
Alkan Svar


I opened the door and entered inside the vast hall with the disk that I had entered tens of times since I joined tor.

Except for the Primes. Every powerhouse of Sky Sovereigns and below travel through.

Even if one need to go down. They use the dist. It is the rule.

Usually, there are hundreds of people, but today is different. For the first time since I entered the organization, there are less than a hundred.

There are going to be seventy-three people. Seventy-four, if I count the prime looking toward me.

Here, everyone is wearing a black cloak and a white mask. Including me. We know each other names and faces, but these masks and cloaks are for our enemies.

It would be understandable to say, that Tor isn't well-liked.

Many organizations didn't like us, and cultists hated us with white passionate fury and wouldn't show hesitation to kill us.