now is a divine crystal which is quite difficult to get.

Putting the abode back in my storage, I walked toward the eastern side of the Glow Palace; there are two places where I have to go; it will be great if I find the divine crystal there.

Chew Chew!