
Monster in Ancient Rome

MonsterxRome In a riveting crossover between the modern world and Ancient Rome, 'Johannes Apocalypse' unravels the enigmatic journey of Luke, a seemingly ordinary young man with an unsettling darkness lurking within him. Unbeknownst to Luke, he awakens to find himself inexplicably transported back in time to the heart of Ancient Rome. As confusion envelops him, fate leads him to cross paths with Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, a precocious girl destined to become the notorious Emperor Nero Claudius. ----------------------------------------------------------- *I don't own the picture, if you are the artist and you want it down then please contact me. *Don't expect much, i wrote this for fun and might drop it if I get bored on it.

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Irredemable sin

Rome 5


3rd POV*

Luke's feet rushed like nothing before, he swiftly went to his stall wondering whether he was already too late. The mere thought of them harming Lucius brought unending rage to the young man, he quickly arrived at the spot only to see it vacant and no people around. He looked at the surroundings and saw many customers he have before hiding in the corners afraid of being taken by the guards.

He ran towards one of them however their reaction stunned him. Instead of getting closer and helping him, they ran in the opposite direction instead, perhaps frightened of the notion of them being friends with the owner. This broke Luke's expectations of them, he has no one to ask anymore. He then remembered that single woman who went to his house just to inform him.

She could be the only source he has right now, everyone doesn't want to associate with him anymore and he could do nothing about it. Luke experienced various emotions swirling around his existence, fear, anger, disappointment, pissed, and many more. He is currently being basked by the dark side of humanity.

Being abandoned like this somehow brought terrifying memories on his mind that he has been suppressing all along. He doesn't want to release this dreadful monster inside of him. Luke traced back his pace and met the woman again, seeing that she chose to interact with him filled the young man with endless hope.

"Where… where did they bring Lucius?!" Luke quickly asked grabbing the woman's shoulder startling her. This is the first time Luke has ever reveal some heavy emotions in front of others. The dreadful feeling of losing Lucius is consuming him, he doesn't want it to occur again. "W-Wait, I'll tell you!" the woman said stopping Luke.

The two of them calmed down as Luke started asking again. The woman slowly revealed what happened as the thing angered Luke immensely. "A few minutes after you talked with that man. Many soldiers appeared on your stall and without even notice, they started destroying it. The people were scared of that so they chose to hide, they don't want to be involved on it after all"

"…. As shameless it is to admit, I also backed down at that time. I have no choice! They were enjoying the destruction they were making!" the woman broke down as she started to wept in front of Luke. He was not having any of that as the woman still didn't mention where Lucius was. "Please… please tell me where Lucius is" Luke said with almost pleading voice.

The woman eventually stopped crying, "H-He was taken by them. They said that you must go to a specific location if you wanted him back. They were gleeful while saying that" the woman said before mentioning the place to Luke. Upon hearing it, Luke immediately started walking away, despite not knowing where the place was, he is determined to go there right now.

He was about to walk away when a hand suddenly clenched his shoulders. "What?" Luke asked coldly, he has no time for anything right now. Lucius is in danger and he has to save her immediately. "Come with me first" Luke raised his eyebrow hearing Ladert's voice, he turned around and face the man. Ladert had a serious expression on his face that Luke couldn't ignore so he decided to spare some seconds for him.

"Make it quick, I need to go there" Luke said with impatience on his tone. Ladert shook his head hearing that, "Hear me out first. I assure you that your son is not in any way hurt right now" he said gaining Luke's interest. "How do you know that?" Luke asked scrutinizing his eyes at the older man.

Ladert took a deep breath before coming in terms with himself, he responded to Luke's eyes with the same intensity. "I… was the one who brought Lumino Verant to degeneracy" he said taking Luke by a surprise. This is becoming more confusing to him, he initially thought that Labert was just a victim of Lumino's decadence.

"Explain man" Luke stated now focusing his whole attention to the man. "Lumino and I were childhood friends. My father was a former slave while his was an attendant to the senate. Despite the huge differences in status, we became friends. I was the reason for all of this tragedy, he didn't used to be like that. The man I knew wasn't such a demon.." Ladert grunted painfully.

Luke listened silently letting the information wrap around his head. "That is why, I know him more than others and I will be the one to kill him" Ladert said with conviction, the tone he used is indicating that he doesn't want any answer other than YES. He is that determined to kill the source of the problems that the people suffer from.

"I understand your reason. Please tell me anything about him that I can use. Is there anything that he doesn't like? Some weakness that we could take advantage of?" Luke calmed himself and thought rationally. Simply running in there is a fool's job, he doesn't want to die yet because that would lead to Lucius being abandoned again.

Ladert seemed to be happy that Luke has calmed down. The two talked about Lumino Verant for a few more minutes before leaving the place. Luke accepted Ladert's presence as he really can't refuse the man's determination. If he was on his place then he would have done the same. Now although Luke has regained his calm, the anger in his heart still hasn't diminished..





Lumino Verant is standing in a terrace while staring at the little child tied on a wood. He is now excited to witness the despair look of the incoming person's face when realization entered his mind, it would be a sight to behold. Clasping the wine on his hand, he smiled lightly enjoying the show that his soldiers is showing.

He watched as the child shouts at the soldiers who just cackled at his attempt. They were making fun of the child and occasionally hitting him because of his innocence that they don't like. That innocence is slapping them in the face for they were once at that state. Now Lucius's face is riddled with small bruises which is miraculous for how cruel these people are.

There are 10 soldiers on this place waiting for the presence of Luke. They are all aware that the opponent today is just a normal stall owner, there is no reason for them to be at guard. "Do you think that bastard will come?" one soldier asked his companions who got quiet for a second before all of them started laughing loudly.

"What are you laughing at! Father is great! He will save me!" Lucius was angry at their reaction, she could not accept that mere soldiers like this are insulting her father. "Hehe! In your dreams brat! That Father of yours must have run behind his tails! Maybe just knowing what happened will frighten him to the point that he will kill himself? That would be hilarious!" one of them responded with a sneer.

"No! F-Father is not like that!" Lucius shouted adamant on her opinion. This action of her gained the annoyance of the soldiers. "Shut up! You're too loud brat!" a soldier raised his hand and hardly slapped Lucius. The slap was too strong that Lucius' face was forced to turn to the opposite direction, it was far too much for a young child to receive.

Blood started dripping from her face and her consciousness was slowly waning. Seeing that the soldier grinned, "Hahaha! Much bette-" before he could finish his words, a fist greeted his face deforming it. The soldier dropped in the ground twitching occasionally, though everyone can see that he already lost consciousness and in the verge of death.

That single blow managed to cave the skull of his face, it was a terrifying thing that froze everyone on the spot. Lucius slowly revealed a happy smile as her blurry sight caught glimpse of the familiar reliable back. It was the person she relied the most and perhaps the only man she will ever trust. "Father!" Lucius exclaimed happily smiling.

Just his presence brought assurance to her, this gave Lucius enough strength to stay conscious through her pain. "Sorry I'm late little one" Luke said patting her head, he broke the rope that was tying her with his raw strength alone. Strangely enough, ever since he arrived at this time, his power was growing on its own.

No one could move for a few seconds and they only snapped at their trance once Luke faced them directly. "Now… next" Luke said between the gritting of his teeth. The state of Lucius managed to completely enrage him, his nail was already burrowing under his palm from how fierce he gripped it. "Bring it you bastards!" he shouted as the fight started.
