
Eemor Palace II

The water turned to energy and entered inside the layer covering before getting sucked by the formation.


I have studied how the energy worked and there is no way, I would be only satisfied with the layer of alchemical paste. No, I had a complex formation inside, which will purify this energy further.


This paste covering me looks similar to others, but it is much more powerful and different.


With the data provided to me, by the seeds and the information I had brought; I was able to make changes to the formulae of the paste to suit my needs and formation to use it optimally.


I looked at the dense energies entering inside me, and I couldn't help, but feel scared.


They are far denser and more powerful than the seeds have shown. The seeds collected the data from those who sat on the first step and most of them, sat near the edge, but I was not on the second step and in the middle.